First emperor of the human race

Chapter 150 I Have Another Name

Chapter 150 I Have Another Name

"Li Ji?"

The high priest frowned, he couldn't figure out why Li Ji came back to him.

Li Ji is the eldest prince's concubine, since the team of envoys for peace entered the city, Li Ji has obviously been left out in the cold.

Many people took it for granted, after all, the eldest prince who was able to protect her was already dead, and according to the royal family's rules, she should be buried with the eldest prince.

Many people think that the Beast Lord didn't let Li Ji go to be buried with the eldest prince, so that Li Ji survived, it was already a great luck for Li Ji.

In the eyes of the high priest, Li Ji should hide in the mansion now, praying to the beast king not to look at him.

If the beast king really wants to settle accounts with Li Jiqiuhou, the death of the first prince is enough for Li Ji to drink a pot. The first prince died in the Great Xia Dynasty, and everyone who came back alive should be buried with the first prince.

Why is Li Ji still in the mood to visit her now?

This is incredible.

Couldn't she be terrified by the death of the First Prince?

Even the high priest was known for his wisdom, but he was not sure what Li Ji was thinking for a while.

Calculated, this woman should have stayed behind closed doors since she came back from Great Xia, never communicated with other people, nor revealed any details about the death of the orc prince.

On the contrary, from the mouths of the orc guards of the peace-seeking team, there were many versions that the orc prince was killed.

Some people say that the First Prince was burned to death, and some people say that the First Prince was stabbed to death by Daxia masters
Only Li Ji, as the eldest prince's bedside person, has always kept silent about this.


The door of the wing room was opened, and then closed quickly, and the high priest walked out of the wing room.

No one can see what the wing looks like, and no one knows what secrets are in the high priest's room.

"Did she say, what can I do for you?"

The high priest looked at the servant.

"The High Priest."

The servant quickly lowered his head and said respectfully, "Li Ji didn't say anything, she just insisted on seeing the high priest."

"Where is she now?"

"The slave arranged her in the hall of the side hall."


The high priest nodded and strode out.

After the high priest left, the servant looked around hesitantly, and reached out to push open the door of the wing.


An arc flickered and passed.


The servant trembled all over and screamed. His whole body seemed to be hit hard by a hammer, and he was thrown away.

"Slave who betrayed the master."

The high priest who had already walked out of the courtyard of the wing room sneered and didn't look back.

In the hall of the side hall, the high priest saw Li Ji.

She was sitting upright on a chair, wearing a black dress, with a light veil on her face, her skin was like ivory, and her soft black silk was bound casually by a simple jade hairpin. Extravagance.

This is a woman who was born for royalty, she is special and beautiful.

The high priest has seen Li Ji more than once, but every time he thinks this woman is very beautiful.

The high priest didn't have fantasies about Li Ji, but simply admired her beauty. After all, she resembles a stunning beauty of human beings, but this is a taboo in the orc empire.
"The High Priest is well."

Li Ji raised her head and looked at the high priest.

She was smiling, and there was an unpredictable smile in her beautiful eyes.

Very mysterious.

The high priest frowned slightly, sat on the main seat, and said lightly: "The imperial concubine is visiting me, what's the matter?"

Li Ji was silent.

"Let's all go back."

The high priest waved his hand, signaling all the servants and guards in the hall to leave.

"Can you say it?"

The high priest looked at Li Ji, and said in a deep voice: "The imperial concubine is not in the mansion to pay homage to His Royal Highness, why did you come looking for me?"

"I haven't seen the high priest for a long time. I didn't expect the high priest to be so serious."

Li Ji smiled, picked up the teacup beside her and took a sip, a habit she learned from Su Chen.

Since coming back, the appearance of this enemy has always been lingering in his mind, making people unable to help but do something to miss him better.


The high priest snorted coldly, and said in a deep voice, "If the imperial concubine has nothing to do, then please go back."

The high priest doesn't want to have any entanglements with Li Ji at this time, she is a sensitive person, at least in this period.

The Beast Lord has enough excuses to use Li Ji to arrange a murderous situation against him.

The high priest will not let down his vigilance at any time, he knows that he is the person the beast king wants to kill the most.

"It's really boring, High Priest, I want to ask you one thing."

Li Ji was not angry at all, she put down the teacup with a smile, looked at the high priest, her beautiful eyes were full of peace.

"whats the matter?"

"It's ashamed to say that I need the power and prestige in the hands of the high priest very much now."

