One emperor

Chapter 1547 Sending into the Void

Chapter 1547 Sending into the Void
Mokui's explanation made Ye Dong gasp and break out in a cold sweat.

Xuesiyin, there is such a strange existence, it regards aura and soul power as the best nourishment, no wonder the aura I just shot has accelerated its growth!

This is really hard to guard against, because no matter who encounters this kind of thing, the instinctive reaction must be to use aura or soul power to attack it, but in that way, instead of being able to get rid of it, it will push itself into a situation beyond redemption. place.

If it wasn't for Mokui's timely reminder just now, if I directly wanted to cut them off with the blood spine, they would definitely entangle me along the blood spine. Can Hongmeng Yuanqi be able to stop it!
However, just because it is made from soul sacrifice, it is known that it is an evil weapon. Whether it is the person who refines this evil weapon or the person who uses this evil weapon, they are absolutely heinous.

Seeing that Ye Dong was not fooled, a trace of hatred flashed across Fang Aoran's face, and he suddenly threw the box in his hand towards Ye Dong, while he turned around again, and while running, he opened the gap in the space. Door.

Obviously, he wanted to give up the bloodshot lure to entangle Ye Dong and the others, so that he would have a chance to escape.

Although Ye Dong and the others knew that Fang Ao Ran was going to run away, they couldn't catch up now, but were constantly retreating. Because they were out of Fang Ao Ran's control, the box had already exploded, and all the blood threads inside were exposed. It turned out to be a huge area.

All the blood threads danced wildly and extended like a spirit snake, temporarily blocking all escape routes.

"Mokui, there must be something that can restrain it!"

Ye Dong kept backing away while asking Mo Kui loudly.

However, Mo Kui smiled wryly and said: "It is said that only Buddhist practitioners, and those who must have the state of three souls in one, can solve it."

A powerful Buddha cultivator with three souls in one, even the current Prajna has not reached this level, let alone Prajna is not here, no matter how capable everyone is, there is no way to find such a powerful Buddha cultivator out of thin air.

At this time, Fang Aoran had already opened the door of space, stepped into the door, turned his head, and looked at the blood thread that really grew wildly like a weed in the air to hundreds of meters long, a trace of distress flashed across his face.

The refining of Xuesiyin is a kind of secret method, even if there is only this one in the whole Tiandi Palace, if it is used up, it will be gone. The success of the system is also because the ancestors of the Fang family thought that Fang Aoran had a bright future, so he specially rewarded him to save his life, which naturally made him feel a little distressed.

But when Fang proudly looked at Ye Dong, his heartache had been replaced by ferocity.

"Ye Dong, let me see how you escape this time. It has memorized your aura just now. Even if you hide in the Primordial Sword Tower, it will not let you go! What I said just now, especially It is a promise to your relatives and friends, and I will do it one by one!"

After throwing down these words viciously, Fang Aoran also stepped into the door of space with his other foot and left.

Although Ye Dong was gnashing his teeth with hatred, he was helpless, because now he had to find a way to get rid of the bloodshot in front of him, otherwise even if he and others could escape, it would continue to harm others, and it might even bring It was a catastrophe, so Fang could only helplessly let Fang escape proudly.

However, looking at the disappearing gate of space, Ye Dong already had an idea. While backing away, he let out a violent roar, and suddenly punched the surrounding air forcefully.


Ye Dong punched with all his strength, directly shattering the space, revealing a small piece of black void, but without stopping, he punched out again.

When everyone saw this scene, they naturally understood Ye Dong's method. Since they couldn't touch the blood thread guide at all, they sent it into the endless dark void.

The void is full of dangers. Throughout the ages, no one dared to stay in the void for too long. Any kind of danger may destroy the body and spirit.

Naturally, sending the blood thread into the void is also the safest and most secure method. Even if it is not destroyed by the void, it will no longer pose a threat to anyone.

With seven or eight consecutive punches, Ye Dong forcibly punched out a huge void in front of him that was about the same size as Xuesiyin's area, and part of Xuesiyin's bloodshot had been attracted by the suction from the void, spreading In the void, however, most of its limbs still persistently shot towards Ye Dong and the others.

Ye Dong continued to punch, while preventing the self-healing of the space, he tried his best to expand the hole of the void and enhance the suction of the void, but in the process, he saw the flashing lights again in front of his eyes—— The law of space!

"If I can manipulate the power of the law of space, I can directly cause the nearby space to collapse and suck it in."

This idea flashed through Ye Dong's mind. Although the idea is good, he just doesn't have the ability to do it now. It is estimated that it will be possible only when he reaches the realm of the peerless powerhouse, so he can only continue to break the void. Way to keep hitting the space.

At this time, Pan Chaoyang and others also rushed over to help. Although they did not have Ye Dong's strong body, it was not difficult to break through the void.

With everyone's concerted efforts, they finally opened up a large hole in the void that directly exceeds a hundred meters, and most of the blood threads have been sucked into the void. Although there are still a few blood threads that are still tightly grasping the hole, but Not a threat at all.

In the end, Xuesiyin was completely swallowed by the void, and the power of the law of space gradually repaired the void.

A thrilling battle is finally over!

Although everyone saved their lives and escaped without any danger, looking at the half-disappeared city below them, everyone felt anger and helplessness in their hearts!

In order to deal with the six of them, the Fang family did not care about the lives of other people, causing such a large area of ​​damage.

It's a pity that Fang Ao Ran escaped in the end, otherwise, killing him would at least make everyone feel better.

Everyone stood in the air, and after a moment of silence, Ye Dong turned around first and said: "Okay, let's go to the Buddha Land of the Western Regions quickly, this time is just a prologue, wait until the Prajna is brought out, and the prajna is brought out." With the Master of All Beings, we are about to start a real battle."

(End of this chapter)

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