Chapter 4 The Son of God
The Holy Master, the Holy Master's wife, and the Nine Elders of Shaking Light Holy Land are all famous monks in the Eastern Wasteland. They have seen countless geniuses and geniuses, but today they were still shocked when they faced Ye Chen who was constantly breaking through!
His aura kept rising, and the energy of 150 million jin of origin stones was not wasted at all, and he was trying his best to open up his Lunhai Shenzang!
He didn't know how to practice before, and these powers were all stored in his body, but after he understood the "Guangming Dao Canon", Ye Chen only slightly operated the wheel sea divine power according to the method recorded in it, resulting in the current effect.

The Sea of ​​Bitterness, the Spring of Life, the Bridge of God, and the Other Shore.

He jumped across the four realms of the Lunhai Realm in one day, and a wide divine bridge rose from the golden ocean to reach the other shore, from which a steady stream of life energy flowed through the whole body!
This is the metamorphosis of the Ancient Saint Physique. In Ye Chen's words, it is the physique that only RMB players should have.Before the quadrupole realm, as long as you are willing to spend money desperately, your cultivation base can rise like a rocket!
The Eucharist crosses the border, the golden light is overflowing, and the waves are bursting, which is frightening like a tsunami!
It wasn't until he reached the realm of the other shore that his body's divine power gradually subsided, and this vision slowly disappeared.

Ye Chen felt his body warm. He waved his arms and felt that his body had infinite strength, as if he could punch through a mountain with one punch!
"Is this cultivation? I don't feel anything!"

Ye Chen scratched his head, looking innocently at his parents and the elders of the Holy Land.

The faces of all the elders are a little strange. Others have to practice hard for many years to cross the four realms of Lunhai. Even the immortal seedlings with amazing cultivation talents will need to spend several years to complete.

But Ye Chen broke through four realms in a row just after listening to Ye Qingtian's "Guangming Dao Code" for a whole day!He also said he didn't feel anything!
This TM is too enviable and jealous!
Ling Jianzi gritted his teeth and said, "If he hadn't appeared in our sect, I would have killed him even if I tried to provoke a Holy Land or a remote family!"

Ling Jianzi's swordsmanship is very upright, and so is his conduct, his mouth is notorious in the practice circle.

But this time, although his words were ugly, they got everyone's approval.

Because Ye Chen's cultivation talent is too monstrous, I am afraid that no holy land or ancient family in the Eastern Wilderness is willing to see his rise!

"Ahem, what happened here today must be kept secret, and no one is allowed to tell it!" Ye Qingtian said with a serious face.

The Great Elder nodded seriously, "If anyone asks, just say that the Holy Master is practicing!"

"Father, do I count as having completed the first volume of the "Bright Dao Code"?"

Ye Chen asked innocently.

Ye Qingtian and the others looked a little embarrassed, if they didn't see Ye Chen's innocent face, they even thought it was mocking them!
This is more than practiced!And it's a super-class answer, okay?

Ye Qingtian really wanted to say to his son: Xiaochen, children can't cultivate so fast, why did you finish all three years of self-study in one fell swoop?Come on, let's play in the mud first!

"Ahem, ahem, um, not bad, as expected of my son, hahaha!"

Ye Qingtian hid his embarrassment with laughter, "My son Ye Chen really looks like a great emperor!"

Ye Chen's eyes lit up, "Okay then, Dad, teach me the remaining eight volumes of the "Bright Dao Code"!"

After tasting the sweetness, he couldn't wait to continue to practice, to see how unnatural his cultivation talent was!

Zhen Yao looked at Ye Chen with pride and affection on her face. As a mother, although she was surprised by Ye Chen's terrifying cultivation talent, she was more surprised by him.

A hint of hesitation appeared on Ye Qingtian's face, he stroked his goatee, "Xiaochen, you should realize it again. Don't rush to practice just after breaking through the realm, at this time, meditating and consolidating the realm is the most important thing .”


