Chapter 90 Feel the pain!
No one should underestimate the heritage of a holy place.

There are so many holy lands and ancient aristocratic families in the Eastern Wasteland, not every family has the ultimate emperor soldiers.

Then, the holy land and the ancient family without the emperor soldiers of the extreme way can only be slaughtered by others?

Of course it wasn't like this. Since their ancestors' generation, they have been taking precautions to prevent one day from confronting the strength of the ultimate emperor.

Therefore, each family will have its own preparations to deal with the extreme emperor soldiers.

For example, the Peerless Killing Formation of the Guardian God City of the Dayan Holy Land was built using the dragon veins under the earth as the foundation, and the peerless quasi-emperor magic weapon was the core to motivate it.In this way, even if a master like Ye Qingtian came with the extreme emperor soldiers, he would be able to contend for a little bit.

Of course, the premise of everything is that the Jidao Imperial Army has not fully recovered.Otherwise, even if the god formation is shocking and the quasi-divine soldiers are powerful, they will collapse under the fully recovered extreme emperor soldiers.

The third elder was originally the most proficient in formations in Yaoguang Holy Land. When he saw this formation, he also shouted, "This formation is mysterious and complicated. I don't know how many masters have joined forces to lay it down. I can't break it in three or fifty years!"

Ye Qingtian was full of black lines: "Why don't you break it slowly here, we will go first, and come back to pick you up after 50 years."

Heihuang gritted his teeth and took two steps forward, "Let me try!"

Ye Chen's expression changed, and he immediately grabbed its dog's head tightly and pulled it back. "You can pull it down! Don't kill us all when the time comes!"

"Wang! My emperor's formation is unparalleled in the world, maybe it will work this time!" it shouted, but it felt a little guilty.

Looking at the people in the Yaoguang Holy Land who were trapped in the killing formation and could only use the dragon pattern black gold tripod to defend passively, the Lord Dayan was full of satisfaction.

"After today's battle is over, the reputation of my Dayan Holy Land will spread far and wide!"

It would be best to capture these people, even if they escaped, they could still claim that the Lord of Light, who was beaten by Dayan Holy Land, fled in embarrassment!If you think about it this way, you can make a profit no matter what.

"Holy Lord Yaoguang, why don't you launch an attack from the extreme emperor soldiers? If you only know how to defend, you will be annihilated by my killing array in Dayan Holy Land sooner or later!" said Dayan Holy Master proudly.

"Oh, so it turns out that these are the world-renowned Lord of Light and the Black Gold Cauldron with Dragon Patterns! It seems that it is nothing more than that, I can't feel their majesty at all."

"Hmph, you dare to insult my Dayan Holy Land and kill Elder Gu Changming! You must pay the price this time!"

The monks in Dayan Holy Land were very proud of this, and they all began to taunt.

Ye Chen glanced at his father, who was as stable as a dog on the outside, but panicked inside, and spread his hands helplessly.

"Well, in the end I have to do it myself!"

He took out the Wushi Bell and suspended it above his head. The Wushi Bell was stimulated by the quasi-emperor's breath and the killing formation, and automatically protected the master, hanging down the nine-color fairy light to protect Ye Chen in it, so that he would not be harmed by the formation.

"Son, be careful!" Ye Qingtian shouted.

The third elder turned pale with shock: "No, Xiaochen! This formation is not something you can crack!"

"Don't worry, I have a measure!" Ye Chen waved at them.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen began to walk around Dayan Divine City step by step.

The secrets of the nine secrets emerged in his heart, and they turned into Taoist chants, and the ancient texts became more and more clear in his mind.

The secret of the group of characters, just five thousand words, tells the mystery of the transformation of the world's formations.After mastering, there is no formation in the world that cannot be broken.Every movement of your hands and feet can be turned into a killing array, exhausting the mysteries of the world!
"When you come, don't see it, when you go, don't chase it. Work is high, Kun is low, clouds are walking, rain is giving..."

Ye Chen recited the scriptures silently, a pair of golden pupils slowly emitted two dazzling rays of light, he saw through the cumbersome killing pattern between heaven and earth in an instant, and traced its origin.