Li Ji smiled and said without the slightest concealment, straight to the point: "I hope the high priest can give me a helping hand."

Now the situation in the Beastman Empire is unstable. To complete the layout, it is not enough to rely on the power of ascending to the sky. She must pull up a group of forces exclusively for herself in a very short period of time.


The high priest suddenly got up, his eyes suddenly became sharp, staring at Li Ji: "Are you dreaming?!"

This crazy woman, does she know what she said?
Why does she want to claim the rights in her hands, and want to use her reputation as a high priest?
Li Ji smiled, didn't continue to speak, and continued to drink tea with her head bowed.

"Did the Beast Lord send you here?"

After a long time, the high priest opened his mouth lightly, and a killing intent rose from his body, like the cold wind of deep winter flooding the hall.

The high priest could only think of this possibility.

If Li Ji is not crazy, then the Beast Lord wants to use Li Ji to showdown against himself.

The killing intent on the high priest was very strong.

Li Ji acted as if she hadn't noticed, she shook her head and said flatly: "The Beast Monarch doesn't have the qualifications."

She is Zen Yue, and the entire beastman empire was established because of her. She didn't pay much attention to the so-called beast king.

The high priest's eyes were fixed, and his voice was extremely hoarse: "Who the hell are you!"

In Li Ji's words, she did not hide her disrespect towards the Beast Lord.

At this moment, the high priest thought of the Great Xia Dynasty.
Who is standing behind this woman!
"Don't guess."

Li Ji sighed lightly: "I taught you to use your wisdom, but I didn't teach you that you must be absolutely devoted to the Beastman Empire."

"The position of the high priest is independent. It is beyond the orc tribal alliance."

Li Ji's tone was light, she looked out of the window, as if she was thinking about something: "But you have forgotten the meaning of this identity, you are no different from a dog in the Beastman Empire now."

"who are you!"

The high priest's pupils constricted suddenly, and he asked in a deep voice, his hands began to glow with hot black aura.

This is an inherited secret technique cultivated by the high priests of the past generations, it is very powerful and mysterious.


Li Ji turned her head with a smile and looked at the high priest. She looked up and down the high priest with her beautiful eyes, and said lightly: "You let me down very much. You are a human being, but you betrayed your own race and became an enemy of Daxia."

Li Ji's tone was very serious, she was scolding.

you are a person
After Li Ji's words fell, the high priest's hair stood on end and his scalp exploded.

This is his biggest secret, no!This is the greatest secret of the high priests of all ages!

Because the high priests of all ages were all human beings.

This is a secret unknown to the entire beastman empire. The truth has long been buried in the years, and now even the beast king does not know the true identity of the high priest.

Why, this woman will know!
"you wanna die!"

The high priest's eyes were red, and his killing intent was concentrated. No matter when Li Ji knew the secret, he would not let her leave here alive.

kill her!

The high priest narrowed his eyes slightly, wanting to attack Li Ji.

But in the next second, he was stunned, his eyes widened suddenly, and he was shocked as if his soul had come out of his body. He saw the most incredible scene.

The high priest saw black aura lingering on Li Ji's palm.

A mass of flame-like black aura lingered on Li Ji's palm!

More pure, more powerful, more mysterious!

Li Ji's jade fingers bent from time to time, she was smiling and playing with the black aura, they were like naughty children, dancing the most beautiful notes on Li Ji's slender and snow-white palms.


The high priest felt his head turned into a paste in an instant. He originally thought that Li Ji was the Beast Lord or someone from the Great Xia Dynasty.

But why, why does she know the supernatural powers unique to the high priest!
Neither the Great Xia nor the Beastman Empire knew about this secret technique. This is a unique inheritance in the entire Eight Desolation!It is also the only reliance of the high priests of all ages!
The high priest clearly felt a palpitating breath from Li Ji's body. This is a kind of oppression, which comes from the depths of the soul. He can feel the aura boiling and burning in every corner of his body.

Accompanied by the beating of the black aura flames lingering on Li Ji's palm, his heart also twitched in pain continuously. This is an uncontrollable feeling!

The high priest didn't know that anyone who practiced the secret technique passed down by the high priest would be controlled by Li Ji.

This is what Chan Yue left behind, after all, she is a crazy woman.
"I have another name, are you interested in knowing?"

Li Ji narrowed her eyes slightly and looked at the high priest, her demeanor suddenly changed, becoming noble and awe-inspiring, which made it difficult for the high priest to breathe.

 The third one!

  Ask for a recommendation ticket!


(End of this chapter)

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