One emperor

Chapter 2050 The Walking Dead

Chapter 2050 The Walking Dead
At the same time that Yu Baiyi disappeared from the Tianmen Realm, Xiao Wuqing couldn't help frowning, and the red dot on the map in his mind disappeared immediately.

Naturally, his divine sense could sense the instant disappearance of Yu Baiyi, and he didn't go to another world, but completely left the Conferred God War!

"Leaving? It turned out to be a complete departure, how is this possible?"

Although he didn't have the breath of death in the Conferred God War, he knew no less about the Conferred God War than other gods. This space opened up by the joint efforts of the gods, except under the permission of the gods, otherwise, there is no one. People can leave.

At the same time, the Taoist God who was in the starry sky of the universe suddenly opened his eyes. Countless Dao patterns flashed in his eyes, and he spat out three words: "Heaven and Earth Gate!"

Even in the Soul Requiem Bell hidden in Ye Dong's body, the equally mysterious old monk who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes, and a look of shock flashed across his face: "Xianmen, this is from Xianmen." Breath, it must be the Yu clan of the Xiannu clan! Could it be that this Yu clan has something to do with Ye Dong?"

Ye Dong, who has been following Xiao Wuqing closely all along, also discovered Yu Baiyi's disappearance. Although he was also puzzled, he was more happy. Moreover, he vaguely guessed that Yu Baiyi's departure should be related to the Heaven and Earth Gate behind him. , and the mysterious Yu Qinglan.

"Brother Yu, that's great!"

The words murmured out of his mouth made Yu Baiyi, who was in the gate of heaven and earth, frown slightly. In front of him, there was a surface of water on which Ye Dong's face was impressively reflected. figure.

Yu Baiyi turned to look at his father and said, "Father, what happened?"

Yu Qinglan pondered for a while, stretched out his hand, a ray of golden light emerged from his fingertips, lightly tapped towards the water surface, a burst of ripples gently spread out, the picture began to change continuously, until it stopped three days ago, On top of the conversation between Xiao Wuqing and Ye Dong.

The screen continued to change, and what happened to Ye Dong in the past three days was presented in detail, and when Yu Baiyi saw Ye Dong's almost crazy running to save himself, and when he learned that he was safe, After leaving, when he muttered to himself with relief, a trace of contemplation appeared on his face, and a question echoed in his mind.

"Does he really regard me as a friend?"

The sudden disappearance of Yu Baiyi surprised Xiao Wuqing a bit, but he didn't think too much about it. He turned his head to look at Ye Dong who was not far away from him, and said with a slight smile, "Your friend is a bit interesting, but I don't think so." Let's see how many people can suddenly disappear, the next one, Daojie!"

Ye Dong didn't say a word and continued to run wildly behind Xiao Wuqing. The map in his mind told him that after asking about the world, he had to go through several worlds in a row before the world with his friends appeared again.

Then according to my previous guess, the person in Wendao Realm must be my last friend from Huo Xiaotian!
Who is this person?


In the Wendao Realm, in the deep underground, in the endless darkness, an old sigh suddenly sounded.

"Although there is indeed the shadow of Taixu here, it still failed after all. I just don't know if I will have the chance to see that child Chen Han again!"

"No chance!"

Suddenly, a gentle voice sounded in the dark underground, followed by another anxious roar from afar: "Demon Emperor, run away!"

"There is no escape!"


The boundless darkness seemed to have suddenly turned into crazy sea water, and there was a sound like rolling waves, and in an instant, the darkness condensed, and the originally endless darkness quickly became a thousand feet in size, and a terrifying force It also burst out as the darkness condensed.

"Yaodi, it seems that you are a shadow demon, which is a bit interesting, but it's a pity that you can't survive the decline of Tiansan. Instead of dying in vain, you might as well fulfill me!"


With the fall of this gentle voice, the darkness that had been condensed to the size of a hundred feet suddenly exploded. This dark place that hadn't produced light for an unknown period of time suddenly brightened up.

And in this bright, an old man dressed in black, with a vicissitudes on his face, and a stooped body, is slowly falling backwards.

The demon emperor Yingzang, who cultivated from a shadow to become a demon, liked darkness and disliked light all his life, but he never expected that at the moment of death, he saw the brightest light in his life.

At this point, the demon emperor Yingzang is dead!
"Next, Moxiangjie!"

Xiao Wuqing didn't even look at the corpse of the demon emperor Yingzang. After leaving these words, he disappeared without a trace, leaving only Ye Dong standing there with a boundless chill in his calm expression.

Ye Dong never imagined that his last friend who entered the Conferred God War in Huoxiaotian would be the Demon Emperor Yingzang!

There was no sadness, no pain, only boundless anger and endless regret in Ye Dong's heart, without saying a word, he silently sent the corpse of the demon emperor Yingzang into the Love Realm, then turned around, walked forward, Still following behind Xiao Wuqing, chasing down step by step.

But this kind of pursuit has no meaning at all, the only function is to let Ye Dong collect the corpses for his friends!
In Moxiangjie, the young master of the Li family, Li Fei, who has always carried his sister's body on his back, holds his huge sickle, dies!

In Kunwu Realm, Zi Yihou, who has been ridiculed by Longzi, who is the inheritance of Ziwei Heaven and Man, and who is in harmony with Longzi's mocking wind, dies!

Dream Elimination Realm, and the soul of Longzi Prisoner Niu, from Zixiaotian Bagua Village, a spiritual song that once had feelings for Ye Dong, die!
Daofengjie, Ye Dong's third apprentice, and Long Zijiaotu's soulmate, also from the Huoxiaotian gossip world, Gan Li with a dull personality, die!
Not only did they die, but even the soul of the dragon son who had merged with them also disappeared. They should have died as well!
If the death of Yan Nangui and the others made Ye Dong feel sad, and the death of Yu Qianshuang and Yaodi Yingzang made Ye Dong angry, then when the soul song, especially when Qian Li died, Ye Dong's I have lost all feeling in my heart.

He had resisted before, using all his strength, even self-destruction soul, and wanted to drag Xiao Wuqing to die together, but now Xiao Wuqing has come here as himself, and his strength is too much beyond him, and there is no chance of self-destruction at all. Not to him!

He seemed to have become a walking dead, a puppet that lost its soul, numbly following behind Xiao Wuqing, and could only collect their corpses for his friends and apprentices again and again , silently put into the Love Realm, and then continued to follow Xiao Wuqing to collect the next corpse.

All this is really like a game, even he thinks that he is dreaming, but this dream is far from over!

During this process, the only thing that supported him to continue walking was the hatred towards Xiao Wuqing and himself.

This hatred is already higher than the sky and deeper than the sea, and it cannot be replaced by anything, and this kind of hatred has also caused more and more cracks in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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