First emperor of the human race

Chapter 116 Humanoid monster, bloodbath the mountain gate

Chapter 116 Humanoid monster, bloodbath the mountain gate

Obviously, what Jianzi Banli did in the imperial capital has not yet spread to Jianfeng Mountain, and the people here do not know the news of the imperial capital.

At this time, the army suddenly attacked, bringing this shocking news.

Did Xunjianlou Jianzi commit the same crime as treason? !
This made everyone stunned.

"Quick! Get out of the way!!"

"It's the Iron Army and the Guard Cavalry!"

Countless people turned pale and dodged one after another, watching them fight all the way to the foot of Jianfeng Mountain.

"Surround them all! Don't let a single fly go!"

Li Yuanba gave an order.

The army moved forward quickly, and the three generals quickly commanded the army to surround the entire Jianfeng Mountain.

The densely packed, endless army represented the most powerful military force of the Great Xia Dynasty.

This is a regular army, an elite army, far beyond the comparison of Hu Zongmen in Jianghu. Even Xunjianlou is powerless to resist in front of two elite army.

"Quick! Open the mountain guard array!"

Inside the mountain gate, a cultivator let out a long whistle, which resounded through Jianfeng Mountain, and the voice was full of panic.


A shield of aura that seemed to be real rose up from Jianfeng Mountain, covering the entire Jianfeng Mountain.

The opening of the mountain protection array gave the practitioners of Jianfeng Mountain a little comfort.


Li Yuanba watched this scene with a sneer.

Do you think that a mere mountain guard formation can hold back the elite army of Great Xia?

"I don't know which general is driving here? What did I do in Xunjianlou to provoke the army to kill me?"

On Jianfeng Mountain, there was a loud voice.

"Xunjianlou Jianzi committed crimes in the imperial capital, trying to rob the imperial concubine!!"

Li Yuanba yelled: "We are ordered to arrest Xunjianlou's rebellion! Open the mountain gate to a certain family!"

There was a little silence on Jianfeng Mountain, and then an elder from Xunjian Tower said, "Then please come in by yourself, General."

Since there is no room for relaxation, let's fight.

Xunjianlou is confident that with the strength of being the number one sect in the Jianghu, coupled with the protection of the mountain guard array, the elite army of Daxia can't do anything to them.

"How noble is Jianzi, how can he be greedy for the imperial concubine? Our Jianzi will never do that kind of thing!"

"If you want to commit a crime, there is no excuse. If the emperor violates Xunjian Tower, isn't he afraid of chaos in the world!"

"I, Xunjianlou, will never give in and plead guilty!"

Inside the mountain gate, the high-level disciples of Xunjian Tower kept shouting, their voices were full of pride.

In their eyes, no concubine or emperor is as noble as Jianzi, and they don't respect emperors.

The prestige of being the first school in Jianghu all the year round gave the disciples of Xunjianlou great confidence and blinded them.

"What a thief."

Bai Qi frowned, and the killing intent in his heart gradually rose: "It's really a group of people who don't know what to say."

"This Jianfeng Mountain is the mountain gate of my Xunjian Tower, you should retreat quickly!"

There was a voice of scolding, although Xunjian Tower was besieged, the people inside were unexpectedly confident.

Do they think they can resist these two elite troops of Great Xia?
Zhao Yun was furious: "The land of the Great Xia is the land of the emperor, and the same is true of Jianfeng Mountain. Why was it the place where you searched for the sword tower!"


Li Yuanba couldn't bear it anymore, he shouted loudly, jumped up high, the aura in his body soared wildly, raised two huge hammers, and smashed them fiercely at the mountain guard formation.

Under the blessing of Li Yuanba's enormous strength, the giant hammer full of aura burst out with incomparable power, and the whistling sound driven by the hammer was a sharp wind, which overturned the soldiers around Li Yuanba.


A loud noise came, shaking the world.


The aura shield of the mountain protection formation trembled violently, then shattered, the aura collapsed, and could no longer protect the people on Jianfeng Mountain.




As the aura shield of the mountain protection formation was broken, the entire Jianfeng Mountain was shaken violently, countless boulders rolled down, and the mountain body appeared a landslide, as if it was about to disintegrate in an instant, which made the people on the mountain extremely frightened.

"The mountain guard is broken!"

"God, what kind of monster is he!"

The screams and the shocked voices of the disciples and elders continued to resound from the mountain.

Some disciples of Xunjian Tower were unable to escape in time, and were crushed to death on the spot by a huge boulder rolling down from the top of the mountain when Jianfeng Mountain shook.

The reason why they can face the elite army of Great Xia with such confidence is because of the existence of the Great Mountain Protector Formation.