"What is he doing?" People in Dayan Holy Land saw Ye Chen's behavior very strangely.

"No matter what he does, it will be in vain." The Holy Master Dayan stared at the Infinite Clock above his head with fiery eyes. He didn't expect that there was such a treasure hidden in Zishan, but Ye Chen sent it to his door today!
"Ye Qingtian and the others can ignore it, arrest Ye Chen and snatch his Wushi Bell!"

The Dayan Eight Diagrams Mirror slowly turned, and a sharp dao light seemed to come from the beginning, and was urged by the elders of Dayan Holy Land to shoot at Ye Chen!

"court death!"

Ye Qingtian snorted coldly, and the dragon-patterned black golden cauldron above his head suddenly shook, and an incomparably domineering emperor of the extreme way rushed over!
The light of the Dayan Bagua Mirror directly shattered in the air, and even the killing array in Dayan Divine City shook.However, there are dragon veins under the ground continuously supplying energy for the killing formation, so the killing formation was quickly restored to its original state.

Lord Dayan sneered and said, "I've said it before, this is in the Holy Land of Dayan, not your Wailing Holy Land! It's so naive to want to show off your might here!"

His eyes glanced at the Wushi Bell above Ye Chen's head, and he suddenly changed his words: "Well, as long as you hand over the murderer who killed Elder Gu Changming, and hand over the Wushi Bell, I will let you go today! "

Ling Jianzi couldn't help but angrily scolded: "You guys were the ones who attacked and killed my Yaoguang sect first, but now you still turn black and white, and want to seize the ultimate emperor soldier! It's shameless!"

Gu Yitian scolded: "Shut up! My son Gu Changming is honest and honest, and he will never do that kind of dirty business. You villains must be the ones to sue first! And the clock without beginning is originally the treasure of the Northern Territory. When will it be your turn to go south?" The people in the domain have taken it!"

Lord Dayan looked at Ye Qingtian: "Holy Lord Yaoguang, you are a smart person. If the dragon-patterned black golden cauldron cannot be fully recovered, you have no chance of winning. You'd better consider my suggestion carefully!"

Ye Qingtian's expression was always calm, "Oh? Do you really think you have the chance to win?"

In fact, Ye Qingtian wanted to scold the street in his heart, he originally came here with the intention of extorting money.Gu Changming is already dead anyway, wouldn't it be nice to ask Dayan Holy Land for tens of millions of catties of source stones?

But who would have thought that this group of people would be so bold that they would not only pay compensation without cede land, but would dare to resist?
Lord Dayan and Gu Changming are really stupid, because they don't understand how powerful the Jidao Emperor Armament is.Even though Ye Qingtian was blocked by the killing array today, but the next time the Holy Land of Shaking Light comes ready to attack and fully revives the dragon pattern black gold tripod, they will still have to perish!
Greed will always make people lose their minds.

Because he didn't expect them to be overwhelmed by greed, Ye Qingtian wasn't ready to fight them.Therefore, the current situation is more embarrassing.

"Xiaochen, dad can only rely on you now!" Ye Qingtian looked at his son and thought humbled in his heart.

Although he didn't know what Ye Chen could do, but the moment Ye Chen made a move, Ye Qingtian felt that he could definitely do it.

This reminded him of when he was still in Shaking Light Holy Land, every time he had a scripture that he couldn't understand, Ye Chen would come over and just take a look and explain it to him.

Hey, it really is important to have a good son!

Ye Chen walked outside the Dayan Divine City with both feet, his eyes were shining with golden light, and he saw through the origin of the killing array in the void.His hands were not idle, and he kept shooting out a series of divine lights, which fell under the ground.

"Huh? That kid seems to be breaking the formation?" The elders of Dayan Holy Land noticed something was wrong.

However, others expressed disdain.

"Are you kidding me? This formation was created by my ancestors in Dayan Holy Land. It took a hundred years for many formation masters to build it! How can he know any formations like a brat."

"I guess I'm just taking pictures of cats and tigers. After learning a little bit of formation, I think I understand it well, hahaha!"

Finally, Ye Chen circled around the city wall of Dayan God City at high speed, and one golden light after another was buried in the ground by him.

