One emperor

Chapter 2049

Chapter 2049


For the first time in his life, Ye Dong was so afraid of hearing his name called out, because once he uttered these two words, it meant the death of a friend of his.

Only half a day passed, Yan Nangui and Mo Kui, these two good friends had already died, and Ye Dong didn't even have time to grieve, the only thing he could do was to bring their bodies into the Love Realm, and then continue on non-stop Go find the next friend, and try to find them before Xiao Wuqing.

"Ye Dong!"

When Yu Qianshuang, the proud daughter of Yuqionglou of the Huoxiaotian Emperor Clan, was also one step away from Ye Dong, when she fell down with a reluctant and unwilling smile on her face, Ye Dong already had a little bit of love. On the cracked Dao Heart, there was a "click", and a second crack appeared.

Ye Dong hugged Yu Qianshuang's gradually freezing corpse, and couldn't help but recall in his mind how he met him at the beginning, as well as discovering the practice skills left by senior brother Luo Tianlian in the small world owned by Yu Qianshuang, and thus reconciled with him. Yu Qianshuang became friends.

Yu Qianshuang, this woman, has an incomprehensible attachment to utensils, and she also has a deep affection for Ye Dong.

However, Yu Qianshuang's personality is like a man's, very forthright, although she is affectionate, even though she knows that Ye Dong will not accept her, she is still willing to help Ye Dong silently, even when Ye Dong is the enemy of the world, she He Yuqionglou also always stood by Ye Dong's side.

However, today, she also passed away, with the joy of finally seeing Ye Dong again, and the unwillingness to die, and left forever.

Ye Dong stared at Yu Qianshuang's face almost dully. At this moment, he seemed to have no sorrow or pain, and there was nothing but a blank.

However, this blankness made him gradually calm down, and his reason gradually recovered.

He figured it out, why Xiao Wuqing was always able to find the person he wanted to save one step ahead of himself, and he didn't even know who he would go to. It was only because his divine sense found someone first that he rushed over.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, Xiao Wuqing is always following behind him. After he has determined the person he is looking for, he relies on his cultivation level to be higher than himself, so he can find this person first, and then wait until he is about to catch up with him. When the time comes, kill it!
"Then, if I don't go to my friends, shouldn't he have nothing to do?"

Suddenly, Ye Dong sat down on the ground, and Xiao Wuqing, who was always smiling at him not far away, frowned slightly inadvertently.

Indeed, as Ye Dong analyzed, even if Xiao Wuqing is a god, even if he can know the position of every life in the world of Conferred God Wars, after all, he will not know who is Ye Dong's friend, who is Ye Dong East to care about people.

He can only lock Ye Dong's location, and then when Ye Dong enters a certain world, he can lock Ye Dong's divine sense with his own spiritual sense, and find the person Ye Dong is looking for first.

Now, Ye Dong has given up searching, so for Xiao Wuqing, there is really no way to continue playing this game, unless he can forcibly search Ye Dong's soul and find every one of his friends.

The world of love opened up, a river of blood rolled by, and Yu Qianshuang's body was brought into it, but Ye Dong was still sitting there, although his heart was raging with anger, he insisted on calming himself down, thinking hard in his head, some There is no way to break this game.

"Yan Nangui, Mo Kui, and Yu Qianshuang, the three of them died one after another, and they were all from Huo Xiaotian, because their cultivation bases were almost the same. According to the rules in the Conferred God War, people with the same strength will In corresponding and equal worlds, that's why the worlds they live in are so similar."

"Then if I keep looking, the next one will definitely be someone from Huo Xiaotian. I don't know who has entered the Conferred God War."

Although Xiao Wuqing still had a smile on his face, he really couldn't do anything about Ye Dong's meditation in his heart, and he was also thinking about how to continue this game.

But at this moment, a white light fell from the sky, directly covering Xiao Wuqing's body.

This sudden white light made Ye Dong and Xiao Wuqing slightly startled, and something appeared in Xiao Wuqing's mind.

If Ye Dong could see such a thing at this moment, he would immediately recognize that it was the map depicted in the jade slip that Xia Mingyue gave him earlier!
They are exactly the same, even the places marked with red dots are not bad at all.

This map, which should only be known to Ye Dong and Xia Mingyue, was passed to Xiao Wuqing in this special way.

"Tao God!"

A coldness flashed in Xiao Wuqing's eyes. Although he didn't have any good feelings for the Dao God, he had to admit that with this map, the game could really continue, and the initiative this time would be completely controlled by own body.

"Next, Tianmen Realm!"

After laughing and dropping these words, Xiao Wuqing turned around and left, but Ye Dong's eyes widened suddenly, because Tianmen Realm was the next world with a friend of his own.

Now, Ye Dong also understood that it must be that white light that told Xiao Wuqing the whereabouts of his friends.

"Help Xiao Wuqing, I don't care who you are, from now on, as long as I, Ye Dong, don't die, we will never die!"

Ye Dong's eyes burned with raging anger, and a mouthful of soul blood spit out in the air, condensed into a strange pattern, and disappeared into the air.

This is the oath he made with his soul blood!

The next moment, he also left quickly. Although he knew that he might fail again this time, he absolutely couldn't just do nothing like this and let Xiao Wuqing kill his friend.

At the same time, in the Heaven and Earth Gate in Huo Xiaotian, the gate master Yu Qinglan who was sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hands, and gently pinched Yin Jue continuously. There is a trace of divine light flowing, which is the power of some kind of law.

After a while, a mocking smile appeared on Yu Qinglan's face, and she said to herself: "It's really beyond my capabilities to kill my Yuzu people, but this seems to be a game prepared for Ye Dong. It's better not to interfere, Bai Yi, come back!"

Following the last five words Yu Qinglan uttered, a handsome man in white clothes who was walking slowly in the Tianmen Realm of the Conferred God War suddenly turned his head, looked at the sky, nodded helplessly, and moved his hands together. Circle, under the interlocking of ten fingers, a golden door suddenly appeared in front of him.

If Ye Dong could see this scene at this moment, he would have discovered that the golden gate formed by Yu Baiyi, and the golden gate leading to the starry sky where the road of seeking immortals was formed by him in the hands of his father Yu Qinglan exactly the same.

Yu Baiyi pushed open the golden gate, stepped in, his figure suddenly disappeared, and almost instantly, he appeared in front of Yu Qinglan, still with helplessness on his face, he said: "Father, don't you have to play again?"

(End of this chapter)

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