Chapter 132 I will kill you

Jun Immortal appeared, he was stronger than before, shrouded in holy light, wearing a Taoist robe with golden patterns on a white background, dazzling like a god of light.

Seeing Ye Chen who came to the door suddenly, he looked puzzled, as if he couldn't understand why his beloved junior brother did this?
In fact, he was already a little surprised.

Could it be that the matter in the Northern Territory was brought to light?
impossible!My arrangements are perfect, even if the Holy Master personally investigates, it is impossible to find any news about me.

Ye Chen looked at Jun Immortal's confused face, sneered and shook his head.

"Jun Immortal, stop pretending! Don't you know what you did?"

Jun Immortal sighed, "I think there must be some misunderstanding between us."

At this time, Ye Qingtian and others also came nearby.

However, they did not step forward, but chose to wait and see from a distance.

After all, this matter involved a ruthless person, and Ye Qingtian also said that they did not have any direct evidence to prove that Jun Immortal was the key to Ye Chen.

So this time, Ye Chen could only do it himself.

Sure enough, not long after they appeared, a black suit appeared on the hill in the distance.

Jun Immortal's guardian Zhou Lao appeared on the scene.

Ye Qingtian and him looked at each other, both of them were a bit jealous.

Elder Zhou is not from the Holy Land of Shaking Light, no one knows exactly where he came from.All I know is that he knows some seniors from the Waking Holy Land.

After all, the relationship between the Yaoguang Holy Land and the ruthless people's lineage is too deep, and many generations of predecessors have the ruthless people's lineage.

When the ruthless people are not born, they are no different from ordinary Shakers.Only when the ruthless person is born, they will show up to support.

Perhaps it can be understood that the ruthless lineage is an unknown branch of the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

After seeing Gu Nian, the eyes of Jun Immortal and Zhou Lao were a little hazy.

The divine fetus and the magic fetus cannot intersect.

Because one day, the magic fetus will become the enemy of the world.At that time, the god fetus will take the initiative to kill, and achieve the perfect chaotic body and the name of justice of the god fetus!

So all these years, Gu Nian has been following the half-step power arranged by them to monitor his every move.

What does it mean that he suddenly appeared here?
When Gu Nian saw Jun Immortal and Zhou Lao, his heart was extremely complicated.

Back then, it was these two people who led him on a road of no return.

But now that he chooses to face it calmly, he no longer has any fear in his heart.

Jun Immortal is not in the mood to pay attention to Gu Nian now, Ye Chen is the big problem.

He was a little uncertain whether Ye Chen came because of the incident in the Northern Territory.

"Junior Brother Ye Chen, there must be some misunderstanding between you and me. I heard that you were in danger in the Northern Territory, and I was extremely anxious. If I hadn't been in retreat during that time, I really wanted to go to the Northern Territory to save you in person!"

Jun Immortal has a sincere expression on his face, if it were Xiaobai who didn't know, he might really believe it.

However, the person standing in front of him today is Ye Chen.

He is an ordinary person with an ordinary mind, greedy for life and afraid of death, every bit of kindness must be repaid, and every grievance must be repaid.

To put it bluntly, Ye Chen believed that Jun Immortal was going to kill him.

But what if Jun Immortal did not do it?

He will not allow any danger to hide around him.

"Jun Immortal, the evidence is as solid as a mountain! I heard the person who killed me say with my own ears that you were the one who wanted to kill me! How dare you argue!"

Ye Chen spoke righteously and said through gritted teeth.

Just like the real thing.

Jun Immortal was stunned.

What the hell, who is talking nonsense here!
If he can know that I am secretly arranging it, I will cut off my head and give him a kick!

Lu Keran and Meng Linfan were all shocked when they heard the news.

"Ye Chen was attacked in the Northern Territory, and Jun Immortal did it!"

"This... is really unimaginable. I thought Jun Immortal was an upright person!"