Hearing the laughter of the people in Dayan Holy Land from the city wall, Ye Chen looked at them with a slight smile.

He leisurely sighed: "You don't know anything about power!"

"What is he talking about?" The people of Dayan Holy Land looked at Ye Chen, feeling puzzled.

Ye Chen opened his arms, and suddenly his body slowly rose into the air, looking down at the huge Dayan God City from high above.

Everyone raised their heads, wondering what Ye Chen was going to do.

Wu Shizhong's nine-color divine light hung down, helping him to withstand the overwhelming murderous intent.In this environment, Ye Chen stretched out his hands, slowly put them together, and said silently:
"How many floors does a bag of rice have to carry! (Feel the pain!)"

"One bag of rice has to carry the second floor! (Accept the pain!)"

“Spicy Tiansai!”

Ye Qingtian said in surprise: "When did my son learn a foreign language?"

Ye Chen pressed down hard with both hands, and the killing formation of Dayan God City in the void stopped for an instant, the Dao pattern stopped flowing, strands of golden light pierced the pass of the killing formation, and a violent explosion occurred, directly Blow up the formation patterns of the entire killing formation into strands of fragments!

"My God! He actually... He actually destroyed our peerless killing formation guarding the Holy City!" The monks of Dayan Holy Land shouted in disbelief.

"This is impossible! The killing formation in my Dayan Holy Land was built tens of thousands of years ago by more than a dozen masters of the formation. It took more than a hundred years to build it. How could it be broken by a five-year-old boy like him!"

"Without the Peerless Killing Formation, how on earth are we going to resist the might of the Extreme Emperor's soldiers?"

At this time, the entire Dayan God City shook violently, and the monks on the city wall were panicked.

"What happened again?"

"Underground, it's the dragon veins in the underground that have gone berserk!"

The face of the Lord Dayan turned pale all of a sudden, "What's going on, the dragon veins have been sealed with a peerless formation, and will always provide power for the city of God, why is there a problem?"

An elder pointed at Ye Chen tremblingly: "It should be... that big formation was broken by him!"

Lord Dayan looked at Ye Chen in the air, startled and angry.He couldn't imagine that there was only a five-year-old child in front of him!


Ye Chen smiled coldly, and moved his hands in the air, arousing the patterns he had laid down.Under Dayan Divine City, a Dao Ling pulse rose from the sky, and the dragon veins began to impact Dayan Divine City!
The city wall was damaged for a while, and many Da Yan Holy Land monks standing on the city wall were hit by the spurting spiritual veins, which turned into steam directly.

The Dayan Holy Land suffered heavy casualties, and the culprit of all this was the boy who shouted "How many floors does a bag of rice have to carry!"!

Ye Qingtian stroked his beard and laughed "haha", "It's just a holy land of Dayan, my son Ye Chen can destroy it by himself! Why do you need to do it yourself?"

The third elder looked at Ye Chen and felt that his confidence had been severely hit again.

The Dayan Holy Land lost its peerless killing array, and the underground dragon veins were also cut off by Ye Chen. In an instant, the light of the Dayan Eight Diagrams Mirror became no longer so bright.

Ye Qingtian snorted coldly, stepped forward in the void of the dragon-patterned black gold tripod above his head, and the Emperor of the Extreme Dao swept forward viciously!The bodies of more than a dozen elders were shattered and turned into bloody mud and paste on the wall of Dayan God City.That feeling... It's like a fly slapped to death on the wall in summer. "Crack! Crack! Crack!" There was a burst of sound, very exciting.

"Hmph, you fellows of Dayan Holy Land, I want to punish you guys who don't know the heights of the world!"

 Let me explain here.There are some things that I didn't say on purpose, and I want to tell you slowly through the plot.As a result, some readers have misunderstood, so I will explain it uniformly.

  Ye Chen's era was more than 4000 years before Ye Fan's era.As for who there are in this era, you can think for yourself.Ahem, not many, you should be able to guess, there are hints in the text.

  Therefore, each of the young saints and saints mentioned in the article is not a figure in Shatian.But there will be intersections with some celebrities.

(End of this chapter)

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