First emperor of the human race

Chapter 145 Li Ji's Decision

Chapter 145 Li Ji's Decision

Li Ji not only has the appearance of a human woman, but also has the identity of the eldest daughter of the beast king.

If Li Ji is a human race, then she managed to stay as the eldest daughter of the beast king for more than ten years without being discovered?

If Li Ji is an orc, then why did Su Chen instill aura into her body, but didn't find any characteristics of an orc?

This is simply impossible!

But at this time, it really happened in front of Su Chen.

"If you're an orc, no matter how human you are, there's definitely an orc in you, but you don't."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Li Ji, his tone full of doubts.

"Slaves are not orcs, isn't it good?"

Li Ji asked suddenly, her beautiful eyes looked at Su Chen for a moment, and said softly: "If the slave is not a beastman, wouldn't it be more in line with Chanyue's identity?"


Su Chen was taken aback, speechless.

He just felt that this matter was a bit strange and weird, but it wasn't about doing anything to Li Ji.

"Dijun, do you doubt Nu?"


"You just have."

"I said no, and I didn't."

Su Chen glared at Li Ji, and it was undeniable that he had already regarded Li Ji as a Zen Yue in his heart.

She is the reincarnation of Chan Yue, she is Chan Yue!

No matter how much Li Ji denies it, no matter how much she insists on the meaning of her existence as Li Ji, this fact cannot be changed.

Li Ji is Chan Yue, and Chan Yue is Li Ji!
"I have said before that Li Ji is Li Ji, Chan Yue is Chan Yue, and slave is a beastman."

Li Ji's beautiful eyes met Su Chen's, and asked, "Dijun, will you kill the slave because of your status as a slave?"

"will not."

Su Chen shook his head and said, "But I'm curious, since you are a beastman, why don't you have any characteristics of a beastman? Are you the eldest daughter of the beast king?"

"The slave actually has the characteristics of an orc, but it's a little special."

Li Ji was suddenly a little emotional, and a smear of shame appeared on her pretty face: "I have been different from other orcs since I was a child, and I was regarded as a different kind, so I veiled lightly; I thought it was because of my special physique, but now that I think about it, it should be The reason for Zen Yue."

In the previous life, he was a human race, and his obsession was so deep that it affected this life.

"Then where are your orc characteristics?"

Su Chen was even more confused. His Great Emperor's Heart Sutra flowed through Li Ji's whole body, but he didn't find any orc characteristics!
As long as any orc has a human face or a human face, there will never be a third situation.

"Dijun, do you want to know?"

Li Ji's pretty face was blushing all over, and she mustered up the courage to raise her head and look at Su Chen.


Su Chen nodded seriously.

Li Ji chuckled, stood on tiptoe, and whispered something in Su Chen's ear.


After hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help being a little dumbfounded, and looked at Li Ji speechlessly: "Your beastman characteristics are really...somewhat special."


Li Ji snorted softly, her beautiful eyes rolled, and she glanced at Su Chen: "Dijun, do you want to see it?"

"Am I that kind of man?"

Su Chen was upright and spoke righteously.

Li Ji smiled lightly: "Could it be that Dijun really doesn't want to watch it?"

Su Chen said: "Let's go, follow me back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation."

How dare you look at this kind of place?

If you want to see it, you have to go to the bedroom to see it, how can you be in the imperial study room!

"I changed my mind, I don't want to show the emperor."


Su Chen can't do things that are difficult for others, especially when dealing with Chan Yue's reincarnation.

But you just gave up?Too lacking in perseverance!

You promised to charm me!

"Pfft, hahaha!"

Li Ji's laughter is as sweet as a silver bell, like an elf in the world, knocking on people's hearts bit by bit, making people's heart itchy but unattainable.

Su Chen's expression sank immediately, does this woman still want to go to heaven? !

How dare you play me like this!

"From today onwards, you will be living in the Great Xia Palace. The orc prince died, and Li Ji was detained by me."

"what are you going to do?"

"All the regrets of your previous life, I accept you as my concubine."

Su Chen was very domineering in every word.

