First emperor of the human race

Chapter 144 Who Are You!

Chapter 144 Who Are You!
Li Ji looked at Su Chen with a half-smile, but didn't speak.

"You are Zen Yue!"

Su Chen stared at Li Ji with a firm tone.

Only Chanyue remembered this sentence and this joke-like promise.

She said that if she wanted to fight with the daughter of the Yun family in this life, she would never back down.

"Dijun, do you really want this slave to be Chan Yue?"

Li Ji pouted her lips, her beautiful eyes gleamed with a charming breath, and a smile bloomed on her beautiful face.

After absorbing Chan Yue's memory, Li Ji's attitude towards Su Chen changed completely.

It was a natural change, even though Li Ji had already noticed this change, she didn't find it strange.

That's how it should be, isn't it?
"No, you are not Zen Yue."

Su Chen shook his head.

Chanyue may occasionally show a playful side, but she will never show this kind of enchanting charm.

At this time, Li Ji gave people a natural sense of charm, making Su Chen feel as if he saw Daji, she was just like Daji.

Chanyue will never have such a character, she is a shy and stubborn girl, she is not good at expressing her feelings.

"I have never said that I am Chan Yue."

Li Ji blinked her beautiful eyes, and smiled sweetly. She was very relaxed at the moment, because she had unlocked the secret she was most looking forward to in her heart.

Although this secret is a bit heavy and full of sadness, she is still happy.

From the moment she opened her eyes, from the moment she saw Su Chen's appearance, she couldn't help jumping for joy.

This is irrepressible, throbbing from the deepest part of the soul.

It seems that she has found the meaning of life.


Su Chen was furious, he squinted his eyes slightly, and looked at Li Ji: "Then I can't keep you."

The cold breath filled the imperial study room in an instant, making the temperature in the air drop a bit.

Since it is not Chan Yue's reincarnation, she cannot be allowed to live. She knows too many secrets about Chan Yue.

"Dijun, are you going to kill me?"

Li Ji was taken aback for a moment, as if she had heard the most incredible words in the world, tears filled her beautiful eyes, and her pretty face instantly turned pale.

"How could you kill me!"

Li Ji's delicate body was trembling slightly, she looked at Su Chen in despair and sadness.

This glance made Su Chen stunned on the spot.

This look is exactly the same as when Chanyue left Da Xia back then, desperate to the point of death.

With so much love and so much hatred, she will never understand that Su Chen is already aloof, yet he still doesn't give himself even the slightest extravagant request.

Even giving the holy family in the bosom of death is something that Chan Yue longs for but cannot obtain.


Li Ji looked at Su Chen's appearance, and couldn't help laughing, her smile bloomed like a flower, the desperate look of pear blossoms with rain disappeared, and her playful and charming expression was restored.

This woman is acting!


Su Chen was speechless for a long time, he looked at Li Ji with complicated eyes.

Ever since Li Ji absorbed Chan Yue's memory, he had countless moments when he almost thought that the beautiful girl standing in front of him was Chan Yue from back then.

Standing pretty, just in front of her, smiling slightly.



Su Chen was thinking silently.

He is the emperor of the Great Xia, and many times he cannot completely only consider his own feelings, he needs to take care of the interests of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Just like when Su Chen watched Chan Yue leave, at most he could selectively ignore the potential threat of the Beast Empire, and to a certain extent accommodate Chan Yue's willfulness and "revenge" against him.

But he couldn't do it, because of Chan Yue, he would hurt the empress, the Yun family, and cause any instability in the newly born Daxia.

He is the Great Xia Emperor, with supreme rights and even more heavy responsibilities.

The same is true for Su Chen in this life.

Years passed by, but he never changed.

Seeing Su Chen's silence, Li Ji couldn't help asking softly: "Are you angry?"

Her appearance at this moment is like that of Chan Yue back then, looking at Su Chen timidly and caringly, that is as affectionate as the sea, how can she pretend to be so similar!

She's not Chanyue, she's not the guilt I've never forgotten in my heart!

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice, "If you play her again, I will definitely kill you."

Li Ji was silent, with an imperceptible sense of loss flickering in her eyes.

"I ask you, what is your relationship with Chan Yue?"

"I don't know either."

"The memory of Zen Yue, why can you absorb it safely?"

Su Chen's eyes scratched Li Ji's face like a knife, without seeing her beauty at all.

Su Chen's eyes were sharp, as if he wanted to see through the truth of everything.

This time Li Ji didn't make trouble, she shook her head and said, "I don't know, I just feel that this memory belongs to me."

