One emperor

Chapter 1185 Eight Diagrams Village

Chapter 1185 Bagua Village

The young man who walked out of the village at the bottom of the valley seemed to be in his twenties, with a solid body and a simple appearance. Although he was an ordinary person, Ye Dong could keenly feel the vast and ocean-like vitality in his body .

The young man was carrying a large iron basket on his back, and was holding a long and thin stick in his hand, with a stone shining faintly on the top of the stick.

I saw the young man poking around the ground with the stick in his hand seemingly casually as he walked, as if he was looking for something.

"What is he doing?"

Ye Dong couldn't help asking Rune Ye Dong.



"Well, the stone tied to that stick is called a gold mine, and it is the most sensitive to metal properties. If there are metal minerals hidden underground, the gold mine will light up to remind you."

Ye Dong understood, but he couldn't figure it out. This village must have existed for a long time. If there are any mineral deposits nearby, they should have discovered them long ago. Why did this young man come out to prospect alone?
Even Rune Ye Dong couldn't answer this question: "You should ask him yourself!"

The route the young man took happened to lead to the mountain where Ye Dong was. Poor Ye Dong couldn't move, he could only watch helplessly as he walked towards him step by step.

"Hello there!"

Ye Dong showed a friendly smile, and took the initiative to say hello to the young man.

However, the young man's expression was as if he had seen a ghost, and he yelled in fear, "Mandrill!"

After speaking, turn around and run away.

Mandrill is said to be a kind of mountain spirit naturally formed by heaven and earth, with a human form. Ye Dong has heard of it, but he never thought that he would be regarded as a mandrill one day, and this person is also a "heavenly man".

Actually, celestial beings are just a name in the mortal world for those monks living in the nine heavens. In fact, ordinary people like this young man who originally lived here are the real celestial beings.

Ye Dong smiled wryly and shouted: "Brother, I'm not a mandrill, I'm just a man in trouble!"

Hearing Ye Dong's words, the young man's running pace obviously slowed down, and then he turned around, while stepping back, staring at Ye Dong, as if to confirm whether he was lying, but Ye Dong could only try his best to keep With a smile on his face, until the muscles were almost stiff, the young man finally stopped, and began to walk towards Ye Dong cautiously step by step.

"Are you really not a mandrill?"

The young man stopped about ten meters away from Ye Dong and asked loudly.

"I'm a living person just like you, except that I was attacked by a spirit beast just now, and I was seriously injured and couldn't move."

Ye Dong has restrained his aura, and the existence of the Blood Prison makes it impossible for even heavenly beings to see through his true origin. Naturally, this young man can't see anything.

After hesitating for a moment, the young man finally believed Ye Dong's words, mainly because he saw Ye Dong's tattered clothes and blood stains on his face and body.

"You were injured by some kind of spirit beast. Fortunately, you met me. Otherwise, no one would know if you died here. Come, I will carry you to our village!"

After getting rid of his fear, the young man finally recovered his simple and kind nature. He didn't allow Ye Dong to speak at all, so he grabbed Ye Dong's hands and put them on his back directly.

Although Ye Dong is not a celestial being, his body must bear the pressure of the Dao here, but the young people, as the aborigines here, are not affected at all, carrying Ye Dong on their backs as if they were nothing, walking like flying.

Ye Dong also admitted that he, an all-powerful expert in the mortal world, has become a useless person in Huo Xiaotian, and needs others to carry him on his back.

The young man was not only kind, but also outspoken. Along the way, Ye Dong didn't need to make any effort, and he took the initiative to tell him and the situation of the whole village.

The name of the young people is Qiankang, and their village is called Bagua Village, also known as Ganjia Village, because all the villagers in the village have the surname Gan, no matter whether it is a married girl or a son-in-law, as long as they step into Bagua Village, they have to change their surname to Gan , They have lived here for generations, multiplied and thrived, and I don't know how many generations have changed.

The population of Bagua Village is small, there are only more than 100 people in total. Although there are no monks, the villagers also know some simple ways to keep in good health. All of them are extremely strong, even toddlers have hundreds of arms. Ten catties of strength.

Hearing this, Ye Dong felt a little disapproving, thinking that since the starting point of these people is much higher than that of ordinary people in the mortal world, it is not a big deal for a child to have a hundred catties of strength.

However, he later found out that the weight of anything in Huo Xiaotian far exceeds that of the mortal world.

For example, an egg can weigh more than a dozen catties, and a hoe can even weigh a hundred catties. Therefore, ordinary people in Bagua Village are indeed stronger than ordinary people in other places in Huo Xiaotian.

It is precisely because of the strength of the villagers in Bagua Village that the villagers here make a living by refining weapons.

Of course, the weapons they refine are not heavenly weapons, but ordinary weapons, even farm tools and so on.

As for Qiankang's prospecting, Ye Dong didn't ask. After all, he was new here and asked too many questions, which would easily arouse suspicion.

Qiankang's footsteps were fast, and he reached the bottom of the valley in a short while. A small village appeared in front of him amidst the clouds and mist.

"When you enter the village, I will ask the village chief to show you. The village chief is very powerful. No matter who is injured in the village, no matter how serious the injury is, the village chief will give you some medicine. You are guaranteed to be alive and kicking in two or three days, as if nothing happened. "

For Qiankang's words, Ye Dong could only respond with a wry smile, thinking that he had never seen anything in the world when he came to Qiankang, and the environment here is so good, the villagers hardly get sick, at most one has a headache, even if he doesn't take medicine Lie down for three or two days and you will definitely recover, but my situation is different, my injury is actually not serious, it's just that my body can't bear Huo Xiaotian's natural pressure, and it can't be solved by taking medicine at all.

Just when Qiankang was about to enter Bagua Village with Ye Dong on his back, suddenly a figure appeared out of thin air and stood in front of Qiankang.

This is a middle-aged man with a square face and a strong body like a bear. Standing there, his face is expressionless, and he has an aura of calmness and prestige.

When Qian Kang saw him, he didn't take it seriously at all, and greeted him with a smile: "Uncle Guo, I rescued a brother who was bitten by a spirit beast on the mountain and came back."

Looking at Uncle Guo, Ye Dong couldn't help feeling a little vigilant in his heart, because he didn't feel the presence of anyone at the entrance of the village at all, this Uncle Guo seemed to come out of the ground!
You know, Ye Dong's spiritual consciousness is so strong that even heaven and man may not be able to hide it from him, but the middle-aged man in front of him can not be discovered by him, which shows that there must be something wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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