He can act as if the orc prince is dead, and forcefully detain Li Ji, who dares to say a word!
The orc empire, you can fight if you want!
As a man, if I can't even make up for regrets, what kind of emperor am I?
Before knowing the relationship between Li Ji and Chan Yue, Su Chen can consider wholeheartedly for Daxia, but after confirming the relationship between Li Ji and Chan Yue, Su Chen will not make the same mistake again.

"Dijun, what did you just say?"

Li Ji was a little dazed, her beautiful eyes flickered, and she looked at Su Chen without blinking.

In Chanyue's memory, this is the obsession she has engraved in her life, longing for but not being favored.

Li Ji couldn't believe that she would be so lucky to get something that Chan Yue had been waiting for all her life!

"I said, I accept you as my concubine."

Su Chen looked at Li Ji and said calmly.

It was nothing more than a war. Su Chen was absolutely confident that he could perfect the orc empire. He had never been afraid of war.

War has always been what Great Xia is best at.

Anyone who wants to fight, the Great Xia Dynasty is willing to accompany him!
After Su Chen said this sentence, Li Ji could clearly feel that her heart tightened in an instant, as if the air had been sucked away.

The atmosphere was somewhat silent.

Silent tears flowed from Li Ji's beautiful eyes uncontrollably, and slid down her tender and beautiful face.

Her delicate body was trembling, it was the excitement of joy.

Su Chen looked at Li Ji, and at this moment, he saw Chan Yue's shadow.

It cannot be denied that after Li Ji absorbs Chan Yue's memory, she is no different from Chan Yue. If there is any difference, then she is not only Chan Yue, but also Li Ji.

The two are equally stubborn, crazy and persistent.

Su Chen smiled, raised his head and wiped away the tears that kept falling on Li Jiqiao's face, just like comforting her like he did back then.

If I owed you too much in the previous life, then in this life I will give you back everything you ever got.

Li Ji raised her head, looked at Su Chen bewilderedly, and finally shook her head firmly and said, "No."

"What doesn't work?"

"Slave can't be the emperor's concubine yet."

Li Ji looked at Su Chen with a smile.

"Why not?"

Su Chen looked at Li Ji with some doubts, and Su Chen could see the infatuation in her beautiful eyes.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't."

"If the slave is Chan Yue, he will definitely agree to the emperor."

"But I'm Li Ji now, I can't marry the emperor in this capacity, at least not now."

Li Ji's tone was crisp and sweet, but she was very firm: "The slave must marry the emperor in an open and aboveboard manner, and must not lose to the daughter of the Yun family."


Su Chen was stunned.

How deep is your obsession?

It's been so long, do you still remember to compete with the daughter of the Yun family?
"What do you want to do?"

Su Chen asked, he was thinking, maybe Li Ji felt unable to face herself because of her status as the daughter of the beast king?

Or does she feel that the current hostile status of the Orc Empire and the Great Xia Dynasty makes her feel deeply pressured?

"The slave wants to return home."

Li Ji smiled lightly and said, "I'm going to clean up the mess left by Chan Yue."

"When everything is settled, the slave will come to the emperor."

"you want."

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Li Ji in surprise.

He could guess what Li Ji was thinking.

Chanyue did a lot of things in the orc empire 10 years ago, and wanting to deal with the negative impact left by these things is no less than conquering the entire orc empire.

"Guess what."

Li Ji blinked her beautiful eyes playfully.

"Have you thought about it? This is not an easy task. You can be by my side. I can solve the matter of the orc empire."

Su Chen took a deep look at Li Ji.

A mere orc empire, to be honest, Su Chen didn't take it seriously.

Although he attaches great importance to the issue of the orc empire, it is impossible for him to focus only on the orc empire for Su Chen's situation.

"I also want to accompany the emperor, but in this life, I will be the most useful woman by the emperor's side."

Li Ji wrinkled Qiong's nose, and said seriously: "I can't let that daughter of the Yun family steal the limelight."

Su Chen: "."

Obsession, all of this is obsession.

 Li Ji's orc features are very special, guess where it is?
(End of this chapter)

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