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Chapter 5 The Heir of the Ruthless Emperor

Chapter 5 The Heir of the Ruthless Emperor

Ye Chen was bored by himself in the hall next to him, so he looked at the Lightning Palm that King Yaoguang created himself back then.

According to the people around him in the past few days, Ye Chen can judge that Ye Fan has not appeared in Beidou, and many familiar characters in the world of Shading the Sky do not exist.

Therefore, it can be judged that the time and space he lived in was much earlier than that era.But this is just right, there are many treasures that have not been excavated on the Big Dipper, and it is his turn to dig them!
"Lightning Palm, the original power of the Dao of Thunder, cultivated to the extreme is comparable to the nine-day thunder calamity, and it is unparalleled!"

The cultivation essentials of Lightning Palm emerged in Ye Chen's mind, and his body's divine power naturally began to operate according to the method. For a while, there was thunder light floating around him, and the white thunder light burst!

Ye Chen himself was startled when he woke up from the realization.

"Hey, why does it seem like you can learn it just by practicing?"

He was a little speechless, and he didn't know what was going on now, as if he could comprehend everything in practice without any effort.

Take the "Guangming Dao Canon" that his father Ye Qingtian told him, and he only listened to it once, and he seemed to understand it in his mind, but felt that there was an inexplicable Taoist imprinted in his soul.Then, with just a thought, the body will automatically run the exercises of the "Bright Dao Code".

But he didn't know that the geniuses in the Holy Land of Shaking Light all the time needed to meditate for months or even years if they wanted to feel the existence of the Holy Light and practice the light of the Holy Light just in the introductory chapter of the first volume.

Like his father, Ye Qingtian, it took half a year to practice the first volume, and he is already among the top five geniuses in Yaoguang Holy Land's cultivation speed for hundreds of thousands of years!

"Is this the ability to realize the Dao of the innate Dao fetus? Sure enough, he is worthy of being called the son of the Dao." Ye Chen sighed.

Now he finally understands what the Xiantian Taoist fetus is. This is equivalent to studying when others are memorizing it by rote, but the Xiantian Taoist fetus directly gets the exam papers from the teacher!
It's no wonder that Emperor Wushi was so fierce back then that his parents had to cut off part of his talent to avoid being too invincible and affecting his future practice.

To put it simply, the innate sacramental body possesses the strongest comprehension ability and the strongest physique in the world!

At this time, Ye Qingtian and Zhen Yao came back from the side, and Ye Chen quickly suppressed the thunder on his body.

He can't explain the origin of Lightning Palm to the two of them now, so he has to keep it a secret for the time being.

Ye Qingtian and his wife looked at each other, Zhen Yao sighed, "You explain to your son!"

As a mother, she is still selfish, and hopes that Ye Qingtian will directly pass on the complete version of "Bright Dao Code" to Ye Chen.

However, Ye Qingtian, as the Holy Master of Shaking Light Holy Land, must think carefully and consider the future of the entire Holy Land.On this point, it is inevitable that there will be differences.

But Zhen Yao understood her husband's thoughts, so she still supported him.

After Zhen Yao left here, Ye Qingtian coughed, and then sat cross-legged in front of Ye Chen with a bright smile on his face.

"Son, you really did a good job for your father today! You have completed the first volume of "Bright Dao Code" in one day, which is unprecedented in the history of the Shaking Light Holy Land!"

Ye Chen spread his hands, "Actually, I just tried it casually, but I didn't know what happened, but I got it right!"

Ye Qingtian has accepted the fact that his son is a peerless genius, so he no longer feels embarrassed and aggrieved.

"Next, I will teach you the remaining seven volumes of the "Bright Dao Code". You must practice hard!"

Ye Chen blinked, "Isn't it eight volumes? Dad, you're too bad at counting!"

"Son, you don't know something!"

Ye Qingtian rolled up his big sleeves, and told him about the tradition of Shaking Light Holy Land.

"Only the Holy Lord and the Holy Son can practice in the ninth volume of the "Bright Dao Code". This is a rule that has not changed for hundreds of thousands of years! Now you are not the identity of the Holy Son, so you can only teach you the first eight volumes!"

After Ye Chen heard this, he patted his chest confidently, "It's simple, you let me be the son of Yaoguang! Anyway, you are the boss of the Holy Land of Yaoguang, and you have the final say on who will be the son of the light!"

It's so easy to get a powerful father, it's not for nothing!
Ye Qingtian silently shook his head, "The Holy Son of Light is actually the future Lord of the Light, and I am not the only one who can decide. Every generation of the Holy Son of Light must be the best among his disciples!"

Ye Chen nodded, then said with a smile: "Then this person must be me! I am an innate sacramental body, who can be better than me?"

Ye Qingtian smiled "hehe", rolled up his sleeves and said, "There is indeed someone who might really be able to compete with you."

Then he narrated that ten years ago, a mysterious monk brought a young boy with peerless talents to the Holy Land of Shaking Light.

He carried a special token on his body, which turned out to be a mask of the ruthless emperor who shook the world back then.

That little boy is the successor of the Ruthless Emperor's lineage, and the mysterious monk is his protector.

The Holy Land of Lighting Light has a very deep relationship with Emperor Ruthless, and the outside world may not know that the Holy Land of Lighting Lights has a dragon-pattern black gold tripod made by her own hands.

Therefore, whenever a ruthless person is passed on to the world and is besieged by the world, the Holy Land of Yaoguang will always keep silent, and even help secretly.

Relying on this origin, the guardian sent the little boy here, hoping to allow him to enter the world as the successor of Yaoguang.

At that time, there were already several holy lands and ancient families in the Eastern Wilderness who had a divine body, and the Yaoguang Holy Land, feeling the pressure of the future, agreed to accept him into the mountain gate.

It's arguably a deal.The Fluctuating Light Holy Land gives the little boy the resources and shelter to practice, and the little boy will support the Fluctuating Light Holy Land in the future!

"That little boy became my big apprentice, named Jun Immortal. If it wasn't for your birth, he would already be the Holy Son of Light!" Ye Qingtian said with emotion.

Ye Chen was shocked in his heart!

The successor of the Ruthless Emperor!Doesn't that mean that he has also cultivated the indestructible skill that devours the essence of others?

Ye Chen was vigilant, wouldn't it be very dangerous if he was targeted?
But fortunately, his current identity is the son of the Lord of the Light, and Jun Immortal has not grown to the point where he can turn against the Holy Land of the Light.But there is no guarantee that he will not covet his own origin!
Ye Chen looked at Ye Qingtian, his eyes gradually became sharper.

"Father, do you want me to compete with him for the position of Son of Waking Light?"

"Not bad!" Ye Qingtian nodded. "The position of Holy Son of Waving Light is for those who are capable! As a father, I will teach you the skills carefully in the past few years, but if you want to become the Holy Son of Wailing Light, you must defeat Jun Immortal!"

It's more than just defeat. When Ye Chen thinks about the horror of Immortal Heaven Art, he can't wait to eradicate Jun Immortal from the world immediately!
This kind of skill is too vicious. After defeating the opponent, it will deprive him of his origin and make him a useless person!This is worse than death for a monk!
It is precisely because of this that the ruthless emperor did not leave any orthodoxy after his death.Because whenever a ruthless person is passed on to the world, it will be wiped out by the joint efforts of the major holy places and ancient families!

(End of this chapter)

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