The mountain-protecting formation is an invincible existence for non-legendary level masters, and some special mountain-protecting formations can even withstand the onslaught of legendary level masters for three days and three nights.

The Great Array of Protecting Mountains is the pride of Jianghu Zongmen, and it is also their confidence to dare to challenge the government.

And Xunjianlou's mountain guard formation is also very famous, it is said that it is absolutely invincible to masters in the legendary realm, even if the legendary realm comes in person, it will take a lot of effort.

Because Xunjianlou's mountain protection formation is very special, it can only be broken with strength, even if it uses the spiritual power of the legendary level, it cannot be completely destroyed; A special mountain protection array with general physical defense.

But today they met the monster Li Yuanba, he didn't play any fancy things with you at all, and Li Yuanba didn't know any magical powers, he always dealt with the enemy with one blow.

With his full strength hammer, even the legendary masters dare not take it hard, the physical attack is so high that it explodes!

With a hammer down, the entire mountain guard formation was shattered.

Xunjianlou's hole cards are gone, so they can only face the enemy head-on, but there is an army of hundreds of thousands in front of them!
There are only eight thousand disciples, how do they fight?

Li Yuanba licked his lips, and rushed up to Jianfeng Mountain first, wielding a pair of sledgehammers, but anyone wearing the robes of Xunjianlou Zongmen will suffer death!

"Bloodwashing the Jianjian Tower!"

"Bloodwashing the Jianjian Tower!"

One hundred thousand Great Xia Tiejun shouted violently, formed an army formation, and attacked the mountain gate with overwhelming momentum, full of murderous intent.

"Brother Bai, you are fighting for Yuanba, I will cut off their retreat."

Zhao Yun said to Bai Qi, turned the horse's head, and shouted to order the cavalry under his command to disperse, set up ambushes separately, occupy the main roads in all directions, form a net, and prevent anyone from Xunjian Tower from escaping.

Compared with the elites who survived bloody battles on the battlefield, the people in Xunjianlou are completely vulnerable. The only ones they can fight are the disciple sword formation and the masters of Nirvana.

But under the charge of Li Yuanba, the fierce tiger, the so-called sword array is like tofu, and only the masters in Nirvana want to stop Li Yuanba, but as soon as he touches Li Yuanba's hammer, he will die on the spot. seriously injured!

How could this be a Nirvana-level military general? A Legendary-level master is not as strong as him!

Everyone in Xunjian Tower was shocked, their faces turned pale, and the owner of Xunjian Tower couldn't help crying: "The sky is going to kill me, Xunjian Tower!"

"Death to a certain family!"

Li Yuanba descended from the sky, and a pair of giant hammers was unstoppable, directly smashing the owner of the sword-seeking tower, who was a master of Nirvana, into a mass of flesh and blood on the spot.


Li Yuanba spat out blood, his eyes were red, and he continued to slaughter like a madman: "Xunjianlou dares to bully the imperial concubine, a certain family will kill you all today!"


Countless Xunjianlou disciples fled with their heads in their hands, some even took off their sect robes and knelt down to beg for mercy.

They are not soldiers, they are just practitioners, and many of them are not strong.

"The descendants do not kill!"

Bai Qi led the army to arrive, and after seeing this scene, he sent his lieutenants to lead people to shout, and kept notifying the entire Xunjian Building.

The low-level Xunjianlou disciples and outer disciples can not die, because they don't have much sense of belonging to Xunjianlou, aside from the background of Xunjianlou, they are also citizens of Great Xia.

The real military purpose of bloodbath Xunjian Tower is not simply to kill people, but to use this as a fuse to directly conquer the entire Great Xia Jianghu.

Bai Qi knew the emperor's intentions well, so he led his army to capture many disciples of Xunjianlou from the outer sect, but did not kill them.

But the disciples of the inner sect and the core layer of Xunjian Building must be killed!


Li Yuanba deadpanned several inner disciples who were kneeling on the ground.

He is reckless, but he is not stupid.

Even if some people surrender, they cannot be kept alive!

Bai Qi followed behind Li Yuanba, cleaning the battlefield all the way.

Yes, the dignified Bai Shashen could only clean the battlefield. Li Yuanba was too fierce, and Bai Qi didn't encounter any resistance at all.

Li Yuanba is just like a monster in human form, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas.

"The rivers and lakes of Daxia are coming to an end."

Bai Qi had to sigh.

If the emperor released this fierce tiger, the Great Xia Jianghu will be completely overthrown by Li Yuanba?
 Sorry, I have a little business today, so the update is late.

  But there will definitely be more updates every day!
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(End of this chapter)

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