Chapter 143
Heihuang looked at Ye Chen, and suddenly grinned, "Boy Ye Chen, do you have any news? I don't believe that a smart person like you would believe such groundless things."

Of course, Ye Chen couldn't tell him that I have figured out the whole world!

He smiled mysteriously, "The secret must not be leaked! But I do have news that the Qing Emperor's Taoist soldiers are hidden here. And something you may be more interested in."


"The ancient scriptures of the monster clan created by Emperor Qing!"

The black emperor's big eyes lit up immediately, "You mean the ancient scriptures of the Yaozu great emperor!"

The cultivation of the monster race and the human race is different. For the Black Emperor, those ancient scriptures of the human race cannot be cultivated at all.Even if you practice, it will be greatly reduced.

Back then, Emperor Wushi mastered the divine arts of the heavens, but what could be passed on to him in the end was very limited.

Therefore, for the Black Emperor, the ancient scriptures of the last great emperor of the Yaozu are definitely a huge temptation!

It put its big paw on Ye Chen's shoulder excitedly, "Ye Chen, don't lie to me! Is there really an ancient scripture of the Great Emperor here?"

Ye Chen looked around, and whispered in its ear: "I'll tell you the truth! The tomb of the Demon Emperor is here. There are not only Qing Emperor's extreme soldiers, but also his ancient scriptures. There is the medicine of immortality! As for the other treasures, hehehe! I won’t say much about the funeral objects of the Demon Emperor!”

The Heihuang's eyes became brighter and brighter, even glowing green.

"Aww!! It's so exciting! Little Yezi, I've done this job! Let's go, dig the grave!"

"Wait a minute!"

Ye Chen held back the excited Heihuang.

"That's the tomb of the Demon Emperor! It's definitely not that easy to get in. We have to be careful and check first."

Lingxu is vast and boundless, and has existed for tens of thousands of years.

The towering ancient trees inside gave birth to many powerful spiritual beings and monster races.

Ye Chen wasn't so dazed, what if he plunged in and encountered a powerful old demon?
After one person and one dog made a total calculation, they decided to check the situation around first, and then go in.

They came to a human town outside Lingxu and asked the local residents about the situation here.

"You mean the ruins? We don't dare to go in! Usually only the elders of the surrounding fairy sects will go in and pick some elixir."

That's what the locals said.

Ye Chen's heart moved, "Is there a sect of cultivating immortals nearby? Is there a place called Lingxu Cave?"

"That's right! That's one of the six famous cave heavens and blessed places in Yandi! The elders in it are all supernatural, they can fly clouds and rain, and fly with a rainbow!"

The man's eyes were full of admiration.

"Hey, it's a pity that I don't have immortal roots, so I can't worship in the Lingxu Cave to practice."

He was full of regret. He also went to Lingxu Cave, and knelt in front of the door for a day and a night.

An elder came over to look at him, said "no spiritual root" and left.

From then on, he gave up the idea of ​​cultivating immortals, and became a small commoner down-to-earth.

Ye Chen asked with a smile: "May I ask how to get to the Lingxu Cave?"

The little brother stretched out his finger and pointed the direction, and it was in a place full of aura among the mountains.

Ye Chen thanked him, then took out a pill and gave it to him.

"There's nothing to thank you for. This elixir can prolong your life, make you as light as a swallow, and have extraordinary physical strength. Consider it a small gift!"

The little brother took the elixir, he was in a state of surprise, when he looked up, the person and dog in front of him had disappeared.

"Ouch, I met a fairy!"

Only then did he realize that he was lucky, he glanced at the elixir in his hand, and swallowed it without hesitation.

Not long after, I felt a warm current flowing through my body.

Immediately, the field of vision in front of him widened, and flies hundreds of meters away could be seen clearly.And the body is comfortable, feeling full of strength.

At this time, Ye Chen had come to the mountains with the Black Emperor, and followed the direction pointed by the man to find the Lingxu Cave.

"Why are you looking for an unknown little pie?"

The Black Emperor asked.

Ye Chen blinked, "Isn't this very simple? What kind of place do you usually choose to start a sect?"

"Of course it's a place with plenty of spiritual energy! It's best to store spiritual veins underground."

Black Emperor said.

It immediately understood, "You mean, the place where the demon emperor's tomb is located gathers spiritual energy, so there will be monks who start a sect here?"

Ye Chen nodded.

"Didn't you hear what he said just now? The Lingxu Cave Heaven is one of the six blessed places in the Yan Kingdom. The place where this small sect can become a blessed place must be the place with the strongest aura around it. Therefore, Qingdi's tomb is extremely It may be near the Lingxu Cave."

"So that's it! I didn't expect you to be quite smart!"

Hei Huang grinned, "I can't believe it, you are a five-year-old doll!"

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

Of course I am smart!But this time it's not because I'm smart, it's just that I've read the script.

The two went all the way, and finally found the location of Lingxu Cave.

There is aura in the mountains, which is as vast as smoke, covering a large area of ​​hazy buildings.

There is a formation outside the Lingxu Cave, and ordinary people can't see the scene after seeing it, but can only see some mirage-like scenes in a daze.

But this clumsy formation is nothing in front of Ye Chen and Heihuang.

Naturally, this small sect cannot compare with the Holy Land of Fluctuating Light. Even Congfeng, the most desolate place in Fluctuating Light, is many times more aura than here.

"Let's go! Go to the monks in Lingxu Cave and ask about the situation."

Ye Chen flew towards Lingxu Cave as he spoke.

He didn't need to pass on this kind of small sect at all, and he was so dignified that he would be a holy son. In the whole southern region, any sect would welcome him when he saw it.

Before one person and one dog came to the mountain gate, there was a long hundred steps leading directly to the mountain gate.

Ye Chen's heart skipped a beat, and he fell down.

The Lingxu Cave is actually above the tomb of the demon emperor, but the tomb of the demon emperor is huge, and it is not known where the entrance is.

He stepped onto the steps and walked up step by step.

As soon as he stepped on his right foot, the sound of the Great Dao sounded in his mind, as deafening as a Honglu bell.

The Black Emperor followed Ye Chen. At first, he didn't know what the hell he was doing, but he was surprised the next moment.

"What kind of place is this? There is an ancient Dao sound!"

"Below is the tomb of the demon emperor, and the Taoist voice we heard also came from it."

Ye Chen said lightly, then stopped talking, and felt the morality in it with his heart.

He didn't tell the truth, the Dao sound didn't come from the Demon Emperor's Tomb, but from the Desolate Pagoda.

That is the Dao sound from the fairy artifact, which can help people realize the Dao.

The fact that Lingxu Cave Heaven can become one of the six great cave heavens and blessed places in Yandi may have something to do with the barren pagoda.

One person and one dog listened quietly, and walked slowly up the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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