Chapter 117

At the foot of the mountain, there were countless people watching this scene, and the fear and dread in their hearts could not be described in words.

The Great Xia Tiejun and Zhenwei Cavalry once again demonstrated their powerful military combat capabilities, far from being an existence that Jianghu Zongmen can resist.

Although for many elite soldiers who experienced the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, it was just a small scene to fight a Jianjian Tower; but for people in the Jianghu, this scene was too bloody!

There are quite a few people in Jianghu who are terrified and want to leave secretly to inform other sects.

However, as the prefect of Taihe County sent the city guards to kill them and led the army to block the entire road near Jianfeng Mountain, no one from Jianghu could leave smoothly.

"The blockade is a hundred miles away, and no one is allowed to leave!"

At the same time, Zhao Yun rode his horse and led the team to wander around the periphery. Those who escaped by chance will be mercilessly besieged and killed by the guards.

No one is allowed to leave here, you don't have to kill, but you must stay here.

The news must be completely blocked!
Zhao Yun is well aware that for a war, intelligence information is absolutely important.


For the three of Zhao Yun, this is a war in the true sense, but Jianghu Zongmen and Xunjian Tower are not ready.

They underestimated the emperor's determination, and underestimated the destructiveness of Jianghu sects to the stability of Daxia's country.

Zhao Yun has many ways to block the news, so as not to let other Jianghu sects know in advance, and buy a lot of dispatch time for the troops under his command.

Seeing Zhao Yun's actions and a series of arrangements at this time, even people in the arena who are not disciples of Xunjianlou have a vague understanding at this time.

It's true that Xunjianlou committed a great crime, but I'm afraid Dijun doesn't just want to conquer a Xunjianlou. Dijun wants to use this to conquer the entire Great Xia Jianghu and strangle all unstable factors to death!
This is the real purpose of the emperor. What Su Chen wants is the great unification of the country, absolute unification!Absolute conquest!

"It's over, the world is going to be in complete chaos!"

People who thought of this turned pale, and suddenly felt that the world was about to usher in a bloody massacre.

No one can escape!
In the eyes of the emperor, people in the rivers and lakes who disobey the rule of the Great Xia Dynasty are no different from rebels!
If the aristocratic family uses literature to disrupt the government, then use the imperial capital Taixue to break the foundation of the aristocratic family's era!
If Jianghu Zongmen uses military force to violate the ban, then use the elite army to suppress it forcefully!

Perhaps from another point of view, the significance of the existence of aristocratic families and Jianghu sects is not absolutely only bad, but also beneficial to Da Xia.

The aristocratic families provided excellent talents and officials, and Jianghu Zongmen also provided many elite military personnel. From a certain point of view, they were the cornerstone of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The talents they have provided over countless years are the key factors for the Great Xia Dynasty to remain standing.

The great Xia emperors of all ages took this into consideration, and let the aristocratic families and Jianghu sects share the pressure and cost of educating their people, and then reap the rewards.

It's just that there will be a lot of harm to the Great Xia Dynasty, which is inevitable, that is, the harm caused by the rivers and lakes and the family to the country.

No one can guarantee that the family members and Jianghu sects are all good people. When a person has great strength, absolute prestige and power, then his behavior is likely to be out of control.

If this is the case, whether this person is a righteous hero or a villainous gangster, you can only pray that the education and bottom line he has received all along will restrain him.

After all, there are many aristocratic families and clans, and the education of each family is different.

You can't expect everyone to be a righteous knight.

Moreover, the aristocratic families and Jianghu sects themselves control the educational resources. With the development of time, the background is getting deeper and deeper. They are also a potential threat to the rule of the Great Xia royal family.

The rebellion of the past dynasties basically has these two figures integrated into it, fueling the flames behind it.

It's just what Su Chen has experienced, the Eight Kings Rebellion that just ended not long ago, there are also many Jianghu sects and aristocratic families who want to fish in troubled waters.

This is also what Su Chen is thinking about. He cannot tolerate handing over the cornerstone of a Great Xia Dynasty to others. The issue of educational resources is the cornerstone of the Great Xia Dynasty!
After the Imperial Capital Taixue was established, the benefits contributed by Jianghu sects and aristocratic families no longer exist, and only harm remains.