Ye Chen nodded. In fact, when he saw Ye Qingtian's expression, he guessed that there might be something wrong.But now he is not in a hurry, he can just take this opportunity to practice Lightning Palm.

In terms of power, the Lightning Palm probably surpasses most of the secret skills in the "Bright Dao Code".

Ye Qingtian winked at the elders and Zhen Yao, and they came to the next hall knowingly.

"Holy Master, about the Holy Son, look..." the Great Elder asked cautiously.

Ye Qingtian frowned slightly, thinking quietly in the hall but did not speak.

Instead, the Second Elder, Ling Jianzi, spoke up: "Originally, Jun Immortal was the only candidate for the position of Shaking Light Holy Son. Although he is not a divine body or a holy body, he is also a fairy seedling that is unique in ten thousand. Moreover, he was chosen by that Being selected. In the entire Waxlight Holy Land, no one can shake the position of his Son."

When mentioning that mysterious and powerful existence, Ling Jianzi also kept secret and dared not call his name directly.

Because she used to be a person who frightened all the heavens and all races. Although she was the emperor of the human race, she killed a lot in her life.So much so that after her death, no one dared to mention her name easily.

"That's right, that's right!" the Great Elder sighed.

Jun Immortal, Yaoguang Holy Land is most likely to become the Son of God.

Originally, if Ye Chen hadn't come to the world, he would have been a proper Son of Shaking Light.But now, Ye Chen has shown a talent that is so terrifying that it defies the sky, which makes the elders of the Holy Land move their minds in a different way.

"The "Bright Dao Canon" is only half as good as the ancient emperor's scriptures and the Great Emperor's scriptures. According to the tradition of the Holy Land, the first to eighth volumes of the scriptures can be taught to monks or people with great achievements in the Holy Land. But the ninth The scriptures involve the supreme secret technique of the Shaking Light Holy Land, the Hunyuan Holy Light Technique, so it can only be taught to the Holy Son!" The Ninth Elder murmured.

This is why Ye Qingtian and the other elders all looked strange when Ye Chen said that he wanted to learn the "Bright Dao Canon" thoroughly.

Ye Qingtian sighed, "I originally thought that the first eight volumes would be enough for Xiaochen to practice for ten years. But now it seems that he can complete the cultivation in three years at most."

The Holy Land of Shaking Light is not a desolate ancient family, but a super big sect that teaches without discrimination!The inheritance of sects all depends on the cultivation talent of the disciples, not on the bloodline.

If it wasn't for this, it would be impossible for the Holy Land of Waving Light to continue for hundreds of thousands of years and have been strong until now.

Even though Ye Chen is the son of Ye Qingtian, he can't make an exception to practice the ninth volume of "Bright Dao Code".

However, Ye Chen is a congenital sacramental body, if he can't even practice the full version of the "Bright Dao Code", then how can he prove the Tao in the future?
The Great Elder said: "Now we can only choose a compromise method, let Ye Chen practice the first eight volumes first. At that time, everyone will discuss the candidate for the Son!"

Zhen Yao frowned slightly, and said worriedly: "Jun Immortal has been practicing for more than ten years, and Xiaochen's cultivation will definitely lag behind him by then. Isn't it a big loss?"

The Great Elder hurriedly said with a smile: "Madam, don't worry, we will definitely give them a chance to fight against the realm."

"Even if the realm is the same, but if Jun Immortal has practiced for more than ten years, he will be ahead of my Xiaochen in terms of experience!" Zhen Yao continued.

Ye Qingtian shook his head, and said in an unquestionable tone: "Xiaochen was born immortal more than ten years later, can he use this reason to always be weaker than him? If that is the case, then Xiaochen is not qualified to become the holy land of the Shaking Light Holy Land." son!"

He waved his sleeves and said majestically: "That's the decision! When Xiaochen finishes cultivating the eight volumes of scriptures, when the time is right, let him fight Jun Immortal fairly to decide the candidate for the son of Yaoguang." !"

(End of this chapter)

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