First emperor of the human race

Chapter 149 Although the country is big, it will die if it is warlike

Chapter 149 Although the country is big, it will die if it is warlike
Yun Zhuxin didn't know that these were all things that Yun Zhuyue had used before, she just felt that these things had an indescribably familiar feeling to her.

In fact, these things have been stored in Su Chen's Great Emperor's Treasure. For Su Chen, each of them is a spirit treasure of fairly good grade.

But any one of these things can cause strong shock and frantic competition in today's Eight Desolation Continent.

It's a pity that Yun Zhuxin couldn't recognize it, she didn't even know how to use these spiritual things except for the strange and familiar feeling.

On the other hand, Yun Zhuyu wrinkled her nose, her eyes wandered, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

"elder sister."

"what happened?"

"I heard from Li Nianzi that we are going to marry in the palace before the spring, is that right?"

"um, yes."

Yun Zhuxin nodded, her face was reddish, but she felt a little nervous unconsciously.

For some reason, as she and Su Chen became familiar, she became more and more shy in front of this man.

Unable to maintain that coolness any longer, this is a man disturbing her mood.

"Sister, you see that you have entered the palace several times, and you must have met the emperor several times, right?"

"I did see it a few times."

Yun Zhuxin nodded, she actually lied, every time she went to the palace, Su Chen would summon her.

"Then I haven't seen it once, it's not fair."

Yun Zhuyu curled her red lips, her big eyes were rolling, she was clever and cute.

"What do you want to do again?"

Yun Zhuxin looked at her younger sister helplessly, she was clever and eccentric, and she was very courageous.

"Sister, can you take me to the palace tomorrow?"

Yun Zhuyu looked at her sister with a smile, the meaning was self-evident.

She only saw Su Chen from a distance, but never saw this man up close. She didn't have a deep impression of Su Chen, most of which was the respect from her parents and the praise of the emperor from the people of the imperial capital.

This is her future husband, how can a girl not care about her future husband?

Yunzhuyu is not exempt.

She wanted to see Su Chen generously once, to see what her future husband would look like, what kind of character he would be, and whether he was as wise and decisive as people said.


Yun Zhuxin shook her head helplessly, held her sister's little hand, and suddenly smiled and said: "You girl, have you been tempted a long time ago?"

"No way!"

Yun Zhuyu yelled as if she had been wronged, and her small mouth pouted: "Sister wronged me."

"The spring is about to enter the palace, why are you so anxious to see the emperor?"

"I'm just curious."

"Really just curious?"

"I'm ignoring my sister, I'm going to see the sword that the emperor gave me."

In the winter season, for the Great Xia Dynasty, a lot of preparations were required.

Whether it is the distribution of winter supplies in the top ten counties in the country, or the preparations for some natural disasters, especially for the Eastern Xinjiang army, it is the most important thing.

It's okay for ordinary troops, after all, they don't have wartime missions, so it's easy to deal with the problem of winter.

But the soldiers in eastern Xinjiang need to be stationed on the frontier even in winter, and their wintering issues need to be taken seriously.

For the sake of a better life and safety for the people of Daxia, they have always been stationed on the frontier defense line, and have never let down their vigilance.

Whether it is cotton clothes to keep out the cold, new standard weapons and equipment, charcoal fire, etc., they all need to be sent there in time.

A few days ago, the incident of the Great Orc Prince's mission to the country has not yet subsided. Many civil and military officials are worried that the Beast Empire will take advantage of the "death" of the Great Orc Prince to target the Great Xia Dynasty and send troops to attack Great Xia during the winter.

Such examples have never happened before in history.

Winter is a season that is not suitable for combat, but for the elite army, they have strong martial arts strength and are not affected by the weather much.

Moreover, it can also make full use of the slackness of the Great Xia army in winter.

In order to repeat the same mistakes, the Military Aircraft Pavilion asked Su Chen for his opinion, and then ordered the ten major counties to gather supplies and transport them to Eastern Xinjiang.

At the same time, the Daxia Tiejun and the Daxia Zhenwei cavalry mobilized some soldiers to move closer to Dongjiang and gather in the counties near Dongjiang.

If the Orc Empire really wants to start a war this winter, the Great Xia Dynasty has already prepared, and there won't be any big troubles.

To be honest, Su Chen is not sure whether the orc empire will send troops, everything depends on how Li Ji will operate after returning to China.

