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Chapter 123 - Six Conjoint Skylights

Chapter 123 Liuhe Tianguang
Ye Chen arrived at the scene just in time, and "accidentally" knocked over everyone's glasses of wine.

"Ahhh! It's too wasteful, this is a fairy drunk that Qianyuan can't buy!" Chen Bifang expressed regret.

Ye Chen reached out to pick up the jasper glass in front of Lin Xian'er, and laughed heartily: "Hahaha! You guys are so mean, so many people drink together and don't bring me along! I'm late, so I'll punish myself with a drink first!"

With that said, Ye Chen unceremoniously passed the wine glass to his mouth, and drank it down in one gulp.

This action stunned everyone present.

Ye Chen smacked his lips, um, there was a sweet smell of roses.

Lin Xian'er blushed, "Ye Chen, that...that's my cup!"

She was a little shy in her heart, but she also breathed a sigh of relief, at least she didn't have to be embarrassed by the persuasion of Shengzi Kaiyang and others.

Ye Chen was as steady as an old dog.

Of course I know it's your cup.Otherwise I don't need it!
Shengzi Kaiyang and the others were angry and jealous.

"Ye Chen, we are having a banquet, why did you suddenly come here to disrupt the situation!"

Shengzi Kaiyang reprimanded angrily.

"How can it be called a spoiler? I'm here to add to the fun."

Ye Chen licked his lips, and there was still a lingering fragrance between his lips and teeth. In Lin Xianer's eyes, this little gesture made her not know how to place her hands.

Doing this kind of thing in front of so many Holy Sons and Holy Maidens really made her feel ashamed and a little bit excited.

It was the first time someone of the opposite sex did such a bold thing in front of her.

Well man, you managed to get my attention!
Ye Chen said lightly: "Now that the wine is finished, I have something to do with Xian'er, so you can talk slowly."

As he said that, he looked back at Lin Xian'er, smiled and said, "Xian'er, I just learned a piece of music recently, and I want to play it for you!"

The eyes of a group of young talents almost burst into flames.

"Hey, Ye Chen, don't you see that we are drinking and talking with Miss Xian'er?"

Shengzi Kaiyang scolded angrily.

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his eyes slashed across Kaiyang Shengzi's body like a knife.

"Xian'er is also worthy of your name?"

After Ye Chen gave him such a look, Kaiyang Shengzi suddenly felt a chill on his neck, as if he had been scratched by a sharp object.

"Why can't I be called? Miss Xian'er and I hit it off right away, and we have had a great conversation these past few days. To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that she is the Holy Maiden of Yaochi, I would have already considered proposing marriage to the Queen Mother of the West!"

The corner of Shengzi Kaiyang's mouth twitched, and he said triumphantly.

Lin Xian'er frowned when she heard this, "Sage Kaiyang, we have only met and exchanged a few words in the past few days. Please respect yourself!"

The Holy Son of Kaiyang shook his head, "Miss Xian'er, I am also the Holy Son of Kaiyang Holy Land. Could it be that you are not good enough for you? Besides, there are not no examples of saintesses marrying outsiders in the history of Yaochi. I asked myself Have this qualification!"

When he said this, there was a burst of laughter from beside him.

"Hey, what kind of toad dares to daydream these days. Are you worthy of marrying the holy maiden of Yaochi?"

The person who spoke was of course Ye Chen.

During this period of time, the relationship between him and Lin Xian'er has become increasingly close.

After seeing her face under the veil that day, Ye Chen decided to take her back to the Holy Land of Shaking Light and become his wife.

Shengzi Kaiyang molested Lin Xian'er in front of Ye Chen, isn't this courting death?
Shengzi Kaiyang was furious, and burst the Xuanyu Cup with one hand!
"Ye Chen, I didn't care about you before. It was because you were young and ignorant, and you didn't have the same knowledge as you! Now you are overconfident and provocative. Do you really think I dare not take action to teach you?"

As soon as he got angry, a vast amount of divine power poured out from his body, and a powerful coercion enveloped Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stood in the aura of Shengzi Kaiyang, allowing the divine power in front of him to be like a sea, but he didn't even have a side of his clothes blown up.

"Dragon Transformation Realm!"

Someone shouted next to him.

"No wonder Kaiyang Shengzi dared to speak to the holy body Taoist fetus like this. It turns out that he has been promoted to the realm of dragon transformation!"

"I've heard for a long time that some people in our generation have crossed the four poles and entered the realm of transforming dragons first. It seems that Kaiyang Shengzi is that group of people!"

Today, most of the younger generation of monks are still in the quadrupole realm.

Therefore, after Kaiyang Shengzi entered the realm of transforming dragons, his strength can naturally overlook everyone, and he has the capital of arrogance.

Tianquan Shengzi smiled and said: "Kaiyang Shengzi has practiced Taoism for three or five years before us, and it is not surprising that the realm is ahead!"

Ye Chen was not affected in the slightest by the divine power of Kaiyang Shengzi, but walked forward step by step.

"A monk in the realm of transforming a dragon is really amazing! But do you think that you are qualified to fight me?"

Shengzi Kaiyang didn't expect that he would not be able to suppress Ye Chen even if he was a big realm ahead of Ye Chen.

It stands to reason that it has only been a few months since Ye Chen broke through the quadrupole realm, and he hasn't even fully opened up the quadrupole secret realm that supports his body.

But even so, it was surprising that he could perform like this amidst his coercion.

Ye Chen gently squeezed the formula with his right hand, and a pure white flying fairy seal appeared in his palm, and then he struck towards Kaiyang Shengzi with a palm!
Shengzi Kaiyang snorted coldly, raised his hand and slapped it out, and suddenly a red divine light hit the Feixian seal.

The two forces surged and annihilated in the air, and they were controlled extremely skillfully by the two without spreading to the side.

Even so, the faces of the surrounding saints and saintesses changed suddenly, and they felt the amazing power in it.

I'm afraid that a little bit of this power can wipe out a mountain in an instant!
Kaiyang Shengzi soared into the sky, looked down at Ye Chen and said, "Ye Chen, you are too conceited! Although the Holy Body and Dao Embryo are extraordinary, if you want to win the dragon with four poles, it is tantamount to defeating the immortal. You Is it true that you are the reincarnation of the ancient emperor?"

Ye Chen raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth, soared into the air and chased after him. The holy method of fighting wars evolved a Fangtian painted halberd that pierced the sky, and shot towards Kaiyang Shengzi!
"When I hit you so hard you'll find your teeth everywhere, you'll know if I'm self-righteous!"

The two of them have a tacit understanding, and they can't use it on the ground, so they have to fight in the sky!
The sacred method of fighting can evolve into infinite magic, and the power of attack is unparalleled in the world.Although this Fang Tian painted halberd was evolved from divine power, it possesses extremely terrifying killing power!

Shengzi Kaiyang stood in the void, and suddenly six kinds of extremely gorgeous divine lights burst out from behind, and the halberd swept down towards Fangtian!

The divine light was as powerful as a heavenly sword. With one sweep, Fang Tian's painted halberd instantly cracked; with another sweep, Fang Tian's painted halberd shattered in the air!
"Liuhe Tianguang, the unique technique of Kaiyang Holy Land, claims to be able to sweep all the magical arts in the world, and integrates offense and defense. It is one of the most famous unique techniques in the Eastern Wasteland!"

The Son of Heaven Quan spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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