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Chapter 89 Attack on Dayan Holy Land

Chapter 89 Attack on Dayan Holy Land
The Divine City of Dayan Holy Land, which has stood for thousands of years, is facing the biggest crisis since the establishment of the Holy Land today.

Ye Qingtian, the holy master of shaking light, brought Ye Chen and several mountain masters of the Holy Land to open the domain gate, and came here to attack with a black golden cauldron with dragon pattern in his hand!

Jidao Emperor's prestige hangs down in strands, although he hasn't really woken up, but its own aura that crushes the heavens and worlds makes people terrified.

Hundreds of divine lights shot up from the Dayan Holy Land, confronting Ye Qingtian and others in the distance.

"Holy Lord Yaoguang is here, and we are waiting to welcome you. I don't know where Dayan Holy Land has offended you, so much so that it uses extreme emperor soldiers to attack?" Dayan Holy Master stood at the front and asked sincerely road.

When he looked at the black gold cauldron with dragon pattern floating in the air of chaos, he felt as if he was being targeted by a prehistoric beast, and his whole body felt a little chilly.

Ye Chen casually threw a corpse in front of them.

"Do you know this person?" Ye Chen asked coldly.

The disciples of Dayan Holy Land saw it, and suddenly shouted in surprise: "Isn't this the elder? He has disappeared from the Holy Land for several months, and I thought he was practicing in seclusion. I didn't expect how he was killed by someone?"

A white-haired elder burst into tears after seeing Gu Changming: "Changming, who killed you!"

He is Gu Changming's father, and also a highly respected Supreme Elder in Dayan Holy Land, named Gu Yitian.

Gu Yitian looked at Ye Qingtian and the others: "The Holy Land of Yaoguang is too deceitful! Killing my son, and bringing his body to the door to humiliate, is simply unbearable!"

Hearing what Gu Yitian said, Ye Chen laughed angrily.

"Shut up! Do you know what your son did? Together with the power of the monster clan, he attacked and killed my Yaoguangmen when they entered the Northern Territory! As a result, my Yaoguangmen suffered heavy casualties. More than 80 Holy Land warriors in the realm of transforming dragons He was buried in the belly of a demon with more than 20 talented four-pole disciples! He deserved his death!"

The Black Emperor squatted beside Ye Chen and Ye Qingtian, and shouted: "Woof! If you want to make amends, hurry up and hand over all the gods, magic weapons and elixir in your holy land!"

Ye Qingtian's eyes burst out with brilliance, and he stared closely at the Holy Master and all the elders of Dayan Holy Land: "I am here this time to ask you to give an explanation for this matter!"

When the people of Dayan Holy Land heard this, they immediately showed a look of surprise.

"How dare Gu Changming do such a thing? Isn't this pushing our Dayan Holy Land into the fire pit?"

"It's still the same thing back then. He had an old grievance with Lord Yaoguang. He couldn't get it back from Lao Tzu, so he went to intercept and kill the younger one! It's really a shame for Dayan Holy Land!"

Holy Master Dayan also had a very ugly face, he just thought that Gu Changming went to Ye Qingtian to seek revenge over his own strength, and was beheaded.

But now it seems that the situation has become more serious!Intercepting and killing Ye Qingtian's son is more excessive than directly challenging Ye Qingtian!
The major powers in the Eastern Wilderness have unwritten rules that the elders are not allowed to take action to intercept and kill the young offspring, in order not to cause the major holy lands and ancient aristocratic families to cut off the descendants of geniuses from each other.Anyone who dares to violate this rule will be targeted unanimously by all forces in the Eastern Wilderness!
It is well known in the world that Ye Chen is the congenital sacred body.Everyone knows that once he grows up, he will be able to protect the glory of the Yaoguang Holy Land for tens of thousands of years!If anyone dared to touch him, he would definitely attract revenge from the Yaoguang Holy Land at all costs.

This point can be seen from the fact that Ye Qingtian even invited out the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron.That is the strongest heritage of a holy place, and it will not appear in the world easily.