Then, Su Chen will not tolerate the continued existence of this group of people and forces.

Su Chen wants to implement a unified education so that all educated people have a sense of belonging to the Great Xia Dynasty, instead of letting aristocratic families and Jianghu sects control educational resources to buy people's hearts and cultivate loyal people.

Three days later, the news reached the imperial capital.

"The Guard Cavalry and Iron Army have dispatched their troops! Killed all the Xunjianlou who tried to misbehave with the imperial concubine, and captured countless disciples from the outer sect!"

"The world is in turmoil, and many sects have received news!"

"Many sect elders and suzerains are very angry. They want to unite and have an audience with the emperor when they enter the emperor!"

"Are they going to follow the example of all the officials to force the palace? It's too arrogant!"

"There are countless sects in the Jianghu of the Great Xia. If they really unite, I am afraid that the emperor will also give in."

The entire imperial capital was in turmoil, with undercurrents surging, and many people were talking about it.

Some people think that the emperor is a confidant who rushed to the crown. Although it is out of spite, it may eventually lead to a situation that is even more chaotic than the Rebellion of the Eight Kings.

After all, the Rebellion of the Eight Kings was a struggle within the royal family, and it did not affect the hearts of the people. The Eight Kings did not hurt the foundation and people's livelihood of the ten counties; but if there was a complete turmoil in the Great Xia Rivers and Lakes, the flames of war would spread throughout the country!

Many people think that Dijun is too unwise.

But immediately afterwards, on the day the news came back, someone saw the head of the Mad Saber Sect, Yitai, coming out of the palace.

A few days ago, many of the people who participated in the autumn banquet were from the Jianghu. They originally stayed in the imperial capital to manage their own network of contacts. Since the news of Jianzi's death in Xunjianlou, only a small number of people have left the imperial capital. Most people in Jianghu thought that the emperor was just killing a sword, and would not do anything to Xunjianlou.

But the news that came out today shocked countless people in the world.

The number one sect in the Jianghu was destroyed by the Emperor, which would definitely cause the entire Jianghu to be hostile to the Emperor.

This group of people in the rivers and lakes stranded in the imperial capital wanted to leave the imperial capital, but the gates of the four major cities were closed.

Only allowed in, not allowed out!
Afterwards, Crazy Saber Sect Yitai led his disciples, cooperated with the Imperial Forest Army, and went directly to various inns and restaurants, and captured all the giants, elders, and core disciples who had not had time to leave in the future!
"Crazy Daomen is crazy! They captured all the people in the rivers and lakes in the imperial capital!"

A piece of news spread throughout the entire imperial capital, shocking countless people.

This was originally a game between the emperor and Daxia Jianghu, but this chess game has not yet started, why did you suddenly intervene?Aren't you people from the rivers and lakes?
At this time, Kuang Dao Sect directly put aside the front line of Jianghu Zongmen, and turned to join the emperor without hesitation.

Yitai intends to help the emperor conquer the entire Great Xia Jianghu with the help of Qianhuhou's official status and the good official prestige that has been maintained all the time.

It has to be said that Mad Saber Gate's move is undoubtedly a big gamble.

If Dijun wins, Kuangdaomen will get huge benefits from it, but if Dijun loses, Kuangdaomen's end will be very bleak.

"Frenzied Sword Gate! You traitors!"

"Old seniors in the rivers and lakes, I will not let you go!"

"The Crazy Sword Gate missed me!"

On this day, the people on the street kept seeing the Imperial Forest Army and the Crazy Sword Sect taking away batch after batch of people from the rivers and lakes, including gray-haired old men and young knights, and they all shouted wildly without exception. , denounced Kuangdaomen.

All of them wished to skin and cramp Yitai, the master of the Mad Saber Sect. If it wasn't for Yitai's sudden rebellion, they would have left the imperial capital long ago.

Just when everyone was shocked by Kuangdaomen's actions, an even more shocking news came immediately.

 Wait for another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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