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Chapter 3 Heaven-Defying Physique, Wendao Breakthrough

Chapter 3 Heaven-Defying Physique, Wendao Breakthrough

Ye Qingtian, the Lord of Shaking Light, was delighted to have a son, and Ye Chen was born with a heaven-defying physique, which made him overjoyed.

"Although the holy body cannot break through the four extremes, we can first cultivate the holy body to the Taoist palace. At that time, the physique has far surpassed that of ordinary monks. Then we will switch to the law of the great way. In this way, it is better than the innate Taoist fetus. Less!" Ye Qingtian said happily.

Ye Chen rolled his eyes straight, if this is the case, then his unparalleled physique will be wasted.

Ye Qingtian and his wife brought Ye Chen directly to the Shrine of Light, and wanted to retreat and focus on cultivating Ye Chen and laying a good foundation for him.

The Wave Light Temple is located on the Guangming Peak, and it is the highest place of the Wave Light Holy Land. Only the Holy Lord and his wife are eligible to live here.

The aura on the peak is extremely dense, and it is the location of a dragon vein in the Eastern Desolation and Southern Territory. The aura is so thick that it has even liquefied into a river, flowing around the Guangming Peak; there are many rare birds and animals on the peak, all of which are rare ancient species. This place is used as a mount.A day of practice here is worth a thousand days of practice in an ordinary paradise!
And the Temple of Waving Light is also extremely mysterious. It is suspended on the top of Guangming Peak and is made of bronze. It is said that it is an extraordinary magic weapon.There are rumors that the strongest foundation of the Yaoguang Holy Land, the Black Gold Cauldron with the Dragon Pattern of the Extreme Emperor Armor, is hidden in the hall.

Ye Qingtian held Ye Chen in his arms and drove Shenhong up to the Shrine of Light, and from a distance, he saw a simple and majestic bronze temple suspended on the top of the mountain.

"Ding, the sign-in location has been refreshed, please complete the sign-in at the Shaking Light Temple."

The system sent the sign-in message again.

Ye Chen didn't hesitate at all, "Sign in!"

"Ding, the host has completed the sign-in, and the emperor-level stunt is rewarded: Lightning Palm!"

In Ye Chen's mind, a piece of purple exercises emerged as words, which were directly imprinted in his soul.

"This is... the unique skill of the Fluctlight King!"

Ye Chen was very surprised. Unexpectedly, he signed the special skill Lightning Palm of the King of Fluctuations here!
At the beginning, Ye Fan's arch-rival, Shaking King, lacked the chaotic body, and when he was at his great achievement, he fought with Ye Fan, who was at the great completion of the holy body.Its special skill Lightning Palm shocked the world, making Ye Fan very afraid!

At that time, Ye Fan was already an emperor-level combat power, so King Yaoguang's Lightning Palm was also an emperor-level stunt!

After he became the Lord of Fluctuating Light back then, it seems that he created the unique skill of Lightning Palm in the Temple of Fluctuating Light.

Ye Qingtian and his wife brought Ye Chen up to the Wave Light Temple, and then began to teach him the exercises of the Wave Light Holy Land.

In the temple, Ye Qingtian and Ye Chen sat on the futon.

Although Ye Chen was only a few days old at this time, he could already speak and run.

The Holy Body Dao Embryo gave him an extremely powerful physique, so even though he was just born, his physical fitness was already comparable to that of an ordinary adult.

If other people see this scene, they will be scared and shout monsters, but in the world of monks, although this phenomenon is rare, it is not uncommon.Especially the geniuses who possess the divine body and holy body, each have their own extraordinary features from birth.

"Son, as a father, what I want to teach you next is the supreme exercise of our Shaking Light Holy Land "Guangming Dao Dian". This is the second only exercise in the world after the Emperor's Sutra and the Ancient Emperor's Sutra. I hope you will practice it more frequently." , become an emperor soon!"

Ye Chen's forehead was full of black lines, and he questioned in a childish voice: "Father, you are also the Holy Master after all, so can't you pin your dreams on yourself?"

Ye Qingtian smiled "hehe" and stroked his goatee, "Although Dad is also a peerless genius among trillions of living beings, he is still a little bit worse than the innate sacramental body. However, although I want to become an emperor far away Hopeless, but it does not affect my hope for the next generation!"

Ye Chen: "..."

Then, Ye Qingtian began to teach Ye Chen the "Bright Dao Code" in person.

