One emperor

Chapter 1186 The Weird Village

Chapter 1186 The Weird Village
Uncle Guo glanced at Ye Dong expressionlessly. This glance set off alarm bells in Ye Dong's heart, because the other party's eyes seemed to be able to see through him.

Fortunately, Uncle Guo just took a look, then looked away, stared at Qiankang and said, "Are you going to prospect again?"

"Hey!" Gan Kang rubbed his head and said with a dry smile, "The ground veins have been oscillating violently in the past two days. I wonder if there are treasure mines migrating underground, so I want to try my luck."

Although Qiankang's words were plain, Ye Dong's heart skipped a beat again.

Earth veins!

He naturally knows the existence and meaning of the earth veins. In fact, it is a kind of vein of earth luck, just like the meridians in the human body, which is where the earth energy is hidden.

These were the things he only knew after he got the incomplete "Fortunate in Different Places", but Qiankang also knew it, and judging from what he said, they also knew the changes of the land veins very well, so they should pay attention to them at any time.

Uncle Guo's face softened a little, he nodded and said: "The turmoil of the earth these two days has nothing to do with the treasure mine. You don't need to worry about the treasure mine. We will naturally take care of it. You send this brother to the village chief." Bar!"

After finishing speaking, Uncle Guo turned around and left, while Qiankang stuck out his tongue at Uncle Guo's back, and explained to Ye Dong in a low voice: "Uncle Guo is the gatekeeper of our village, and his permission is required to enter and exit. I sneaked out just now, but fortunately I rescued you, otherwise I would definitely be punished."

When Qian Kang carried Ye Dong on his back and finally stepped into the Bagua Village, Ye Dong couldn't help but gasp. Here, there is simply a huge Bagua formation!

Previously, Ye Dong was on the top of the mountain, looking down from a high position, he could see that the whole village was arranged into a circular gossip pattern, but he didn't see the existence of formation pattern, so he didn't think too much about it, thinking it was formed naturally, but now, enter After arriving in the village, I can clearly feel that the spiritual energy here is several times stronger than that of the outside world.

Moreover, the roads in the entire village are actually paved with large pieces of spirit crystals, each of which is the size of a person, forming a continuous road leading to the center of the village, with a total of eight roads.

Ye Dong quietly opened his dark eyes, and looked down, but a ray of light flew into the sky, almost blinding Ye Dong's eyes. Obviously, the formation has been deeply engraved in the ground, and it is very likely that it was made with the help of the terrain. Earth atmosphere, even very likely, the location of the entire village is a huge cave in the ground!
This is definitely a formation arranged artificially!
No wonder I couldn't even perceive Uncle Guo's appearance just now, because he was standing in the village, that is, in the formation, and he was not so much a gatekeeper as a defender of the formation!
"Qiankang, how many gatekeepers are there in your village, and how many are there in total?"

"Eight janitors, a total of 120. It's a bit strange to talk about this. The number of people in our village has always been maintained at this number. If an elder dies unfortunately, then on the day of his death, a baby will inevitably be born. If there is If a woman marries elsewhere, there must be a girl who will marry into our village!"

Ye Dong nodded secretly. Although this was another strange thing, it proved his own thoughts.

The eight gatekeepers coincide with the number of gossips, which also correspond to the eight gates in the gossip array, and there are a total of 64 hexagrams in the gossip array, and 120 eights happen to be a multiple of 64. All the villagers have the surname Qian, which is the Tian hexagram in the gossip.

Ye Dong was almost certain that there was definitely something weird about this Bagua Village, but he didn't dare to ask further about the specific weirdness, because some villagers had already appeared in front of him, and they all looked at him curiously.

"This is Ye Dong. I met a spirit beast on the mountain and was attacked. I rescued him!"

Qian Kang kept telling these words to the villagers who appeared. Obviously, he thought he had done a great thing.

Fortunately, the villagers are kind and not as unsmiling as the previous Uncle Guo. There are even a few older aunts who looked at Ye Dong with sympathy.

Under the watchful eyes of many villagers, Ye Dong was finally taken to the village chief's house.

Originally, Ye Dong thought that he might be able to see some tricks from the village chief, but after seeing the village chief, he was disappointed.

The village head is an ordinary old man, senile, with gray hair, cloudy old eyes, and a smile on his face that has experienced many vicissitudes.

"Village Chief, this is Brother Ye Dongye, I'm on the mountain..."

Qian Kang was completely familiar with him, and he had already called him brothers and sisters within less than half an hour of knowing Ye Dong. After listening to him with a smile, the village head nodded to Ye Dong and said, "My name is Gan Yi, yes. The village chief of Bagua Village knows a little bit about medical skills, if you don’t mind my little brother, let me take a look at it for you!”

"Thank you, village chief!"

Gan Yi walked to Ye Dong's side, and while observing Ye Dong's injury, Ye Dong was also observing him.

Both the six consciousnesses and the spiritual consciousness have been released to the extreme, but they still haven't found anything weird about the village head.

"The injury is not serious. I'll go get you some medicine and let Xiaokang decoct it for you. You can stay at Xiaokang's house for a few days!"

After leaving this sentence, Gan Yi turned around and left, probably to collect herbs.

"Go, Brother Ye, I'll carry you back!"

Ye Dong was a little dazed, he really didn't expect that Gan Yi, the head of a village, didn't doubt his origin at all, and let himself stay in Bagua Village so easily.

If they really have evil intentions or ulterior motives, wouldn't they be so careless as to lure wolves into the house?

Anyway, Qiankang really returned to his home with Ye Dong on his back.

The buildings in the whole village are exactly the same, and there is nothing special about them. Ye Dong even suspects that the things in every house should be similar.

"Brother Ye, my parents are gone, and now I'm the only one left, so don't be too polite, just stay with me to recuperate well, and just talk to me, you don't even know, those uncles and aunts in the village are annoying me , Say I talk a lot, but I’m actually alright, Brother Ye, why are you closing your eyes? Are you sleepy, let’s sleep there, and I’ll accompany the village chief to gather medicine.”

Ye Dong is naturally pretending to be asleep, this Qiankang is good everywhere, that is, it is indeed a bit too much, but he cannot be blamed, after all, without parents, he is really lonely.


Ye Dong sighed, lying on the bed, looking at the roof, secretly exerting force on his body, trying to stand up, but unfortunately, even with all the strength of breastfeeding, his body remained motionless. The compression was too terrifying, he was lucky not to be crushed into a piece of paper.

After working hard for a while, Ye Dong gave up, began to miss his relatives and friends, and said to himself: "I don't know if Red Wolf and the others have escaped from the Beast and Demon Realm. Senior Demon Emperor and Big Brother should be able to kill that Five sky demons!"

Thinking of the master of all beings, Ye Dong's eyes suddenly lit up, because he remembered that his elder brother once gave himself a box and told him to open it when he really encountered unsolvable difficulties.

Now that I can't even move, isn't it an unsolvable difficulty!
(End of this chapter)

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