First emperor of the human race

Chapter 17 The Emperor's Heart Is Unpredictable

Chapter 17 The Emperor's Heart Is Unpredictable
In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the kneeling officials and the standing officials of Guo Sikong's faction all bowed their heads in silence, waiting for the emperor's will.

After a long time, Su Chen spoke lightly, breaking the silence in the Hall of Supreme Harmony: "What Guo Sikong said earlier is absolutely true, and I am heartbroken."

"I don't want to plan for the Great Xia Dynasty all the time. I don't want to be the king of the world, but I also work hard to rule! Since I became the throne, I have never been worse than walking on thin ice, but in the eyes of you and other rebellious ministers, there is no me!"

"Minister Sangong, in your eyes, is that so important?"

Su Chen's voice was cold, and he said lightly: "Since you admire Situ and Sima so much, then I am the beauty of an adult!"

"It is absurd to pass on my orders. The officials who participated in this matter have been contemplating behind closed doors for three days! If anyone violates the order, they can leave the house at will, collude secretly, and beheaded!"

Su Chen's tone was extremely decisive, and then he waved his hands: "You guys, step back."

The meaning of the emperor is obvious, your grand duke has already been taken down by me, do you still want to resist?

The Grand Duke lost his black hat, and you all followed behind behind closed doors to think about the past!
However, the officials of Guo Sikong's faction couldn't hide their disappointment after hearing what the emperor said.

Since the era of the first emperor, the imperial power finally won a victory in the court struggle. How could the emperor let off the hundreds of officials who jointly petitioned for orders so easily?

This is the third time in 10 years that a hundred officials have asked for orders, and it will definitely become a major event discussed by the whole country in the near future!

It's as simple as that, let all the officials retreat and think about it for three days and then it's over?

It doesn't hurt at all!
Emperor, shouldn't you dismiss a group of officials at this time, kill a group of officials, and then promote our Guo Sikong faction?
You know, we had a clear superficial attitude just now, and we firmly support you, Dijun!

Most of the officials were very puzzled, including Nan Xunchao and others who were kneeling on the ground. They also showed doubts, and some people couldn't help but laugh.

To do such a thing, the emperor is only a small punishment and a big warning?

In the entire court, only Guo Sikong was slightly surprised, couldn't help raising his head, and took another sneak look at the emperor.

He really didn't expect that at this moment, His Majesty could hold back his anger and deal with this matter rationally.
Although it is easy to kill and dismiss all officials, or take the opportunity to clean up the court, the consequences of doing so are also very serious!
After all, these hundreds of officials are all central officials of the Great Xia Dynasty!Not an ordinary small official!

If there is a cleansing of officials directly, where can we find so many new officials who are good enough to fill the vacancies?Are the new officials competent enough?Are you familiar with government affairs?The most important thing is whether the new officials have enough qualifications, prestige, and important positions? !

If a large number of officials from Guo Sikong's faction are promoted, will Guo Sikong take the opportunity to become bigger and directly take charge of the government alone!
All these details need to be considered by His Majesty.

The Great Xia Dynasty is not as simple as other race empires, sometimes talented people may not be able to hold high positions.

If you want to enter the core power class of the court, luck, strength, prestige, and connections are all indispensable!

His Majesty currently has no power in his hands, let alone military power, and he has not long been enthroned. If he makes a big purge in anger, the subsequent situation may be even more unfavorable to His Majesty.

"I still underestimated His Majesty."

Guo Sikong sighed in his heart.

He originally thought that the best Su Chen could do was to wipe out the imperial court wantonly, kill a group, promote a group, and recruit another group; Guo Sikong was still thinking about it just now, thinking that if Su Chen was really so How should he help Su Chen deal with the follow-up troubles.

For example, the counterattack of the gentry, the turmoil in the imperial capital, the lack of officials, the decline in the efficiency of the court to deal with large and small affairs, etc.
In the end, Guo Sikong didn't expect that His Majesty is really stable!
It's so stable!

His Majesty just endured this tone and dealt with it properly, without hurting the source of the officials at all, and did not move them.

This is forbearance.

Only the tiger that watches you quietly but does not roar is the scariest.

Because you don't know when it will launch a fatal blow!
Su Chen is very clear about where the joints are.

Great Xia Chaotang, this is a very intricate network of relationships, which cannot be easily cut off, at least not for Su Chen now, so he can only slowly figure it out and try his best to speed up the pace of controlling the entire court power.

Letting all officials think about their mistakes behind closed doors is not only a punishment, but also preserves the majesty of the emperor; it is also a kindness, so that all officials can breathe a sigh of relief, and must be grateful to Su Chen after escaping from death.

This is human nature.

Even if one-third of the more than 100 officials are grateful to Su Chen for this matter, or hate Situ and Sima who came out to be pawns to explore the way, then Su Chen has really won!

This time, the pleading of all the officials will make this group of officials deeply understand that even if they are twisted together, they are still not the orthodox of the high-level power of the Great Xia, and the orthodox will always be the emperor!
The emperor holds their black hats and the power of life and death, as long as the emperor is given a sufficient excuse, killing them is just a matter of flipping!

Historically, only courtiers have succeeded in confusing the emperor, and no courtier has ever succeeded in persecuting the emperor. Unless Sangong and Silong join hands to gain military power, they can successfully rebel with a high probability!

It's not that Su Chen doesn't move the officials, it's just that he needs a little buffer time, no matter how bad it is, he will need a few days to summon qualified gods, demons, civil and military ministers, right?

