One emperor

Chapter 469 Ants Can Swallow Elephants

Chapter 469 Ants Can Swallow Elephants

Ye Dong's situation is not much better than Liu Jizong's. Although he is not as afraid of bugs as Liu Jizong, but surrounded by so many bugs, and the aura that protects him is still being swallowed, he is also eager to think about it. Get out of this sea of ​​insects quickly.

It's just that he couldn't think of a way at all for a while!
The worms were no longer wrapped around them with three layers inside and three layers outside, but a hundred layers inside and a hundred layers outside. Even if the two of them tried their best, they couldn't break free from the sea of ​​worms.

It stands to reason that the best way to deal with bugs is fire, but just now the Ziyan Dragon Fire fell into the Wangchuan River, and it didn't last long before it was easily extinguished. Even if it burned again, it would have no effect at all.

Besides, even if the Ziyan Dragon Fire works, it is only a drop in the bucket in the face of what should be an entire Wangchuan River of insects. Ten thousand will be burned to death, and there will be hundreds of thousands, millions, and tens of millions of insects waiting for you!
Unless Ye Dong has aura that is huge enough to support and burn all the bugs in this Wangchuan River.

Ye Dong and Liu Jizong, the auras of the two masters are being devoured by those bugs at an extremely fast speed, and the protective shield formed by the aura is getting smaller and smaller, and if you can't think of a better way, wait until the aura is exhausted , they will become the delicacies of these bugs and be buried in the belly of the bugs.

Ants can swallow elephants, not to mention these strange insects that are a hundred times stronger than ants.

But now the two of them really have nothing to do, the "rustling" sound made by the insects devouring, is like the footsteps of the god of death, getting closer and closer to themselves.

In the whole world, I am afraid that there is no other way of death that can compare to the horror and helplessness that such a way of death will bring!
Seeing these insects getting closer and closer to him, a fierce light gradually appeared in Ye Dong's eyes. The hostility hidden in the depths of the soul, which came from the infection of the blood prison, made Ye Dong This moment became manic!

Sooner or later, you will die. Instead of waiting to be bitten to death by the bugs in such a state of embarrassment, it is better to let go of your hands and feet and kill a few bugs.

If you want to eat me, then I will kill you first!

Countless strands of aura suddenly burst out from Ye Dong's body, and the auras vibrated like ripples in water waves. It looked extremely gentle, but when these auras touched the bugs, they turned into indestructible Butcher knife, each aura can kill hundreds of bugs!

The sound of "噗噗噗" kept ringing, and in a blink of an eye, at least thousands of insects gathered around Ye Dong had been crushed into pieces, and a layer of black liquid flowed out of their bodies, and it flowed into the forgotten area. In the river water.

It turned out that the Wangchuan Black Water was formed from the body fluids secreted by these insects!
Although Ye Dong has turned from defense to offense, with the thought of dying together, the aura in his body no longer keeps any reservations, and it pours out like a stormy sea with great momentum.

However, there were too many bugs, and they were not afraid of death at all. Just as the ones in front were broken into pieces, another batch came up from behind and continued to attack Ye Dong.

Finally, a bug escaped Ye Dong's attack, and successfully came to Ye Dong's chest, raised its two pliers, and grabbed his clothes viciously.

With a sound of "chi", a strip of clothes on Ye Dong's chest was easily torn off.

Immediately afterwards, several bugs came over, waved their pliers, and together with their companions, began to tear Ye Dong's clothes vigorously.


It didn't take long for the clothes on Ye Dong's chest to be easily torn to pieces, and his chest was finally exposed!
A worm has triumphantly raised its pincers, ready to be the first to eat Ye Dong's meat.

However, at this moment, Ye Dong's chest suddenly emitted a large area of ​​red light. Several rays of light formed a light curtain, covering the bugs around him.

These bugs, which were struggling to bite and devour them, stopped their movements in an instant as if they had been immobilized under the light of this red light curtain!

The bugs that were not covered by the red light curtain were still struggling to push forward, but once they entered the range covered by the light curtain, they would stop immediately.

At this time, Ye Dong was so red-eyed that he didn't even notice the light curtain on his chest, and he was still struggling to kill the bugs around him.

Fortunately, Liu Jizong saw it!

"Ye Dong, what is on your chest!"

With a loud roar, Ye Dong finally woke up, but he still looked at Liu Jizong with a little blankness.

Liu Jizong was struggling to squeeze from the sea of ​​insects to where Ye Dong was, that is, the area covered by the red light curtain. Seeing Ye Dong's gaze, he hurriedly pointed to Ye Dong's chest and said, "You The picture on the chest seems to be able to deter these bugs."

The picture on the chest?

Ye Dong lowered his head and looked at his chest.

A tangle of weird patterns forms a mysterious pattern!

At this moment, streaks of red light are emitting from the pattern, and all the insects that are illuminated by the red light stay in place quietly, allowing their own kind to squeeze hard behind them, but they do not move at all. .

All Souls Curse Map!

This is the map of all spirits that Luohe engraved for Ye Dong!

A spell chart created by the ancestors of the Beast Clan people after realizing the way of heaven. Generally, as long as monsters see this spell chart, they will basically eliminate their hostility towards you!

The power of the spell map is also closely related to your own cultivation base, the higher the cultivation level, the greater the power of the spell map will naturally be!

Ye Dong had almost forgotten the existence of the Ten Thousand Spirits Curse Map, and now he finally understood it.

Although these bugs are extremely numerous, they are not ordinary bugs, but low-level monsters.

Maybe they don't have eyes to see, but when they are shrouded by the light emitted by the magic map of all spirits, they will immediately sense the existence of the magic map of all spirits, and thus be affected by the magic map, and eliminate hostility to the owner of the curse map !
Ye Dong suddenly realized that he and Liu Jizong were saved!
The All Souls Curse Map is simply the best weapon against these bugs!

Taking a deep breath into his stomach, Ye Dong summoned up the little spiritual energy left in his body, and gathered it all on the Ten Thousand Spirits Curse Chart on his chest.

Immediately, the sounds of dragons singing, tigers roaring, phoenixes crying, and the cries of countless monsters came faintly from somewhere!

Thousands of red lights emanated from the Ten Thousand Spirits Curse Map, rushing towards the surroundings, flying vertically and horizontally, and accompanied by the sound of ten thousand spirits screaming, interweaving into a net of heaven and earth...

(End of this chapter)

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