First emperor of the human race

Chapter 126 The High Priest's Secret

Chapter 126 The High Priest's Secret
Was the orc empire sending envoys to seek peace in the true sense, or to further oppress the Great Xia Dynasty?

No one knows, but it is undeniable that many people think that for the current orc empire, there is actually no need for peace.

Their national strength is far stronger than that of Great Xia, and they have not failed on the Eastern Frontier battlefield. Why do they want peace?
Many officials and people of insight are lamenting: "The Orc Empire, don't worry about it!"

Although we still don't know the true intention of the Beastman Empire sending envoys to seek peace, it has to be said that this move of the Beastman Empire is actually beneficial to the Great Xia Dynasty.

For the common people, the peace of the orc empire has encouraged the momentum of the domestic army, and made the domestic people trust the emperor even more and believe in the current Great Xia Dynasty even more.

For the aristocratic families, they stopped thinking about fighting internally and turned their heads against the outside world; the human race may be the most internally fighting race among the eight wilderness races, but it is also the most united race in foreign wars.

Today, with the stable development of all parties in the Great Xia Dynasty, as the news spread and gradually fermented, everyone was waiting for the news of Dongjiang.

At the same time, the Beastman Empire, the Beast King City, and the residence of the High Priest.

The style of this official residence is like a palace with flowers and brocades, but it is majestic and solemn.

Inside the hall, there are upside-down bell-like flowers adorning all around. The calyx is pure white, with a translucent luster like bone china. The top of the petals is a circle of lavender in different shades, as if dyed by nature.

It can be seen that from the inside to the outside of this house, there is a strong architectural style of the Daxia people.

On the long table are amber wine, gold-footed bottles, and emerald plates. The food is picturesque, the wine is like a spring, the guqin is playing, and the bells are tinkling.

The drinks and meals are mainly the food of the Daxia people, and only a small amount of bacon and barbecue that the orcs like is placed on the table.

Everyone in the Orc Empire knew that the high priests of this generation only loved the things of the Great Xia, and they were deliberately imitating the Great Xia Dynasty in many details of their lives.

This made the Beast King quite dissatisfied, and made the generals of the Beastman Empire criticize. They all thought that the Beastman Empire was stronger than the Great Xia Dynasty, so why bother to learn and imitate the living habits of a weak human capital?

The high priest didn't want to explain too much about these gossips.

The growing strength of these years has made the entire Orc Empire forget the horror and glory of the Great Xia Dynasty, and it has also made them forget the respect and learning that the Orc Empire faced the Great Xia Dynasty countless years ago up.

If it weren't for the first generation of orc high priests who generously went to Great Xia to reconcile and negotiate with Emperor Su with full of determination, and obtained Emperor Su's permission and forgiveness with great wisdom, where would there be today's orc race?

If it weren't for the painstaking efforts of the high priests from generation to generation, who constantly sent students and businessmen to infiltrate the Great Xia Dynasty, how could the orc empire be so powerful today?
Only generations of high priests know that the Great Xia Dynasty should not be underestimated. This is a powerful race that once produced great emperors!
In the past 10 years, despite the greatness of the Eight Desolation, masters of the Emperor Realm have also appeared in other races; but in the entire Central Desolation, only the Great Xia Dynasty has ever had a great emperor.

The most vicious person who suppressed the Great Xia Dynasty was the High Priest, but at the same time, he was also the High Priest who studied and delved into all the knowledge and knowledge of the Great Xia Dynasty's human race.

Based on the background, based on the potential of the race, based on the historical orc empire, the Great Xia Dynasty should not be underestimated.

But the sad thing is that in the orc empire for thousands of years, the entire country, only the high priests of the past generations can see through this point.

The high priest sat on the table, facing the table full of delicious meals, but did not start.

After a long time, he sighed quietly.

A majestic bodyguard with a tiger's head stood beside the high priest wearing a long robe and hood, and asked aloud, "High priest, why are you sighing?"

Most of the orcs in the Beastman Empire are divided into two types, one is the head of the beast, and the other is the head of the beast. The characteristics of the beast.

And creatures that are purely in the form of beasts do not belong to the beastman race. The existence of such pure beasts will only be domesticated by the beastman race as war mounts or served on the dining table.

"It's nothing."

The high priest shook his head, his voice a little hoarse.

He was sighing, in today's orc empire, no one is willing to understand him, even the beast king is defending himself.

Couldn't they see the efforts of the position of high priest for the orc empire?
Have they forgotten the achievements and loyalty of the high priests to the orc empire?

An identity that has reached the pinnacle of glory has now become a burden for the high priest; the high priest deeply knows that if his identity is not too special, the Beast Lord would have wanted to empty himself a long time ago.

This is a self-willed king, he can't tolerate sand in his eyes, and he can't tolerate too good courtiers.

From the adjustment of diplomatic attitude and strategy towards the Great Xia Empire this time, it can be seen that the Beast Lord is already very dissatisfied with himself, but he is still holding back.
The tiger guard asked softly: "High Priest, are you worried because of the envoy?"

He tried his best to put on a smile, but his face looked extraordinarily ferocious.

There is no way, he is born with a fierce look, and he has no chance with the word "kindness".

"No, the envoy for peace is the candidate chosen by the Beast Lord himself. Am I dissatisfied?"

The high priest shook his head, and took a deep look at the tiger guards.

"Back off, I'm hungry and I want to eat."

The high priest waved his hand.

"Yes, High Priest."

The tiger man nodded, he knew that the high priest likes to eat alone, and each generation of high priest is very mysterious and special.

The tiger guard smiled, showing his sharp teeth, and said in a low voice, "High Priest, if you have anything else, just tell me."


The high priest nodded and watched the tiger guards leave the hall.

"Beast Lord, you still don't believe me."

The high priest's voice was a little hoarse, he was sneering, but his heart was sad.

The tiger body guard was originally the high priest's confidant, but now he has become the beast king's man.

The Beast Lord is actually a main fighter. He wholeheartedly wants to conquer the Great Xia Dynasty to achieve the goal that the Beast Lords of all dynasties have never achieved.

In his eyes, there are only great achievements in the world that no one has achieved in thousands of generations, but he has never considered the feelings of the high priest and the current situation of the orc empire.

Even if the Great Xia Dynasty was defeated with the power of the whole country, how would the Beastman Empire face other race empires that were eyeing them?
Wasn't the reason why the first generation of high priests had the courage to intercede with Emperor Su that the orc tribe could survive in the middle of the wilderness, so that more orcs could live better?
"Big Xia, it's your ambition, and it's also your demonic obstacle, Beast Lord."

The high priest muttered to himself, his voice hoarse.

If it wasn't because history made people feel too inferior, why did they insist on clinging to the Great Xia Dynasty from generation to generation?

The more proud and powerful a race is, the easier it is to feel inferior.


The high priest sighed helplessly, then he lifted a corner of the hood, revealing the lower half of his face, ready to eat.

If there were outsiders present, they would be able to clearly see that the lower half of the High Priest's face was extraordinarily smooth, with no orc-specific body hair, red lips, neat teeth, and a straight bridge of nose.

 Wait for another chapter!
  Guess what is the secret of the high priest?
(End of this chapter)

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