The most terrible thing is that they can't afford to mess with the current Fluctuating Light Holy Land!As soon as the extreme emperor soldiers showed up, they didn't even have a chance to fight back.

Who knew that Gu Changming's father, Gu Yitian, after listening to what Ye Chen said, his beard and hair were all swollen, and he angrily said: "You are talking nonsense! You keep saying that my son intercepted and killed you, is there any real evidence?" The loss of his son in his later years made him mad with grief. !
Ye Chen said: "There are still dozens of survivors in my Shaking Holy Land, and they can all testify!"

Gu Yitian laughed "haha" and said, "It's all you people from the Holy Land of Shaking Light talking to yourself, who can believe it? Huh! It's clear that you are talking nonsense!"

Ye Chen chuckled disdainfully, and Ye Qingtian laughed too. The black gold cauldron with dragon pattern on his head was up and down, and strands of chaotic air were hanging down, each strand was heavier than the mountain peak, making the void tremble.

Facing Gu Yitian's sophistry, Ye Qingtian just said lightly: "What my son Ye Chen said is ironclad evidence!"

How can there be so many criminal investigation methods in this world to prove it? The battle between monks never pays attention to evidence, but only to strength!
Gu Yitian pointed at Ye Qingtian, and said in a trembling voice: "Ye Qingtian, you were the one who abolished my son back then, and now you have taken his life even more, and slandered him with unreasonable words! What kind of Lord Shaking Light are you! Are you all afraid of you?"

"Elder Gu, don't say a few words! Since all the Taoist friends in the Yaoguang Holy Land have talked about this matter, we have to investigate it thoroughly before making a judgment." Holy Master Dayan persuaded.

Gu Yitian has a high seniority in the Dayan Holy Land and is extremely powerful. Now that he has just experienced the pain of losing his son, the Lord Dayan can only persuade him with kind words.

Gu Yitian snorted coldly, "Holy Master, why should you be afraid of them! Even though he holds the ultimate emperor's soldiers, this is the divine city of our Dayan Holy Land after all, so he can't let him go wild!"

Gu Yitian sent a voice transmission to Holy Master Dayan and said: Holy Master, there is no need to panic, they are already standing in the peerless killing array of our holy land!As long as we find the right time to strike, we might have a chance to take away their extreme emperor soldiers!

Gu Yitian seemed crazy, but after living for so long, the twists and turns in his heart didn't know how deep it was, so he immediately thought of a way to deal with it.

Lord Dayan's eyes froze. They couldn't suppress the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron, because it had been enshrined in the Holy Land of Light for hundreds of thousands of years. Even if Ye Qingtian and others died in battle, it would fly back to the Holy Land of Light by itself. .

However, the clock without beginning on Ye Chen's body was different.It has just been born, has not yet fully recognized Ye Chen, and is still considered an ownerless thing.

Maybe... this is a great opportunity!
Thinking of the possibility of Dayan Holy Land gaining the ultimate emperor soldiers and becoming one of the top forces in the Eastern Desolation, the ambition in Dayan Holy Master's heart began to suppress the fear.

Lord Dayan looked at Ye Qingtian, the expression on his face suddenly became indifferent, and said: "Holy Lord Yaoguang, we need to investigate this matter carefully before making a conclusion. And Gu Changming is dead, even if he If you really did something wrong, this matter should be settled. Please come back!"

Seeing the change in Lord Dayan's expression, Ye Chen felt something was wrong.

Just now this B was as cowardly as a grandson when he saw the dragon pattern black gold tripod, why is he suddenly hardened now?

"What, Holy Master Dayan means that I'm lying?" Ye Qingtian asked lightly.

"That's not what it means, it's just that our Dayan Holy Land is also a dignified holy land. It is impossible to disregard your own powerful life just because of your one-sided words." The Lord Dayan said, his eyes began to change a little : "I also want to find out how Elder Gu Changming died!"

Even a fool can see that there is something wrong with the change in the attitude of Lord Dayan.