"It's just after the slave wakes up."

When Li Ji said this, she hesitated to speak.


Su Chen looked at Li Ji.

"After I woke up, I felt that things should not be what the emperor thought."

Li Ji seemed to know Su Chen very well, she raised her head and looked at Su Chen, and then said softly: "Chan Yue is Chan Yue, and Li Ji is Li Ji."

Su Chen was silent, he was thinking.

"I don't even know what kind of relationship Chan Yue has with my slave."

Li Ji's beautiful eyes glanced at Su Chen, her clear eyes did not conceal her affection and stubbornness at all, she said: "But I hope the emperor knows that slave and Chanyue are two different people."

"Of course, the emperor can also use the slave as a Zen moon, and the slave doesn't mind."

Li Ji smiled sweetly, blinked her beautiful eyes playfully, and said softly: "I don't mind being Daxia's imperial concubine."

She is still thinking about this matter, which is an obsession that has been integrated into her bones and passed through countless years.

Su Chen suddenly realized something.

Li Ji can't understand reincarnation, or many people in this world can't understand what real reincarnation is.

Li Ji's ability to fully accept Chan Yue's memory is enough to show that she has a great connection with Chan Yue, and there is even a high probability that it is Chan Yue's reincarnation. As for why she is not 100% sure, because Su Chen is not very proficient in the theory of reincarnation.

Reincarnation does not mean that the same soul will give birth to the same person.

Chanyue is Chanyue, the only one that no one can replace, and the same is true for Li Ji.

These are two completely different people. Even if their past and present lives are linked together because of reincarnation, this fact cannot be changed.

Su Chen returned to the present from 10 years ago. He did not take the road of reincarnation. His experience is unique and cannot be copied.

Su Chen didn't know what Chan Yue went through, or what Yun Zhuyue went through after he left.

Why did a reincarnated person who should not have appeared suddenly appear in front of him?
This made Su Chen have to pay attention to this matter.

According to Su Chen's understanding, even if the theory of reincarnation can be confirmed to be true, then no one should be able to manipulate reincarnation!

All things reincarnate, and there is no trace to follow.

Manipulating reincarnation is something that even the emperor can't do!

But if there is no reason to affect reincarnation, why do they all gather by my side in this life?
"Do you know that Chanyue experienced something special before condensing her memories?"

Su Chen suddenly looked at Li Ji.

Assuming that Li Ji is the reincarnation of Chan Yue, then she must know Chan Yue better than Su Chen.


Li Ji could guess what Su Chen wanted to know, she shook her head.

"Slave said, Li Ji is Li Ji, and Chan Yue is Chan Yue."

Li Ji paused, her pretty face became very serious, her crescent eyebrows were slightly frowned, and she looked at Su Chen quietly: "If the emperor treats Li Ji as a Zen moon again, I will be angry."

This should be the words of a girl acting like a baby to her sweetheart, but when Li Ji said it, it seemed so natural but very solemn.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows: "If you weren't Chan Yue, I would have killed you."

"The emperor is reluctant to lie to people."

Li Ji smiled, she was as beautiful as nature, with every frown and movement, she looked extraordinarily beautiful.

Su Chen was really reluctant to kill her. Li Ji had already taken away the only thing left by Chanyue. As long as it was confirmed that Li Ji and Chanyue had a deeper connection, Su Chen would not kill Li Ji easily.

"Emperor, Li Ji is a beastman, Chanyue is a Daxia human race, how can a slave be a Zenyue?"

As if to prove what she said, Li Ji nodded quite seriously, wrinkling Qiong's nose slightly: "Well, this is the best proof."

This delicate appearance is very cute.

Su Chen couldn't help laughing: "Are you an orc? How do you look like an orc? Do you think I don't understand orcs?"

From head to toe, Li Ji has the characteristics of an orc?

She looked like a stunning woman of the human race.

"Dijun, can you understand orcs better than slaves?"

Li Ji suddenly smiled enchantingly, and looked at Su Chen mysteriously.

Whether it is Zen Yue in the previous life or Li Ji in this life, they really know the race of orcs better than Su Chen.

Su Chen couldn't help but burst out laughing, but soon, his brows frowned again.

"Yes, you are the eldest daughter of the beast king, how could you be a human race!"

Su Chen suddenly realized that his expression became extremely serious, and he narrowed his eyes slightly to look at Li Ji: "Who the hell are you!"

 I want to shout!

  Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ! ! ! ! !Recommendation tickets are free! ! ! ! ! !

  Cough, cough, shouted too loudly, and choked on the saliva.


(End of this chapter)

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