But as time passed, it seemed that the mountain would soon be covered by heavy snow, and Li Ji did not send back any information.

However, judging from the time, Li Ji should have returned to China not long ago, and there should be no time to make some arrangements and actions.

After comprehensive consideration, Su Chen naturally can't throw the hope of the whole chess game to Li Ji. He must be vigilant and vigilant to ensure nothing goes wrong.

Just as the whole country of the Great Xia Dynasty was preparing for the winter, there were some movements in the Beastman Empire.

The team of orc peace envoys returned to the country a few days ago, and brought back the news of the death of the First Prince, as well as some corpses that had been burned beyond recognition.

Only the eldest prince and concubine Li Ji and some of the orc guards survived, and even the three lion guard chieftains died in the Great Xia Dynasty.

As for the content of the summation, the Great Xia Dynasty did not make any statement on this at all.

The Beast Lord and Beast Queen who received the news were in great grief, and the Beast Queen even fell into a coma on the spot, unable to bear the news of the eldest prince's death.

After the Beast Lord settled the "corpse" of the eldest prince, he sent someone to report the news to the whole country.

In an instant, the entire orc empire was filled with sadness and excitement.

Their prince died, and their next generation beast king died in the hands of their old enemy, the Great Xia Dynasty. The Great Xia Dynasty did not express any opinion on this!
This group of damned humans are the murderers who killed the First Prince!

"Weak and despicable humans killed our prince and rejected the kindness of the orc empire! They are a group of greedy and short-sighted humans!"

"They don't accept peace, then use war to retaliate against them!"

"Beast Lord, let's send troops!"

"Tamp down the Great Xia Dynasty!"

"Kill the emperor of Great Xia and pay homage to the eldest prince!"

In an instant, the entire orc empire was filled with calls for war, and the number of main war factions in the entire orc court increased rapidly, and even the members of the main peace faction under the command of the high priest also turned against each other in an instant.

Judging from the current situation of the orc empire, in less than ten days, the entire orc court has undergone drastic changes.

Originally, the main battle faction and the main peace faction were evenly matched, and even the main peace faction was slightly better. After all, the war with the Great Xia Dynasty has been exhausting, and the Orc Empire has been very tired.

But this time, the main battle faction occupied nine out of ten of the orc court, and even the remaining loyal followers of the high priest were mostly unwilling to speak out and no longer advocated for peace.

This is no longer a matter of interests and development, but that the Great Xia Dynasty has touched the dignity of the orc empire!

This is the time to fight!

The high priest was also silent and did not go to court for several days.

"One month later, send troops to the Great Xia Dynasty!"

The Beast Lord agreed to the proposal of the Warlords, and the entire Beastman Empire was gearing up with a murderous look.

The Orc Empire wants to complete the collection of troops and supplies before the heavy snow seals the mountains, march into the Great Xia Dynasty, and flatten the Eastern Frontier!
Different from the past, this is bound to be a life-and-death war, with no retreat or peace at all!

At the same time, the orc empire, the residence of the high priest.

"No matter how big a country is, it will perish if it is warlike."

The high priest sat alone in the wing, muttering to himself, full of bitterness.

He knew that this was an unstoppable trend for him, and if he had been in the position of the Beast Lord, he would have chosen to go to war.

What makes the high priest feel bitter is not the direction of the war, but people's neglect and indifference to the high priest.

According to the past, even if they wanted to use troops against the Great Xia Dynasty, the Beast Lord and the officials would ask the High Priest for his opinion, but this time the Beast Lord did not do so.

He deliberately ignored the existence of the high priest, and the angry officials, people, and army also ignored the high priest.

Everyone, the entire orc empire, from top to bottom, has set their sights on the upcoming war.

According to the high priest, there were even quite a few orcs who sent their children to the army in hatred.

We are proud orcs, we are mighty orcs.

It is absolutely not allowed for anyone to insult and trample on the dignity of the tribe in any way!
This is a national war!
Beast King, very smart.

He got the war he wanted, and successfully further suppressed the power of the high priest.

This time, the High Priest was really disheartened.

He doesn't want to continue working hard anymore. He can't find the meaning of his existence in this country.

Just at this time.

"High Priest, Li Ji is seeking an audience outside the residence."

Outside the wing, the servant's respectful voice came, waking up the high priest who was immersed in bitterness and helplessness.

 Although the country is big, warlike will perish; although the world is safe, forgetting war will be in danger.

  Source: "Sima Law"

(End of this chapter)

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