First emperor of the human race

Chapter 16 Your Majesty Please Decide

Chapter 16 Your Majesty Please Decide

Hundreds of officials petitioned for orders, stirring up the situation in the court. This huge disturbance permeated the entire imperial capital, which was shocking.

However, when all the big and small dignitaries in the imperial capital knew about this matter, all the officials had already been suppressed by the emperor when they pleaded for orders.

All the officials knelt on the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and no one got up.

According to the etiquette in the past, when all the officials face the saints and kneel down to sing the salute, the emperor will at least say: "Everyone loves you, and you are flat."

This is the etiquette between the monarch and his ministers, and it is also the most basic respect.

But Su Chen didn't mean to let the officials be flat at all, he glanced at the officials kneeling in the Hall of Supreme Harmony lightly, turned around and sat on the dragon chair.

"Let's talk, all officials ask for orders, what is the so-called matter?"

Su Chen's cold voice sounded faintly.

It seems that His Majesty deliberately wants us to kneel forever.

Nan Xunchao felt bitter, he really regretted it, why did he go to the banquet last night, why did he get involved in this matter.

If he hadn't taken the initiative to ask for orders last night, he wouldn't be in such a mess now, and he wouldn't need to face the emperor's pressure directly.

Masters Situ and Sima are very clever, hiding behind the scenes, and throwing all the difficulties on my head; if the request is successful, it is easy to say, if it fails

Nan Xunchao sighed softly in his heart. He thought a lot. He bowed his head and said in a low voice: "Nowadays, the Great Xia Dynasty has internal and external troubles, the rebellion of the eight kings, and the disaster of beastmen. Everything makes the soldiers and civilians of the Great Xia anxious. At such a time of national calamity, there must be no auxiliary ministers to appease the inside and outside of the court; therefore, all officials jointly petition for orders, and implore Your Majesty to forgive Situ and Sima for their offenses yesterday."

"You mean, you want me to restore the two officials to their original posts?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly.

Although what Southern Xunchao said was very cryptic, everyone heard it.

All the officials asked for their orders, such a big battle, just to let this group of people get back their black hats?

It can't be seen that Situ and Sima are both old, and this official addiction is really big.

"Your Majesty, under such a difficult situation in the imperial dynasty, it is inappropriate to change and transfer the positions of the three princes. It is not appropriate for the country and the country."

Nan Xunchao spoke sincerely.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Chen Situ and Wang Sima are the pillars of the country. If His Majesty dismissed the two adults because of some disputes in government affairs yesterday, it would be unpopular!"

"The minister waits for the second opinion!"

All the officials spoke one after another, with sincere feelings, and many people beat their chests and stamped their feet.

Ok, really good!

All of them are loyal ministers of the country!

"Then what do you mean, a country cannot live without three princes?"

Su Chen smiled, and the indifference in his smile became more obvious, but he was wearing a jade crown and bead curtain, so no one could clearly see Su Chen's expression at this time.


Nan Xunchao was speechless for a moment, he sensed the trap in Dijun's words, and dared not answer rashly.

But the Southern Xun Dynasty's cleverness does not mean that other courtiers are also so smart.

"Yes, Your Majesty's enlightenment!"

Among the hundred officials, someone couldn't help shouting, knelt out of the line, and shouted excitedly: "Your Majesty is a bright lesson! Your Majesty is a real lesson! A country cannot live without three princes. The three princes are so important, how can they be easily transferred? It is detrimental to the foundation of the country! Let my Daxia society be in turmoil!"

"For Daxia's sake, for the sake of the human race, His Majesty should restore the two senior officials to their posts!"

What the hell!

Are you an idiot?
Nan Xunchao's heart skipped a beat, his face turned cold, and his complexion became extremely ugly.

Nan Xunchao quickly turned his head and stared at the official who spoke.

What an idiot!
Only a political idiot can say such outrageous things!
Do you think we have not caused enough troubles!
"Your Majesty, the country is facing a crisis now! Your Majesty, I implore you to promise us that the two officials, Situ and Sima, will be restored to their posts, take charge of the court again, and contribute to Great Xia!"

The official didn't seem to see Southern Xunchao's extremely ugly expression, and started shouting again, his face full of excitement, as if he had seized an opportunity to leave his name in history.

It is a great opportunity to be able to successfully participate in the political act of pleading for orders from a hundred officials, which can be recorded in the historical records.

If he can stand up and say a few more words in the midst of petitions from officials to influence the emperor's decision-making, it will undoubtedly leave a strong mark in the history.

Why didn't Southern Xunchao know what this official was thinking? He was so angry that he was about to vomit blood, and his kneeling body was shaking.

If you say you are stupid, you are stupid. Why do you want to harm us?

You're just stupid, don't speak, let me speak!

