One emperor

Chapter 1546 Blood Thread Guide

Chapter 1546 Blood Thread Guide
Hongmeng Sword Tower!

The Fang family's peerless powerhouse blew himself up with all his strength, but he didn't even destroy the Primordial Sword Pagoda, but this is also normal, after all, even the Great Dao Skynet can't cause the slightest damage to the Primordial Sword Pagoda.

Seeing the Hongmeng Sword Tower floating in front of him, Fang Aoran's distorted face slowly recovered, his eyes full of madness gradually became clear, and suddenly he laughed loudly again: "Hahaha, Ye Dong, you die!" You are all dead, but you still gave me such a big gift, thank you so much, don’t worry, I will use this Primordial Sword Tower to destroy the Blood Prison, and capture your relatives and friends alive!”

After finishing speaking, Fang Aoran stretched out his hand, wanting to grab the Hongmeng Sword Tower, but suddenly, a bloody light shot out from the sword tower, it was a bloody sharp sword like a human spine, showing its sharpness, Invincible, directly pierced Fang Aoran's palm without mercy.

Immediately afterwards, the Hongmeng Sword Tower shook slightly, and one figure after another left the Sword Tower and appeared in front of Fang Aoran.

The leader is Ye Dong. Behind him, Pan Chaoyang, Red Wolf and others fought side by side. Everyone stared at Fang Aoran coldly, because, in their eyes, Fang Aoran had already It's a dead man.

The appearance of this group of people made Fang Aoran stunned for a moment, and even forgot the sharp pain from his palm. At this moment, there was only one thought in his mind, that Ye Dong was not dead!
Ye Dong naturally didn't die, because at the moment when the peerless powerhouse blew himself up, he had no time or way to escape, so he could only simply lead everyone into the Hongmeng Sword Tower in an instant.

Back then, when facing the pursuit of the Great Dao and Skynet, Ye Dong also escaped by hiding in the Hongmeng Sword Tower. Naturally, he believed that the self-destruction of the peerless powerhouse should not be enough to destroy the Hongmeng Sword Tower, so he took a gamble. Put, once again successfully escaped.

However, in the Hongmeng Sword Tower, they can still feel the movement of the outside world. The shocking fluctuations made them feel quite uneasy. They don't know how long the power of this explosion will last. time.

Thanks to Fang Aoran's voice coming into the tower, letting them know that the outside is safe. Naturally, everything Fang Aoran said was heard by Ye Dong and the others, so at this moment, Ye Dong unceremoniously used the blood spine, a sword pierced his palm.

With Ye Dong's appearance, the Hongmeng Sword Tower automatically flew over Ye Dong's head, like a loyal guard, firmly protecting its master.

Although the Grandmist Sword Tower has not yet produced a real weapon spirit, it is made from the primordial vitality sacrificed at the beginning of all things. Even if there is no weapon spirit, the spirituality it possesses is incomparable. Naturally, it knows who is its master.

In other words, even if Ye Dong is really dead, the Hongmeng Sword Tower will not take the initiative to betray, unless it is forced to erase all traces of Ye Dong from its body with great supernatural powers.

With the Hongmeng Sword Tower on Ye Dong's head, holding the blood spine, he walked towards Fang proudly step by step with a blank face.

Fang Aoran's complexion turned extremely pale in an instant. So many people he brought, it can be said that half of the elites of the Fang family, including a peerless powerhouse, are all dead now, but Ye Dong and his group are It was a lot of people who were living well. At this moment, he had no intention of fighting Ye Dong at all.

Suddenly, Fang proudly turned around and left without saying a word, and a space gate quickly appeared in front of him.


Ye Dong stabbed out with a sword in his hand, and the powerful force smashed the space door into pieces, revealing a dark void.

"Want to escape? Fang Aoran, don't you want me to kneel down? Don't you want to use my Primordial Sword Tower to destroy the Blood Prison, capture my relatives alive, and raise them like animals? Now I am here Here, only by killing me can you realize your wishes, why are you running away? Where are you running away?"

At the beginning, Ye Dong's voice was still very calm, but as the time passed, his voice became colder. When he said the last few words, a layer of frost appeared in the surrounding air.

Family and friends will always be Ye Dong's back, and no one can touch them!

However, Fang Aoran's words just now really offended Ye Dong's Nilin, plus what Fang Aoran did to Ye Dong in the past, Ye Dong would not let him go today no matter what.

"call out!"

Fang Aoran turned around suddenly, a golden dragon-shaped sword turned into a golden dragon, roaring towards Ye Dong, and at the same time a palm-sized rectangular box appeared in his other hand.

As for the dragon-shaped sword that stabbed at him, Ye Dong had already seen it in the hands of several members of the Fang family. The style was almost identical. It was guessed that it was refined after imitating the holy artifact owned by the Fang family, and it was naturally powerful.

However, Ye Dong didn't seem to see it at all. Strips of primordial vitality descended from the Primordial Sword Tower, protecting him firmly, and continued walking.


The golden sword pierced the primordial vitality fiercely, but it couldn't break through at all, so that the transformed golden dragon let out a whimper, which dissipated instantly.

And at this moment, Fang Aoran suddenly opened the box in his hand.

Countless hair-like blood-red filaments burst out, giving people the feeling that they are like a mess of lush weeds that are growing crazily, rushing towards Ye Dong overwhelmingly, and even Part of it spread rapidly, extending to Pan Chaoyang and others behind Ye Dong.

Mo Kui's complexion suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Don't touch them, go back!"

Originally, Ye Dong didn't pay attention to these bloodshots at all. In his mind, it should be some kind of magic weapon like a plant, which can be cut off completely with the blood spine, but when he heard the voice of Mokui who had changed his tone, he still chose Believe in Mo Kui, after all, Mo Kui is a native of Huo Xiao Tianren, and knows some things that he and others do not know.

Ye Dong's body retreated violently, but in the process, he also tried to shoot out a wave of spiritual energy, trying to see if he could cut off the blood threads.

However, when the spiritual energy just touched those blood threads, instead of being cut off, the blood threads seemed to have been greatly nourished. It almost exploded to a length of several meters in an instant, almost touching the Primordial Sword Tower!
Fortunately, Ye Dong's speed was extremely fast, and he retreated again, which opened the distance between him and the bloodshot.

At the same time, Mokui, who was also retreating quickly, had already explained: "This is the blood thread guide, which is made of soul sacrifices. Once it is entangled by it, everything in the body will be sucked dry. It can be regarded as a Some kind of weapon can also be regarded as some kind of living thing, and aura and soul power are its best nourishment!"

(End of this chapter)

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