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Chapter 133 Indestructible Heavenly Art

Chapter 133 Indestructible Heavenly Art
Ye Chen came here today not to discuss with Jun Immortal, but to kill him!

So he shot mercilessly, directly showing his strongest combat power.

The nine visions merged into one, the fairy king descended from the nine heavens, Yi bent his bow and shot at the sun, chaos divided Yin and Yang, and mountains and rivers gathered in the scroll...

These are powerful visions that monks have dreamed of all their lives!
But in Ye Chen's place, nine of them appeared in a row!
Lu Keran and Meng Linfan were all dumbfounded.

Originally, Qi Beimiao came here with a sword in his hand, and planned to fight Ye Chen with all his strength after he was promoted to the Four Pole Realm.

But as soon as these nine visions appeared, he suddenly felt a deep sense of powerlessness.

This... Is there such a big gap between these f*cking people?
How to fight this!

The combination of the nine visions made Ye Chen's aura rise to a terrifying level.

The realm of forbidden gods is unparalleled in its mysteries, the acme that monks have spent their entire lives chasing after.According to legend, only the ancient great emperor can stay in this field, his power is extremely sublimated, and he can fight over eight realms!
Even Junzimi among the Nine Secrets can only fight beyond eight realms, and once the realm of God Forbidden comes out, it will even exceed the ability of Junzimi!

"Jun Immortal, you have painstakingly harmed me. In addition to shaking the status of the Holy Son, you also covet my origin! Now I am standing here, showing your indestructible power and let me take a look!"

Ye Chen merged with the fairy king in the vision, and the infinite starlight fell from the sky and merged into the vision.That terrifying aura is as majestic as a prison, and it has surpassed the extreme of the four poles!
Jun Immortal's complexion finally became serious.

He originally thought that Ye Chen hadn't practiced Taoism for a long time, even if the two faced him, he would not be his opponent.

Stepping into the realm of the four poles, what about the small success of the Eucharistic Body and Dao Embryo?
But now, he realized one thing.

That is the real genius, which cannot be measured by common sense!
"Hey, Junior Brother Ye Chen! If you want to fight, I will fight with you. But I hope you understand that I have no malice towards you!"

Jun Immortal sighed softly, and all the strength in his body also burst out, and the endless holy light enveloped a sky, fighting against Ye Chen's coercion!

This is the power from the realm of transforming dragons!
Jun Immortal has been at the pinnacle of the four poles for many years, and finally made a breakthrough during this period of time, becoming a powerful monk who transforms dragons!

A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, "Junior Brother Ye Chen, don't say that senior brother bullies you! If you retreat now, there is still time!"

Ye Chen sneered, "I said, today I will make you pay for the death of your fellow disciple! No one can stop it!"


Ye Chen swung the Six Paths of Samsara Fist, and blasted towards Jun Immortal!

His body and vision merged into one, like a fairy king descending, the golden shadow of the fist pierced through the heaven and earth, making the void tremble!
Jun Immortal had fought against Ye Chen before, and he knew that the physique of the Saint Body Dao Embryo was unparalleled, so he didn't dare to fight recklessly, but drifted away and then retreated!

As soon as the holy light technique was activated, he stood in the light and cast the supreme technique.

With a squeeze of the seal in his hand, countless white lotuses bloomed behind him, turning into thousands of white fairies, holding lotus leaves in their hands, and flying towards Ye Chen with their feet on the lotus!

The Great Elder saw clearly from a distance, frowned and said: "Jun Immortal has been promoted to the realm of transforming dragons, and his comprehension of the "Bright Dao Code" has been sublimated, and the power of Taoism is more than ten times stronger than before!"

Ye Qingtian clasped his hands, watching everything here from a distance.

He said leisurely: "However, in terms of enlightenment, when did Xiaochen lag behind others?"

Not to mention Jun Immortal, even he, the Lord of Light, sometimes has to ask Ye Chen for advice!
Sure enough, facing Jun Immortal's Feixian seal, Ye Chen sneered.

"Don't you use the method of the ruthless emperor?"

Stirring his hands in the void, he used the sacred method of fighting to evolve a black gold cauldron with dragon patterns.

Soon, the Kyushu heavy weapon with three legs and two ears took shape, the whole body was pitch black, with dark golden dragon patterns swimming on the tripod body, a ray of terrifying extreme emperor power appeared, turning into strands of chaotic air flowing down from the tripod body, Cracks appeared in the compressed void.

"Fight the Holy Law!"

Old Zhou's pupils shrank. He didn't expect Ye Chen to go to the Northern Territory and learn this kind of holy art, which is said to be unparalleled in the world in terms of attack power!
Ye Chen pushed lightly with both hands, and the dragon-patterned black gold tripod passed through a straight passage in the void, and slammed straight into Jun Immortal!
What kind of fairy or lotus, before they approached, they were shattered by the void of the dragon pattern black gold tripod.

Although the Taoism of the eighth layer of "Bright Dao Code" is powerful, it still has a gap compared with the holy method of Dou Zhan.

But the most important point is that Ye Chen's comprehension of Dao surpasses Jun Immortal!

The huge black golden cauldron with dragon patterns seems to be slow, but in fact it is approaching rapidly, and it keeps magnifying in Jun Immortal's eyes, as if it is going to turn into a dark world and trap him in it.

Jun Immortal's pupils shrank, and finally realized that Ye Chen should not be underestimated anymore!

He embraced the void with his hands, like a fairy holding a bottle.

A dark void emerged between the arms. It was an extremely dark force, like a black hole in the universe, as if it could swallow everything.

Ye Chen's eyes became sharper.

"Is the Taoism of the Ruthless Emperor finally going to be used?"

Jun Immortal clasped both hands, and a quaint treasure vase took shape, crashing into the oncoming dragon-patterned black gold tripod!

This time the impact was silent, because all energy fluctuations and even light and sound were swallowed by a huge black hole.

The black golden tripod with dragon pattern and the treasure vase of the great way shattered in the void, and then merged into a black hole.

"This is, Immortal Heaven Art?"

Ye Chen stared at Jun Immortal, and asked slowly.

That terrifying black hole made him feel palpitations.It seems that once it is swallowed, it will be like falling into a swamp and cannot extricate itself.

Ye Chen was not the only one who was surprised, Ye Qingtian and others saw Jun Immortal perform this technique for the first time.

He is too stable. Although he has practiced the ruthless method for more than 20 years, he has never used it in front of others.

Even if you use it, everyone who sees it will become a dead person.

The great elder glanced at the stunned Lu Keran and the others, and said lightly: "Remember, everything you see today must be kept secret. You are not allowed to talk about it with anyone, even the same door. confidential!"

Lu Keran, Meng Linfan, and Qi Beimiao nodded with complicated eyes.

They always thought that Jun Immortal was hiding a big secret, but they never thought it was such a terrifying thing.

If his identity is known by other forces in the Eastern Wilderness, I'm afraid they will kill him at all costs!

At this moment, Jun Immortal's aura has completely changed.No longer bright and holy, the light surrounding him also turned into an incomparably huge black hole.

His black hair fluttered, standing in the air like a demon god.

Looking at Ye Chen, the corner of Jun Immortal's mouth raised a cold smile.

"You sent this to your door yourself, don't blame me!"

(End of this chapter)

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