Chapter 143 Zen Yue!

Su Chen turned around and entered the screen behind the imperial study, which blocked Li Ji's sight.

Su Chen took a deep breath, his spiritual thoughts communicated with the emperor's jade pendant, and wanted to take out one thing from the first floor of the emperor's treasure prohibition, something closely related to Zen Yue.


Accompanied by flowing water-like spiritual energy fluctuations, a small wooden box appeared on Su Chen's palm.

The box is not big, like jade and wood, made of special materials, with wonderful patterns embroidered around the box.

Su Chen opened the small box, and a jade-like radiance came out. Inside was a strange ball of light, frozen by a special breath, like a dripping bead, the size of a longan.

It is very beautiful, and various characters and scenes are faintly flashing in the light group, which makes people infinitely reverie.

"If I die, you take it and let it stay with you."

This is something that Chan Yue sent someone to give to Su Chen before the moment.

Inside this box is the condensed memory of Chan Yue's life, which was condensed with all her cultivation before she died, and deeply engraved with Chan Yue's life experiences and feelings, just like a living Zen Yue.

This stubborn woman is staggering when she becomes crazy.

How deep is the obsession that can keep her memory alive for so many years, but it still does not dissipate and exists vividly.

This is Chan Yue, the only thing left for Su Chen.

"If there is an afterlife, I will definitely come to you, pester you, and never let the daughter of the Yun family succeed first! You don't belong to me in this life, and the next life will definitely belong to me!"

Su Chen still remembers the words Chan Yue said to him. Originally, he just thought it was a joke, the love words of an affectionate woman.

But if her obsession is really that deep.
Perhaps, it can create a miracle that even I can't understand.

Su Chen gently closed the small box, took a deep breath, turned and walked out of the screen.

He is not an indecisive person, he thinks this matter is worthy of his further study, if Li Ji is really Chan Yue's reincarnation, then this box will definitely be of great use.


Li Ji yelled softly, she put on her veil again, and looked at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes, with anticipation and trepidation.

She was eager to know this secret, but she also felt a trace of inexplicable sadness.

This is a complicated mood, which really exists in her heart and flows slowly in her chest.


Su Chen nodded, walked up to Li Ji, and handed over the small box.

Li Ji was taken aback for a moment, and stretched out her jade hand to take the small box.

Opening the box, the radiance overflowed and was as warm as jade, which surprised Li Ji.

In this world, is there such a magical thing?
"Dijun, what is this?"

"Her name is Chan Yue, and this is the only thing she has left in this world."

Su Chen's voice was a little low. Looking at Li Ji, he was silent for a while, and said, "Swallow this thing and refine it with spiritual energy."

"If you are really related to Zen Yue, it will belong to you."

"If you have nothing to do with Zen Yue, just spit it out."

Su Chen's eyes were indifferent, and his tone was calm, but there was a tremor clearly hidden.

Does reincarnation really exist?

Su Chen was also not sure.

"it is good."

Li Ji didn't hesitate, her jade fingers were like jade onions, she pinched the ball of light, stared at it for a while, then took off the veil, opened her red lips slightly, and swallowed the ball of jade-like light.

The ball of light melted at the entrance, Li Ji closed her eyes, her mind was immersed in her body, and she felt the power in the ball of light with not strong aura.

Li Ji's martial arts realm is not strong, only the chaotic realm, but the memory absorbed in the light group is not based on the martial arts realm, but on the compatibility of the soul.

Everyone's memory is very special, containing all of a person's feelings and most secret things.

In addition to some extremely vicious supernatural powers that can forcibly extract broken memories for reading, practitioners can also condense their own cultivation to retain memories.

However, outsiders can only read this kind of memory condensed by monks themselves, and cannot absorb and integrate it.

This involves a problem of the compatibility of soul and divine sense. Even the emperor cannot completely absorb other people's memories unless the memory originally belonged to him.

If it is forcibly absorbed, it will cause indelible damage to the soul. For a woman like Li Ji who has a low martial arts level (compared to the emperor level), if she forcibly absorbs Chan Yue's memory, she will definitely die on the spot.

Li Ji can only let nature take its course and passively sense, she can't break the light cluster of memories left by Chan Yue.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, quietly waiting for the answer.

If Li Ji has nothing to do with Chan Yue, and the memory ball is not successfully absorbed, then he...will kill Li Ji!
Su Chen will not allow, after proving that Li Ji has nothing to do with Chan Yue, and after she has viewed Chan Yue's memory, to leave alive.

This is disrespect for Chan Yue, and it will also involve the core interests of Daxia and the secrets of the orc empire.

Chanyue is a special woman who has run through the Great Xia Dynasty and the Beastman Empire.

More than half of the reason why Su Chen didn't suppress the beastman empire was because of Chan Yue's identity.

Chanyue is a Daxia human race, but she also has an inseparable relationship with the Beastman Empire.

A full hour passed, and the tea on Su Chenyu's desk was already cold.

After a few breaths, Li Ji closed her eyes and opened them, a little confused, as if trying to distinguish whether she was in memory or in reality.

The strength of Zenyue back then was very strong for Li Ji now, and it could be called a supernatural power.

The lifelong memory of a powerful monk contains extremely complex and huge amounts of information and emotions. An ordinary person would have been squeezed into a lunatic by the massive amount of memory.

While Li Ji was still in a daze, Su Chen stepped forward quickly.


Su Chen squeezed Li Ji's bright wrist, with a dignified expression, activated the emperor's state of mind, and sent spiritual energy into Li Ji's body to investigate.

Chanyue's memory light cluster.
Disappeared? !

It really disappeared into Li Ji's body.


There was a shock in Su Chen's eyes.

Could it be that Li Ji really has a great relationship with Chanyue?

Only after the memory light group is completely absorbed and fused, will it dissipate completely, not with Li Ji's strength!In the entire Eight Desolation and the present, Su Chen can confidently say that no one can stop his exploration, especially after he runs the Great Emperor's Heart Sutra, his sense of aura is extremely sensitive.

Li Ji, there is absolutely no way to hide Chanyue's memories, there is only one answer.

The shock in Su Chen's heart deepened.

Just when Su Chen was thinking, a hoarse voice with a hint of charming chuckle sounded next to his ear: "How long are you going to arrest me, you idiot."

Su Chen's eyes froze, and he lowered his head to look at Li Ji. Her eyes had completely recovered, and she was looking at herself without blinking.

In Su Chen's long memory, only Chan Yue used such a tone to tease herself.

In her beautiful eyes, there was a trace of excitement, a trace of melancholy, and a trace of confusion, as she looked at herself deeply.

Li Ji's eyes seemed to imprint Su Chen's appearance in her mind, overlapping with the haunted figure in her memory.


Li Ji sighed suddenly, her beautiful eyes were filled with mist, and her tone was a bit sad: "In this life, the daughter of the Yun family still got ahead of me. You are a heartless person, and you won't wait for a slave."

This posture, this tone, this face, this temperament, these words that seem to be playful but contain stubbornness and unwillingness!

"Zen Yue!"

Su Chen almost blurted out, he firmly grasped Li Ji's bright wrist and jade arm, as if holding a treasure that was accidentally lost in endless years.

Could it be that the regrets of my previous life have been found again in this life!
Su Chen's eyes were fixed on Li Ji, full of complicated emotions, he didn't know how to speak for a while.

 Wait for another chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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