First emperor of the human race

Chapter 125 The Purpose of the Orc Empire

Chapter 125 The Purpose of the Orc Empire

Guo Jia was silent. He felt that Jia Xu's suggestion was too bloody, but he did not deny that Jia Xu's strategy was a good one.

Non-my family, its heart must be different.

It is difficult for the Beastman Empire and the Great Xia Dynasty to negotiate peace. From the perspective of the Great Xia Dynasty, Guo Jia does not want to see the Beastman Empire can develop its national power steadily. If possible, it is best to drag them into the Eastern Border In the quagmire of war, their national strength is constantly being consumed.

"Guo Jia, what do you think?"

Su Chen looked at Guo Jia.

Guo Jia cupped his hands and saluted: "Sir, second."

He chose to agree with Jia Xu's suggestion, sometimes bloody methods are more effective.


Su Chen nodded noncommittally, and asked again: "Do you know the identity of the envoy sent by the Beastman Empire?"

Guo Jia said: "I haven't learned yet. At present, the Beastman Empire has only sent a team to contact with General Silong. If the Emperor agrees to this matter, the Beastman Empire will send a formal team of envoys to visit the Great Xia Dynasty."


Su Chen nodded, and after pondering for a while, he rejected Jia Xu's proposal: "I think Jia Aiqing's strategy is a bit inappropriate."

Jia Xu and Guo Jia looked at each other, and then looked at Su Chen.

"I thought the identity of the orc envoy was unknown, and if he killed it recklessly, it would be very difficult to provoke a war between the two countries. On the contrary, it would make Daxia lose its prestige and credibility among the thousands of people in the Central Desolation."

Now the envoy sent by the Orc Empire to the Eastern Border is just a pawn, killing or not will not affect the overall situation, and the high priest is not a fool, how could he not see the embarrassing situation the Orc Empire is in?

Since the High Priest wanted to seek peace, even if the Great Xia Dynasty killed the envoy, he would not let the Beastman Empire send troops easily, and the High Priest would definitely deal with it.

If it was time to wait for an official envoy to enter the city, the high priest would probably send an envoy with sufficient status in order to express the importance that the orc empire attached to Great Xia.

Then killing the real envoy of peace will definitely lead to war. However, doing so will cause Great Xia and the Orc Empire to fall into a deadly battle.

For example, if the Beastman Empire sent a royal nobleman as an envoy, if Su Chen ordered to kill this person, with the temper of the Beastman Empire, the two countries would definitely fall into an endless situation.

The Great Xia Dynasty wiped out an army of millions of orcs, which already put the orc empire on the brink of rage. The high priest managed to settle down the militant faction in the country. If the Great Xia Dynasty made excessive provocations, the high priest would definitely let go. He even actively encouraged the beast king to expand the scale of the war.

If the orc empire cannot develop steadily, it will drag Da Xia into the water together!
This is definitely a scene that Su Chen does not want to see.

He hopes that the orc empire will wage a retaliatory war, but it is not a bloody battle with Daxia with all its strength. This is not to say that Su Chen is afraid of the orc empire, but it will make both sides fall into the quagmire of war, which is inconsistent with Daxia's current policy of governing the country. conform to.

Because based on Jia Xu's suggestion, the Great Xia Dynasty could not take the initiative to send troops to fight in order to take refuge and waste its strength.

If the Great Xia Dynasty did not kill the orc envoys, but only sent troops to garrison the eastern border, and made other provocations, it would be difficult to stimulate the nerves of the orc empire.

No matter which one you choose, it's too difficult.

It is very difficult for the Orc Empire to follow the wishes of the Great Xia Dynasty. This is a struggle between countries and races, and there are many unstable factors flooding the middle peasants.

Su Chen didn't underestimate any of his opponents. He didn't think that the Orc Empire would be so stupid to plunge himself into the quagmire of war in the eastern border.

If you consider the issue from another perspective, if Su Chen himself were the Beast Lord or the High Priest, he would definitely either negotiate peace with Da Xia, or fight endlessly to the death, and there would never be a third choice.

"Aiqing's strategy is very strange, but if the high priest survives for a day, I don't think this strategy will be effective in the end."

Su Chen looked at Jia Xu, shook his head and said, "It's still too risky, I don't want to do this."

This is a relatively risky suggestion. Since the Great Xia Dynasty quelled the internal troubles, it has made many risky decisions; but at that time, the Great Xia Dynasty was facing a national crisis and could only win by chance.

Now that the country is stable, it is not appropriate to use risky tactics.

It is the kingly way to advance both positively and strangely.

Guo Jia and Jia Xu were silent. They thought about what Su Chen said and understood Su Chen's thoughts. In the end, Jia Xu saluted and said: "What the emperor said is true, but I didn't think carefully."

Jia Xu's strategy does have merits, but it is not the strategy Su Chen wants.

A good king does not necessarily have to let his counselors do what they want, but should have their own decisions and ideas.

Su Chen said decisively: "Since the Orc Empire dares to send envoys, then I will dare to meet the envoys!"

If the envoy is killed recklessly, the view of the Great Xia Dynasty will change among the thousands of people in the Central Desolation, which is not conducive to the contact between the Great Xia Dynasty and other races and cooperation in other fields.

"I have decided to let the orc envoys enter the country, and ask Si Long to send troops along the way to guard them strictly and escort the orc envoys into the imperial capital."

Su Chen caressed the teacup on the imperial desk, his eyes were a little deep: "Didn't Sima Yi say that he wanted to make the orc empire bleed? Then let the orc envoys have an audience!"

Su Chen thinks that the high priest, the core figure of the orc empire, is not dead, so it is difficult to provoke a war between the two countries; it is better to send envoys into the city and ask for prices, so as to intimidate the orc empire, because the orc empire does not want to fight with Da Xia at this time in the end.

Guo Jia and Jia Xu looked at each other, nodded and said, "Good."

The emperor's method is not bad, just wait and see what happens, and wait until the orc envoy faces the saint, no matter how to deal with it, the initiative will be in the hands of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Retire first, and send someone to inform Si Long to prepare."

Su Chen said.

Let the envoys of the orc empire face to face, and see what they really want to do?
No matter what the real purpose of the orc empire sending envoys is, Su Chen will not make it easier for the orc empire.

If necessary, Su Chen will take Jia Xu's suggestion again, kill the envoy of the orc empire, and force the orc empire to fight in full.


Jia Xu and Guo Jia retreated.

Su Chen was silent for a while in the imperial study room, and said to the outside, "Li Nianzi."

"The old slave is here."

"Xuan, Sima Yi of the Military Aircraft Pavilion."


Early the next morning, a message was released in the Military Aircraft Pavilion
"Thanks to the great military exploits of General Si Long, the Orc Empire will soon send an envoy to seek peace from Great Xia."

Once this news came out, it shocked the entire Great Xia Dynasty, and the imperial capital was boiling.

For thousands of years, the Orc Empire has been oppressing the Great Xia Dynasty, and the Great Xia Dynasty was almost out of breath.

There has only been a precedent for the Great Xia Dynasty to seek peace, and now the mighty orc empire wants to seek peace from the Great Xia Dynasty.

what is this?
This is a harbinger of prosperity!

"General Si Long is too powerful!"

"No, this is all due to the emperor's decision-making. It is the orc empire's scruples about the current Great Xia!"

"There will be a day for the orc empire to seek peace? Hahaha, it should be clear!"

The people were erupting, singing the merits of the emperor and Silong, only a handful of people were frowning and pondering what the Beastman Empire meant by this move.

(End of this chapter)

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