First emperor of the human race

Chapter 15 Minister, seconded

Chapter 15 Minister, seconded

Nan Xunchao and the others looked at each other, and they all saw the panic in each other's eyes.

They didn't expect that Su Chen could launch a counterattack so quickly under such a huge battle of hundreds of officials pleading for orders.

His majesty's ability is beyond their imagination.

Su Chen was expressionless, and just calmly watched the officials standing under the steps. Although there were a large number of officials, there was a strange feeling of loneliness and being excluded in his heart at this moment.

Dijun's eyes seemed to be looking at a group of dead people.

Majestic, elusive, and lofty, this is what an emperor should look like.

No matter how turbulent the current Great Xia Dynasty is and how low the imperial power is, Su Chen, as an emperor, will never be an existence that his courtiers can offend!

This point is the foundation of the Great Xia Dynasty.

"Cough cough."

Guo Sikong coughed, and the old man stood up, breaking the silence of the court.

Lord Sikong is about to make a move!

The eyes of Nan Xunchao and the others lit up, and all the officials turned their heads to look at Guo Sikong, their eyes full of anticipation.

Master Situ and Sima really had a clever plan. The three ministers had already discussed that Guo Sikong would give them a hand at the most critical moment, and then help them suppress the imperial power.

The faction officials behind Guo Sikong also looked at Guo Sikong one after another, and they all waited for Guo Sikong's next move.

"Ai Qing, what's the matter?"

Su Chen looked at Guo Sikong and spoke lightly.

"I want to report to the emperor, old minister, there is a sentence that I don't know if I should say it or not."

Guo Sikong was still so smooth, with a calm and slow voice, as if he was an old man on the verge of death.

But such an old minister will become our powerful support!
The officials were extremely excited and looking forward to it.

"Aiqing is an important minister in the court, and she is my right-hand man. If you have something to say, it's okay to say it."

Su Chen was slightly silent, and waved his hand.

Nan Xunchao and others were extremely excited, and they all felt that success was just around the corner.

Your Majesty is indeed too young to know that Guo Sikong is actually one of us!
In the hearts of Nan Xunchao and the others, they were about to cry out with joy, and among the officials there were many people who were beaming with joy.


Guo Sikong took a deep breath and said lightly, "The old minister thinks what His Majesty said is very true."

"Veteran officials have viewed Baiguan as the Hall of Supreme Harmony since they were powerful and aggressive. Although the matter of asking for orders from Baiguan is important, no matter how important it is, it is necessary to distinguish between superior and inferior."

Guo Sikong saluted, lowered his head, and spoke lightly.

Although his voice was soft, it was full of firmness.


Baiguan's face turned pale, and his heart skipped a beat.

This Guo Sikong, how can he help His Majesty speak?
Shouldn't you be speaking for us?
"Guo Sikong, this statement is a bit inappropriate!"

Nan Xunchao couldn't bear it anymore, and quickly stood up to refute. If he didn't speak again, the rhythm of the entire court would be skewed.

We are here today to co-sign the emperor, why did we get involved in the issue of etiquette?
"What's wrong?"

Guo Sikong turned around, looked at Nan Xunchao, and said calmly: "I want to ask Mr. Nan, who are you asking for orders from all the officials?"

"Of course I'm asking His Majesty for orders!"

Southern Xunchao did not hesitate to salute Su Chen respectfully.

"It seems that Master Nan also knows it. As a minister of the Ministry of Rites, he knows that all officials are asking for orders from His Majesty, in order to seek the stability of the Great Xia Dynasty."

"Since this is the case, why don't the officials kneel down when they see His Majesty? Master Nan needs to know that no matter how important it is for the officials to ask for orders, and no matter how powerful they are, they should not forget His Majesty's dignity."

"If you don't see your majesty, is this pleading necessary? How is it different from rebellion?"

Guo Sikong put his hands on his back, smiled lightly, and said: "So, I think that when all officials ask for orders, they should have His Majesty in their eyes."

"This kneeling should be kneeling."

Guo Sikong's voice was indifferent, but it echoed clearly in the court hall, countless people were silent, Nan Xunchao and others trembled all over, feeling panicked and bewildered.

Guo Sikong's words made sense, but what made Nan Xunchao most desperate was that he never imagined that things were not at all what the two adults, Situ and Sima, said.

Guo Sikong is not ours at all, but His Majesty's!

Nan Xunchao was short of breath, and he stared fixedly at Guo Sikong, trying to see a flaw in Guo Sikong's calm old face.

But it's a pity that Guo Sikong lowered his eyes and didn't bother to look at him.

From Guo Sikong's point of view, these clowns are really not His Majesty's opponents. His Majesty has to control even himself.What a joke!
Those who underestimate the emperor will surely regret it.

