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Chapter 142 Heading to the Spirit Market

Chapter 142 Heading to the Spirit Market
Ye Qingtian's attitude made the Black Emperor very dissatisfied.

"Isn't it just a few elixir plants! In those years when I was with Emperor Wushi, I wouldn't even bother to take a look at them! At that time, I would eat immortality medicine for food!"

Ye Qing blew his beard furiously, "You've ruined two thousand-year-old medicinal plants! Or swallow them alive!"

The Millennium Medicine King is the material for refining top-level pills, and it can prolong the lives of monks. Apart from the medicine of immortality, it is already a top-level treasure medicine!

This is the Black Emperor. If someone else dared to steal the medicine, he would have been publicly executed by the Yaoguang Holy Land long ago!
Zhen Yao persuaded with a smile: "Okay, okay, it's just two medicine kings. I think the Black Emperor also has injuries on his body, so he needs to use them to heal, right?"

Hearing what Zhen Yao said, Hei Huang felt a little embarrassed.

To be reasonable, even if he wasn't hurt at all, he still couldn't help but stuff it into his pocket when he saw something good.

"Well, that's what happened."

Back then, his cultivation base was as good as the heavens, but now his cultivation base has returned to zero, and he has to practice again step by step.Of course, there is some urgency, wanting to improve one's cultivation through various spiritual objects.

After all, unlike other monks, he needs to realize the Tao, because he is already a great monk at the level of a holy dog.You only need to use the divine materials of heaven and earth to quickly improve your cultivation.

Zhen Yao walked up to it. Heihuang's body was as big as a calf, standing on the ground with four legs reaching Ye Chen's neck height.

Zhen Yao saluted it generously, "Heihuang, Xiaochen will travel abroad later, so I will trouble you! He is young and has little experience. As a senior, you should support him a lot!"

What Zhen Yao said was sincere.The Black Emperor himself has made a lot of good things in the Holy Land of Waving Light, so now he is eating people's mouths.

It glanced at Ye Chen, and its big paws clapped loudly on its chest.

"Don't worry if I'm here! If anyone dares to touch Ye Chen, I, the Black Emperor, will be the first to let him go! Woof!"

Ye Qingtian's expression also eased a lot.

In fact, they all knew that the Black Emperor, as the spiritual pet of Emperor Wushi, was definitely not an ordinary dog.

If it wasn't for a mistake in his cultivation, he would at least be at the holy dog ​​level after leaving Zishan.

Letting it accompany Ye Chen to travel around the world is also a good insurance policy.

The key is its rich experience, that is the most important wealth.

After explaining to the Black Emperor, Zhen Yao pulled Ye Chen aside, took out a jade bottle stopper from her sleeve and gave it to him.

"Mom, what is this?"

Ye Chen asked curiously.

"Shenyuan, worth as much as 100 million catties! There are also various elixirs, magic tools, and array flags. You are leaving the Holy Land of Wave Light this time, and going out to practice. You must prepare more things with you!"

Ye Chen was so moved.

"Mother, these must be your treasures for many years, right?"

To be honest, he was a little teary.

Zhen Yao smiled mysteriously, "No, this is your father's small treasury, I secretly took it!"

Ye Chen suddenly realized, "Oh, if you want to say that, then I'll take it!"

Recalling the trip to the Northern Territory, I was hurt so badly by Ye Qingtian's enemies, this can be regarded as recouping some interest.

I can't always cheat my son, and the son has to cheat once.

A few days later, Ye Chen only took the Black Emperor with him and left the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

Because the place to go this time is more dangerous, there is the Lingxu where the barren pagoda and the tomb of the demon emperor are buried, and there is a life forbidden area like the barren ancient forbidden land.

Therefore, he did not bring any people from the Holy Land and planned to go alone.

After all, in such a Jedi, even if there are many people in the Holy Land of Shaking Light, it is meaningless.

At that time, Tianxuan Holy Land was at its peak, and they were sent to attack the ancient forbidden land, but the result was that almost the entire army was wiped out?

Originally, he considered bringing Lu Keran and Gu Nian with him.

After all, one of these two people is his quasi-sage concubine, and the other is his younger brother, and they are both outstanding heroes in the Eastern Wasteland.Ye Chen didn't mind letting them share the opportunity with him.

However, Gu Nian wanted to go back to Taixuanmen, and Lu Keran gained a lot of insights from watching the battle between Ye Chen and Jun Immortal, and wanted to retreat and break through the realm of transforming dragons.

So this trip, only Ye Chen and Heihuang have one person and one dog.

Starting from the Holy Land of Shaking Light, he directly opened the domain gate and sent Ye Chen to the vicinity of the Lingxu.

Lingxu is also a well-known place in the Southern Region.

This is a vast ruins, even larger than the territory of a holy place.

There are many broken walls among them, and some people suspect that it was once the site of a great religion.

But Ye Chen knew that this was the former site of the Heavenly Court of the last great emperor in the post-desolate ancient era—the Qing Emperor.

Heavenly Court, a terrifying organization established by Emperor Zun, the supreme extreme master in ancient times.

Among them, more than one is an emperor-level master. At that time, when the king came to the universe, many star fields had to surrender.

Later, Emperor Zun's teaching and ascension failed, and the heavenly court collapsed.

However, the legend of the Heavenly Court has been handed down.

Many great emperors and ancient emperors in later generations wanted to rebuild the Heavenly Court, but none of them succeeded in the end.

And Emperor Qing is also one of them.

The demon clan heaven he established slowly declined as he disappeared into the world, and finally turned into such a vast ruin.

"A lotus plant in the eternal blue sky! Emperor Qing is also a remarkable figure."

Coming to the Lingxu, Ye Chen looked down at the huge Lingxu and said with emotion.

Through some huge ruins, one can still feel how powerful the Yaozu Heavenly Court was back then.

The huge stone pillar reaching the sky, and the Nantian Gate, which is comparable to a mountain, are already covered with weeds.But that majestic momentum has not weakened in the slightest with the passage of time.

The Black Emperor nodded, "Even in the purple mountain, I can feel the changes between heaven and earth in the ancient times. The law of the great way has changed, suppressing monks, making it difficult for them to feel the existence of the law of the great way. Proving the Dao and becoming an emperor under the conditions is indeed a fierce man!"

There are very few people who can be evaluated by the Black Emperor, but the Qing Emperor does have this qualification.

Ye Chen even felt that the last great emperor in the post-desolate ancient era was much more powerful than many previous great emperors.

After all, he knows much more than ordinary people.

At this time, the Qing Emperor not only did not die, but also tried to evolve the Immortal Realm by himself with the help of the Immortal Artifact Barren Tower.

In a world where all monks want to ascend, this idea is not surprising!
Heihuang tilted his head, stared at Ye Chen with big eyes and asked, "You came here at the first stop after you left the Holy Land of Waving Light. Could it be that you want to find an opportunity from the ancient heaven of the demon clan? Even if there is really a relic of Emperor Qing here , it was already divided up by the major holy lands and the ancient family."

Ye Chen shook his head, "That's not necessarily the case! Emperor Qing has been in existence for tens of thousands of years, but his extreme emperor soldiers have never appeared. This is also the reason why the descendants of Emperor Qing did not form a inheritance similar to the Huanggu family. What do you say , will it be here?"

(End of this chapter)

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