At this time, several elders from Dayan Holy Land had quietly left, not knowing what they had done.

Ye Chen reminded Ye Qingtian: "Father, they are a little weird. Be careful!"

Ye Qingtian smiled and shook his head, "It's okay. In the face of absolute strength, all schemes are useless!"

He looked at Lord Dayan and asked with a smile: "I'll ask again for the last time, are you going to give me an explanation for this matter?"

Lord Dayan looked at the dragon-patterned black gold tripod above Ye Qingtian's head, there was deep fear in his eyes, but also a hint of greed.

At this time, an elder secretly sent him a voice transmission, telling him that the killing array was ready.

A satisfied look appeared on the face of Dayan Holy Master, and he suddenly said angrily: "Holy Master Yaoguang, you are deceiving people too much! It is clear that you killed the elders of my Dayan Holy Land for no reason, and now you have brought his The dead body came to threaten. This is blatant bullying! However, although you Yaoguang Holy Land is strong, my Dayan Holy Land cannot be manipulated by others!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the entire Dayan Divine City suddenly began to emit divine light!Just like the beginning of chaos to divide yin and yang, black and white rays of light condense around the city of God, turning into the innate Tai Chi figure and soaring into the sky.

From the depths of Dayan Divine City, a mirror of eight trigrams rose slowly, like a huge sun rising!Powerful holy power emanated from the mirror, illuminating the entire Dayan Holy Land!The holy soldier's aura slowly revived, causing the void to tremble.

"It's the holy soldier of the ancestors!" The people of Dayan Holy Land shouted in surprise.

That is the holy weapon left by a quasi-emperor ancestor in Dayan Holy Land, Dayan Bagua Mirror!As the quasi-imperial weapon!
As soon as the Dayan gossip mirror came out, dense array patterns emerged in the void, and the ground under Ye Chen and others' feet began to emit murderous intent, trying to chop them into pieces like sharp swords!The city of God has a radius of thousands of miles, and every plant and tree is transformed into a peerless killing array. The murderous intent is lost in the void, strangling and killing everyone in the Shaking Light Holy Land!

"What a powerful killing formation!" The third elder, Situ Shuiyue, was a little surprised. The killing formation hosted by Dayan Holy Land with the Dayan Bagua Mirror as the core is very powerful, even if they are all powerful, their lives are in danger.

On Ye Qingtian's head was a dragon-patterned black gold tripod, urging its wisps of Qi to protect everyone, no matter how much the killing array hit, it would not be able to break through the wisps of Chaos Qi.

"Holy Lord Dayan, is this the answer you gave me?" Ye Qingtian asked.

The Holy Lord of Dayan smiled coldly, "Ye Qingtian, you are too conceited! Don't forget that this is the divine city of the Holy Land of Dayan, even if you bring the extreme emperor soldiers, how many times can your cultivation be activated? And The killing formations in my Dayan Divine City are endless, enough to trap you here!"

Holy Lord Dayan was right, although Ye Qingtian was strong, he couldn't completely revive the Dragon Pattern Black Gold Cauldron, at most he could only show a ray of extreme emperor power.But the killing array in Dayan Holy Land can fully display the power of Dayan Bagua Mirror, this is the gap!
Ye Qingtian smiled lightly, and shook his head lightly, "You are too naive, do you really think that this level of killing array can trap me?"

Ye Chen's eyes inadvertently glanced at Ye Qingtian's hands behind his back, and they got a little tangled together.

Looking up and seeing the calm expression on Ye Qingtian's face, Ye Chen was a little speechless.

"Father, did we come too hastily? How much preparation should we make? At least we must bring enough divine resources so that the extreme emperor soldiers can fully recover, right?" Ye Chen sent a voice transmission secretly.

Ye Qingtian was a little embarrassed that his son exposed his inner emotions, to be honest, despite the calm look on his face, he was actually in a dilemma.With his strength, it is not difficult to break through the formation and leave, but if he leaves like this, wouldn't it be a joke to spread the word in the future?
" you have anything to do?" Ye Qingtian asked helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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