Ye Chen quickly got up and listened carefully, reborn in this world of practice, and possessed the most terrifying physique, of course he would not be willing to be a salted fish.

Proving the Tao and becoming an emperor seems to be a very interesting choice!

Ye Qingtian personally dictated the "Guangming Dao Code" for Ye Chen, and when teaching it, he also used his own Dao Tianyin to help Ye Chen realize it.

After a whole day and night, Ye Qing finally finished the first volume.

"It's almost done here." Ye Qingtian stopped and didn't continue talking.

The "Bright Dao Code" is very complicated, with a total of nine volumes.It is the supreme secret of the Shaking Light Holy Land, and it is very difficult to cultivate.

And the first volume of introduction chapter is the key chapter of foundation building, the practice of this volume will take a lot of time and polish the foundation well.

"After finishing the first volume, it is considered a success to practice Shengguang Xiwei. It only took half a year to practice as a father, and the cultivation speed has already ranked among the top five in history. But my son is a genius, with the appearance of a great emperor , should be enough for a month at most, hahaha!"

After Ye Qingtian finished speaking, he stretched out his hand, and countless treasures of heaven and earth, sources of gods, and elixir suddenly appeared in the huge bronze hall, which made the aura of the whole bronze hall more intense and helped Ye Chen practice.

"Okay son, you have to understand it yourself. Daddy is optimistic about you!" Ye Qingtian made a victory gesture to Ye Chen, turned around and was about to leave.

In the guide chapter, others can only guide others to practice, and then slowly realize it by yourself. After completing this step, you can officially embark on the path of cultivation.

He had already said what he needed to say, and it was up to Ye Chen to do the rest.

"Wait a minute."

Ye Chen sat on the futon, resting his chin in one hand, lazily called Ye Qingtian.

Ye Qingtian turned around, "What's the matter, son? Is there anything I didn't understand?"

Ye Chen shook his head, then slowly stretched out one of his middle fingers...

"Son, who did you learn from? Daddy will spank you if you don't behave!" Ye Qingtian had an angry look on his forehead.

However, at the next moment, a sacred radiance burst out from Ye Chen's fingertips, like a bright lamp, instantly illuminating the entire bronze temple.

"Shengguang Xiwei, this is it, right?" Ye Chen asked lightly.

Now, Ye Qingtian stared blankly at his little son, completely stunned.

It took only one day to practice the first volume of the highest exercise in the Holy Land of Shaking Light, "Bright Dao Code"!
Ye Chen stood up from the futon, I don't know if it was Ye Qingtian's illusion, but he actually felt that the movement of Ye Chen standing up was like a giant standing up from the ground!
Tick ​​tock!

Golden ripples emerged on Ye Chen's lower abdomen, which was the location of the sea of ​​bitterness, the source of life.

As Ye Chen began to practice the exercises of "Bright Dao Code", all the power of 150 million catties of origin stones he absorbed when he was born poured into the sea of ​​bitterness!

A little golden light appeared in the originally dark sea of ​​bitterness, and then quickly turned into a monstrous golden wave, covering the entire sea of ​​bitterness!

The sound of the tsunami emanated from the sea of ​​bitterness, and the golden light illuminated the entire hall, projecting along the doors and windows, and the entire Holy Land of Shaking Light was clearly visible!

Seeing this phenomenon, all the elders in the holy land drove the divine rainbow to fly to the temple.Ye Chen's mother, Zhen Yao, also rushed over immediately.

"Is this the sea of ​​suffering of the Eucharist?" Ye Qingtian asked in surprise.

This is not the end, after Ye Chen's sea of ​​bitterness turned golden, a spring appeared in the center of the sea of ​​bitterness, from which divine power gushed out.

"This... has directly reached the realm of Life Spring!"

Ye Qingtian, Zhen Yao and the other elders were all stunned. For a baby who was born less than a month old to embark on the road of cultivation, it is against the sky!To break the mirror and reach the realm of life spring so quickly!

"It's not over yet!" Elder Ninth's voice trembled.

Needless to say, everyone knew it wasn't over yet.Because in Ye Chen's sea of ​​bitterness, the spring of life became more and more vigorous, and finally rose into the sky and turned into a bright bridge!

 Remarks: Lightning Palm, the unique skill of the Shaking Light King in the original book.Although I was the same as you when I saw it at the time, I thought the name Low exploded!But it’s called this name~╮(╯▽╰)╭

(End of this chapter)

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