Guo Sikong has always been a tactful person in the court, and it was a very difficult period for him to clearly stand in line; but Nan Xunchao and others also knew deeply that in the early days of the first emperor's accession to the throne, Guo Sikong was also a court official. The most talented minister in the hall was also the late emperor's right-hand man.

His power is different from that of Situ and Sima's hereditary. He has reached the position of Da Sikong step by step by relying on merit, political achievements, and reforms again and again!
If it weren't for the late emperor's old age and stupidity, the grand duke's struggle to seize power, and the smoky atmosphere inside and outside the court would have dampened Guo Sikong's ambition; even if Situ and Sima teamed up, they wouldn't be Guo Sikong's opponent!

But it was such a strong and vigilant figure who left the Sangong camp and switched to the emperor's command!

When exactly did His Majesty use means to subdue Guo Sikong?
Such doubts filled the hearts of all the officials, and even the officials of Guo Sikong's own faction were deeply confused.

"Why, Master Nan, what is he doing looking at this old man?"

Guo Sikong raised his head, his old eyes were cloudy, and he smiled lightly, "Are you still kneeling? Master Nan really wants to rebel?"

Face saint not kneeling, how different from rebellion!

"I think that Sikong's words are justified. If all the officials ask for orders, you should kneel first before entering the hall!"

A minister of the Hall of Supreme Harmony stood up and knelt down to kowtow.

This is a member of Guo Sikong's faction.

"Sir, second."

Another person stood up, swept his sleeves and knelt down.

"Sir, second."

"Sir, second."

"Sir, second."

A group of officials under Guo Sikong's faction came out one after another, knelt down and seconded, and expressed their opinions, which was also to put pressure on all officials to ask for orders.

No matter what Guo Sikong thinks, anyway, it is right for us to follow the second proposal.

For decades, the court has always been dominated by the ministers of the three princes, and the main purpose of Su Chen to subdue Guo Sikong is to use the power of officials of this faction as a check and balance.

Before he fully grasps the power of the court, checks and balances are quite necessary, and it is also the exclusive art of the emperor.

Under Guo Sikong's words, the well-behaved petition for orders from a hundred officials seemed to have turned into an internal entanglement among the powers of the court, completely losing the meaning and momentum of the petition.

It has to be said that Guo Sikong took advantage of the situation to make a move, and his technique of pulling a thousand catties in fours and twos was really proficient.

Taking advantage of His Majesty's attitude, he took advantage of the situation and suppressed the petition of all officials.

There were also many officials under Guo Sikong's faction, and they knelt down mightily, and the invisible oppression filled the officials of the Southern Xun Dynasty.

This is forcing them to kneel, forcing them to destroy their reputation, forcing them to bow their heads to the imperial power!
Above the silent Hall of Supreme Harmony, under the calm gaze of the emperor, Guo Sikong, and the rest of the officials, Nan Xunchao gritted his teeth and tried hard to find a way to break the situation.

But as a sixth minister, he can still withstand the pressure, but others can't!
Finally, after a few breaths, a trembling voice came from among the officials: "Yao Chan, the servant of the household department of the old minister, has met His Majesty, please forgive the old minister's crimes, long live, long live, long live, Your Majesty!"

An old minister yelled all over his face, knelt down and kowtowed with anxiety and fear, his trembling voice echoed clearly in the court hall.

"Old Yao, you"

Nan Xunchao and others were shocked, why did you come out and kneel down!Isn't this self-destructing the Great Wall?
Nan Xunchao felt something in his heart, he quickly raised his head, and saw Guo Sikong's eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Lao Yao is from Guo Sikong!

Southern Xunchao suddenly woke up and despaired.

It has long been rumored in the court that the three princes are vying for power with each other, and they have to install traitors in each other's faction camps, but Guo Sikong is a low-key and gentle person who rarely reveals his cards.

Obviously, Yao Chan is Guo Sikong's man, he jumped out to take the rhythm at the most fatal moment!

The southern patrol sighed faintly.

Masters Situ and Sima put in a lot of hard work, but it was really useless. Who would have expected that Guo Sikong, who originally promised to join forces with them, would actually turn his back on the battle!
"Chen, I have met Your Majesty during the southern tour, long live Your Majesty, long live, long live, long live!"

Nan Xunchao felt desperate, knelt down slowly, and kowtowed, his voice trembling extraordinarily.

"I have seen Your Majesty, Long live Your Majesty, Long live, Long live!"

"I have seen Your Majesty, Long live Your Majesty, Long live, Long live!"

Following the kneeling of the Southern Tour Dynasty, all the officials knelt down one by one, shouted and chanted, and kowtowed to the emperor.

This short confrontation between the powers of the court, the imperial power won a big victory.

But Su Chen didn't relax, his eyes were still deep, and he stared at Nan Xunchao and others lightly.

This is just a scout sent by Chen Situ and Wang Sima. Su Chen doesn't believe it. The two grand dukes have been in court for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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