Meng Linfan looked at the senior officials of the Holy Land, pretending to be sorry and said.

None of the people who stayed in the Holy Land knew about this matter.

Ye Qingtian had already told everyone at that time that in order not to arouse the vigilance of Jun Immortal and Ruthless People, he kept it a secret from others.

Lu Keran clenched his pink fist, frowned and said, "If this is true, it would be too terrifying!"

She has always disliked Jun Immortal, and she also knows that he has a deep scheming mind, and only considers the result in his actions, and does not use any means.

Ye Chen was attacked in the Northern Territory, it is indeed possible that he betrayed Ye Chen's information.

"Brother Ye Chen, someone must have deliberately framed me! They want to drive a wedge between you and me!"

Jun Immortal said with a heartbroken look.

He had already noticed Ye Qingtian and other elders of the sect appearing in the distance, so he immediately understood what was going on.

If Ye Chen really had conclusive evidence, he wouldn't come running over to talk nonsense to him.Ye Qingtian can't spare him either!
The reason why Ye Qingtian and the others didn't do anything was because of insufficient evidence.

He only had one doubt, how did Ye Chen suspect him?
"Shut up! I wasn't the only one who heard those words at the time. The brothers and elders present can all testify! How dare you argue!"

Ye Chen scolded sharply.

Jun Immortal's eyebrows twitched.

No, no, no, no?Someone actually found out I did it?

No matter how you think about it, it is illogical.

Well, anyway, I'm going to kill him and refuse to admit it!
"Hey, Junior Brother Ye Chen. I understand. You are afraid that I will rob you of the position of Shengzi Yaoguang, so you deliberately framed me, right?"

Jun Immortal let out a long sigh, his face full of regret.

"Actually, I'd rather give you the position of the Holy Son of Light, than fight with you!"

In the distance, Zhou Yizun had a smile on his face and was already giving Jun Immortal a thumbs up.

Not bad, good acting skills!

Ye Chen rolled his eyes.

How about pretending to be your horse?
In the Holy Land Ranking Tournament, after you lost to me, your fists were clenched so hard that you were about to bleed!

"That's good, you can make a statement now, saying that you will give up being the Son of the Holy Land of Shaking Light!"

Ye Chen is a bachelor, don't you want to pretend to beep?I give you a chance.

Jun Immortal was stunned for a moment.

I'm just being polite, are you serious?

"Ahem, ahem, I naturally don't care about the position of Holy Son. But this matter has to be decided by the elders of the master!"

Hearing what he said, Ye Chen sneered.

"Jun Immortal, don't be hypocritical here! You colluded with the Yaozu and the elders of Dayan Holy Land, and secretly harmed your fellow sect. The evidence is convincing! I and dozens of fellow sects have heard it with our own ears, and there can be lies!"

He didn't intend to let Jun Immortal defend himself any longer.

After all, it was just a war of words, and he couldn't produce any real evidence.

In short, just do it!

Talking so much is just that I don't want anyone to intervene and affect him to solve this stumbling block!
Behind Ye Chen, nine visions emerged one after another, overwhelming the world and trembling.

"Today, I will avenge all my colleagues who died in vain!"

Behind Ye Chen was an extremely terrifying scene. Nine phenomena emerged one after another, and the terrifying coercion made Jun Immortal's face change suddenly.

"Nine visions! How is this possible!"

This is already beyond Jun Immortal's comprehension. He is in his 20s, but he has cultivated the terrifying vision Candle Dragon Hiding the Sun as a mortal body, which is already amazing.

But what are these nine visions!Can anyone have so many Lunhai visions throughout the ages?

Even his guardian Zhou Lao was dumbfounded.

"This... I have heard that the holy body wheel sea is different and can have multiple visions. But I have never heard of the scene where the nine visions appear together!"

"Is this the ability that belongs to the sacramental body above the ancient holy body?"

(End of this chapter)

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