Nan Xunchao's face was pale and his head was covered with sweat.

He only felt that his eyes were darkened, and he almost fell to the ground. At this time, the Southern Xunchao had already realized that he had lost this struggle for political power.
From the moment the official spoke, he was defeated!
"To shut up!"

Before Su Chen spoke, someone was furious.

The person who shouted loudly was Guo Sikong.

A shout made everyone tremble, this old man has such a loud voice!

The official who spoke was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help turning around to look at Guo Sikong, as if he was complaining why Guo Sikong interrupted his passionate plea.

"You bastard, you really deserve to die!"

Guo Sikong sneered, his originally muddy eyes became deep, his originally stooped body straightened up, exuding this awe-inspiring aura, this is the aura of a real minister of a country!

Only truly talented ministers have such confidence and aura.

"Where did Guo Sikong say that, I think for the sake of the country and the emperor, where did the words come from?"

The official's face darkened, very dissatisfied.

Guo Sikong scolded him in front of all civil and military officials in the court, and no one would be able to bear it.

"Are you ashamed to say that you are thinking of the emperor?"

"Look at what you said just now, is that what you said for a courtier? You are a rebellious bastard!"

Guo Sikong was obviously in a hurry, spit at the mouth, stretched out his hand, pointed at the official tremblingly, and shouted loudly.

"What does it mean that a country cannot live without three men! Do you take His Majesty seriously!"

"What does it mean to take the lead in a national crisis? Let San Gong control the court! Does this court belong to San Gong? This is His Majesty's court!"

"What do you mean by moving the three princes, you are wasting the land of the Great Xia? The land of my Great Xia Dynasty is the soldiers and civilians of the ten counties! It is Your Majesty in front of you! These are the real land of the Great Xia!"

Guo Sikong took one step at a time, and after three drinks, he was about to poke his finger in the official's face.

"You bastard, you really deserve to be punished by the Nine Clans! You, you have a heart to punish!"

Guo Sikong gritted his teeth, his white beard trembled, and he was extremely angry.

He has been an official for decades, working hard all the way, dedicating his whole life to the Great Xia Dynasty, and has seen countless filth and darkness, but even in his old age, he hates these bastard officials the most.

You can be greedy, you can be bad, you can form gangs, but you can't forget Ben!
In the kingdom of the dynasty, can the ministers of the three princes bear this great name?No shit!

The official didn't realize it until now, he was trembling all over, his face was as white as paper, his lips were trembling and he couldn't hold back a word for a long time.

Why am I so stupid, how can I speak quickly and say things that shouldn't be said.

The Southern Xunchao on the side had already regained his composure, controlled his mood very well, and just knelt down quietly.

This is a crime of non-war, not my fault.

"Lord Sikong is right, this person is really to blame!"

"Yes! His heart can be punished, and the people behind him can also be punished!"

"I think today's pleadings for the orders of all the officials are probably secretly manipulated by Situ and Sima, in order to bring chaos to the court again!"

The faction officials behind Guo Sikong jumped out one after another, angrily accusing the kneeling officials.

Nan Xunchao trembled all over, lowered his head and said nothing, he had already expected such a scene.

Even if he is the most eloquent person among the officials, he has nothing to say at this moment, and he loses step by step.

Dijun is not that simple, and with Guo Sikong's help, how can we fight?
Nan Xunchao closed his eyes weakly, feeling a little desperate in his heart.

"Your Majesty, this matter is no small matter."

Seeing that the atmosphere of the situation was almost changed, Guo Sikong ignored the stupid official who was so frightened that he was paralyzed into a ball. He turned around and saluted Su Chen respectfully: "Your Majesty, please learn from me, please make a decision."

"Your Majesty, please learn from me, please make a decision!"

"Your Majesty, please learn from me, please make a decision!"

"Your Majesty, please learn from me, please make a decision!"

A group of officials hurriedly saluted and stood firmly in line.

Since Guo Sikong wants to help the emperor, then we will too!Resolutely follow in the footsteps of Guo Sikong and Dijun!

Su Chen's expression was indifferent, and the jade crown and bead curtain covered his face. No one could clearly see His Majesty's eyes and expression, and no one knew how His Majesty would judge this matter.

No matter how you say it, under Su Chen's decisiveness and Guo Sikong's use of force, this massive pleading for orders has become a farce, and the level of threat has plummeted.

Next, it is time for the emperor to reap the results of the battle. How much benefit he can gain in this political struggle depends on His Majesty's own wisdom and means.

Guo Sikong was calm in his heart, he was not as furious as he appeared to be on the surface.

He has done enough, if he needs his help even at the end, then he really thinks highly of the emperor.

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  Do you want a heroine in advance?If yes, how many?
(End of this chapter)

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