If these officials are directly killed or dismissed now, the impact on the entire court will be huge, and the subsequent adverse effects caused are also what Su Chen does not want to see.

As a king, you need to control the overall situation, not just the immediate interests.

"Your Majesty. My minister."

There were hundreds of officials who were kneeling and were so grateful that they wanted to say thank you.

"Come here, drive them all out."

Su Chen waved his hand and interrupted him with a cold tone.

Handling this matter rationally does not mean that Su Chen has no anger in his heart. As the emperor of Great Xia, it is disrespectful to the emperor to be attacked by his courtiers together!


A group of guards from the Royal Forest Army rushed in, grabbed the group of ministers, acted violently, and directly dragged them out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"Your Majesty! I am so stupid! Listening to the villain's words, almost missed the fate of the Great Xia! Thank you, Your Majesty, for not killing me!"

The courtier whose words were interrupted by Su Chen opened his throat and shouted, his voice trembling, full of gratitude.

The feeling of narrow escape is difficult for ordinary civil servants to feel, which will greatly make people lose their minds.

With this loud shout, countless officials turned their heads and looked at the man.

I saw him being held up by the Royal Forest Army, with his legs dragging on the ground, but the whole person kept shouting excitedly: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness! Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty."

Nan Xun bowed his head and spoke in a low voice.

Although he was very reluctant to admit it, he did feel gratitude and admiration for Su Chen at the moment.

Dijun's belly is incomparable!
The emperor knows the first crime and punishes all officials, but we
Nan Xunchao sighed in his heart, it was only at this time that he deeply realized that the emperor was not as unbearable as Situ and Sima said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness!"

"I know I was wrong! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty's lesson! Thank you, Your Majesty!"

The voices of Xie En sounded one after another, and the officials who were dragged away gradually disappeared into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, leaving behind shouts one after another.

All the officials looked strange. According to the normal situation, shouldn't you be weeping and crying at this time, yelling that you have been wronged?
Why, one by one, everyone started to thank you!

That's right, after all, if the petition of all officials fails, it will completely offend His Majesty.

This group of officials resisted with a death mentality to protect the interests of the power group headed by Situ and Sima, but now after the pleading failed, His Majesty only punished them with small punishments.

In this case, most of the officials in this group would be grateful.

Guo Sikong also smiled wryly, Your Majesty is Your Majesty, every step of his calculations is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

"Okay, all the annoying flies are gone, let's continue the morning."

Su Chen waved his hand lightly, his voice calm.

The officials in the Hall of Supreme Harmony were shocked all over, and thought to themselves: The main event is coming.

Will the emperor take back part of the imperial power because of the pleadings of the officials, or will he continue to bear it?
What will Dijun do?
No one could guess that the officials present, including Guo Sikong, couldn't see through Su Chen at this moment.

At this time, the southern patrol inside and outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony could not guess what the emperor was thinking.

The Imperial Forest Army directly drove them out of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and then did nothing, but hurried back to the residence, not to disobey His Majesty's will.

At this time, Nan Xunchao was lamenting that he survived a catastrophe, and suddenly he felt something, and saw a familiar figure among the officials.

That person was the stupid official who uttered wild words in the Hall of Supreme Harmony and made the whole hundred officials fall short in pleading for orders!


How is he here?
He said such rebellious words, according to the anger of Guo Sikong and His Majesty at that time, how could he be safe and sound!
Even if he wasn't executed on the spot, at least he would lose his black hat. Why didn't His Majesty punish him alone?

Nan Xun frowned, feeling something was wrong.

The official seemed to sense Nan Xunchao's gaze, turned his head, and smiled at Nan Xunchao.

Then he swept his sleeves to tidy up his posture, and strode forward with a chic posture, without the slightest sign of panic.

"I see. You are Guo Sikong's man, His Majesty's man!"

Nan Xunchao narrowed his eyes slightly, muttered to himself, trembled all over, and was shocked in his heart.

He didn't wake up until this time, and the cold sweat was pouring down his back.

That's right, which of the officials who can enter the Hall of Supreme Harmony is not an old fox, how could he say such outrageous things in the court?Isn't this clearly courting death!
The only explanation is that this person belongs to Guo Sikong!
At the right time, he will completely overthrow the matter of asking for orders from all the officials!

The two lords Situ and Sima thought they were in control of the overall situation, and they used the officials to plead for orders to make a surprise attack, but unexpectedly, His Majesty and Guo Sikong were well prepared, and when they saw their tricks, they smashed the mighty power of the officials!

Originally, according to Guo Sikong's talent and prestige alone, Situ and Sima already needed two adults to jointly deal with it.

Now that there is another His Majesty who is difficult to figure out, and General Si Long standing firmly behind His Majesty, do the two adults, Situ and Sima, still have a chance of winning?

Obviously, the direction of the court will definitely change in the future!
I am afraid that I have to prepare for the way out. Whether I can survive in this upcoming political vortex depends on everyone's own ability.

Southern Xun Chao sighed, declined the request of several officials to go back to the mansion together, and left the palace alone, the background seemed lonely and lonely.

 In fact, the author Jun also wanted to get rid of all the officials at once and directly clear the court, but logically speaking, directly killing more than 100 central officials would have a great influence on the entire Great Xia Dynasty.

  And according to the character design of the protagonist, he would not do such a risky thing.

  Of course, the things of clearing the court and taking back the power must be done, but not all of them will be done in this chapter.

  Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!Ask for a recommendation ticket!

  Ask for a reward!Ask for a reward!Ask for a reward!
  Important things must be said six times!

(End of this chapter)

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