One emperor

Chapter 468 Insect Sea

Chapter 468 Insect Sea
Because of bumping into something, the boat vibrated violently, so that Ye Dong, who was concentrating on watching Liao Yue and the boatman fight, lost his balance and was about to fall into oblivion while staggering. In the river.

However, Ye Dong's reaction was extremely fast, and the aura in his body immediately rushed to the Yongquan acupoint on his feet like a big wave, and the gushing out aura was like two nails, firmly nailed into the ship's side, hard He firmly stabilized his figure.

However, at this moment, Liu Jizong, who was standing on the other side of the ship, staring at the bottom of the ship without planks, suddenly let out a gasp.

Ye Dong hastily followed the sound, and saw that at the bottom of the boat, the Wangchuan River, which was originally flowing calmly, had suddenly boiled. Countless black bubbles gushed out of the water, but they did not burst. At the same time, a wave of extreme A big stench also came out as the blisters surged.

Because Zhuyin is in the state of soul, he hardly has any weight, so even the vibration of the ship's hull has no effect on him, and he still stands firmly beside Ye Dong. Naturally, he also smells the stench The smell and the strange shape of the river.

After sniffing hard, Zhuyin showed a disappointed look on his face and said, "Oh, it's not poisonous!"

Although his words made Ye Dong and Liu Jizong feel relieved, but they also had the urge to kick him into the river. It is obviously a good thing that he is not poisonous, but in his opinion, it turned into a great regret!
Ye Dong stared at the tumbling river, and asked Liu Jizong calmly, "Senior Liu, what's going on?"

Since entering this underground world, they and their group have encountered enough strange things, and they know that every place here is full of dangers, and if they are not careful, they may lose their lives here, so, It's not strange, but if you can figure out the reason for the strange thing, it will always be easier to deal with it.

Liu Jizong shook his head and said, "I don't know, it seems that something has hit the ship, and the ship has been stranded, and it can no longer move forward."

I don't know how the Wangchuan River was formed. The black water completely blocked Ye Dong and Liu Jizong's vision, making them unable to see what was going on in the water.

Ye Dong didn't ask any more questions, he stretched out his index finger after a moment of pondering, and a burst of spiritual energy directly shot out more than two meters long, like a stick, slowly stuck into the water.

As soon as the aura stick entered the water, Ye Dong felt a slight vibration, as if something had touched the aura, but the force of these things was not strong.

However, before he could finish his thoughts, he suddenly felt a lightness in his hand, and hurriedly raised his finger. The spirit stick that was originally two meters long was only about half a meter left.

"There is something below that can devour aura!"

Is it really just devouring aura?
As soon as Ye Dong's voice fell, there was a "chi chi" sound in his ear, as if someone was making a weird laugh.

But it's not that someone is laughing, but something is eating the boat!

Having just discovered this, Ye Dong and Liu Jizong felt their feet lighten almost at the same time, and the lower half of the entire ship's hull was gnawed away by these things in an instant.

At this time, the boat was about 50 meters away from the river bank. Without being able to fly, neither Ye Dong nor Liu Jizong had the ability to cross such a long distance!

This also means that they are about to fall into the Wangchuan River!
Ye Dong suddenly grabbed Zhu Yin, and with a sudden force in his hands, he threw his light body towards the river bank where Liao Yue and the boatman were fighting.

"Save Liao Yue, wait for me!"

Ye Dong's eyesight is very good, and he could see that Liao Yue's face had an abnormal black color just now, he must have been poisoned, and he himself is in danger now, so he can only hope that he can't poison, but he can detoxify Zhuyin went to help rescue Liao Yue.

After hastily throwing out these two sentences, Zhuyin flew towards the bank of the river like a stone, while Ye Dong and Liu Jizong fell into the Wangchuan River at the same time.

The moment the two landed on the ground, their respective aura defenses appeared on their bodies, and Ye Dong was even more straightforward, directly letting Ziyan Longhuo burst out!
A mass of purple-red flames rose from the black river water, but the flames only lasted for two breaths, and then quickly extinguished.

This Wangchuan River is so weird that it can even extinguish the Ziyan Dragon Fire!
Liu Jizong gave the reason: "This is not water!"

As a master of the world who can use the power of water attributes, Liu Jizong is the least afraid of water, and the moment he fell into the water, he clearly realized that what flows in the Wangchuan River is not water at all!
Because he couldn't absorb even a trace of water system power from the water!

Now there is a blue aura outside Liu Jizong's body, but this aura is disappearing at an extremely fast speed visible to the naked eye, because around the aura, there are densely packed countless insects that look like beetles Insects, the size of a thumb, are covered with black scales. There are two crab-like sharp pincers on the front of their heads. They are cutting the aura mask with the pincers while opening their mouths, desperately devouring the aura.

Naturally, this is why the ship stops suddenly and is swallowed up!
The number of bugs is simply too much!

Looking at it at a glance, it is so densely packed that you can't see the end.

Not far away, a huge black shiny ball made entirely of bugs was gradually disintegrating.

It turned out that they were huddled together, with their bellies facing inward and their backs covered with scales facing outward, like a rock, extremely hard, after a ship hits it, it would definitely stop, and then the other insects took advantage of this time to move forward Go devour the boat, so that the people on board will naturally fall into the water and become their delicacy!

In other words, these bugs are not only extremely numerous, but also have considerable intelligence, and even know how to work in groups!

If that's all, Ye Dong and Liu Jizong wouldn't be too scared, but these bugs also have a deadly ability to devour aura!
For practitioners, no matter what realm you have cultivated to, spiritual energy will always be your foundation, and once the spiritual energy is exhausted, it is tantamount to becoming a waste with no power to restrain the chicken.

The bugs were like quicksand, tightly wrapping Ye Dong and Liu Jizong. The harder they struggled, the deeper their bodies would sink.

Liu Jizong only felt that his face was turning green, and no one would believe it when he said it. The son of the old Cihang Sect lord, the lord of the Puppet Sect, and a master of the world, he was not afraid of anything in his life. The only thing he was afraid of was actually Bugs, let alone so many bugs piled up together!

In desperation, he could only yell at Ye Dong: "Ye Dong, find a way, we won't last long!"

(End of this chapter)

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