First emperor of the human race

Chapter 18 Your Majesty, the old minister thinks he is very good

Chapter 18 Your Majesty, the old minister thinks he is very good
Inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Su Chen's voice was very loud, echoing clearly in the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

"I think that the current Great Xia Dynasty has internal and external troubles, and it should raise its troops and strengthen its military to protect the safety of the family and the country!"

"Therefore, I have bestowed the title: Great Xia Tiejun! There are 12 new troops in the imperial capital; when I was the Ninth Prince, there were a few staff members in the mansion who were capable and virtuous, not weak ministers."

"These four people, Zhao Yun is the former captain and controls 3 people! Bai Qi is the rear captain and controls 3 people! Li Yuanba is the left captain and controls 3 people! Lei Zhenzi is the right captain and controls 3 people !"

"Si Yi offered wine to the army and assisted the four lieutenants in managing the new army!"

Su Chen's voice was calm and extremely decisive.

This is not a discussion with the ministers, but a unilateral notification by Su Chen to the ministers in the DPRK and China.

I will personally decide on the matter of the new army!

It's not that Su Chen is headstrong, but that there is really no minister in the court worthy of his discussion, even if Guo Sikong is exceptional, Su Chen can't trust him.

As for Shang Yang, Su Chen had not yet had the right opportunity to promote him, so he could only temporarily let him act as his Zhongshuling (the civil official who drafted the imperial edict).

As a minister of the Manchu Dynasty, Su Chen can only trust himself at the moment. He will personally supervise the formation and establishment of the new army once it is dispatched, and no one can intervene!
This matter was notified to the imperial capital yesterday by an imperial decree, and the ministers had already known about it.

Although Zhao Yun and the other four were unknown, they naturally would not rebel against His Majesty at this time.

It is nothing more than 12 new troops. Even if the training is good, the combat power may not be comparable to that of the Si family army, or even stronger than the Yulin army. The most powerful army of the Great Xia Dynasty is always the Si family army.

This is the thought in the hearts of all the ministers, there is no need to offend the powerful emperor for a new army.

However, the emperor's next words made all the officials look pale.

"The establishment of the new army is important, but the three officials at the top of the court are also indispensable. The two ministers, Situ and Sima, are too old to deal with heavy government affairs. I can't find suitable candidates for a while."

"Therefore, for the time being, Guo Sikong will be in charge of the duties of the three public officials. He will temporarily be in charge of Daxia Military Aircraft Military and Political Chief Sima, Civil Taxation Chief Situ, and Official Water and Land Chief Sikong!"

Su Chen's voice was indifferent, although the voice was soft, it was like the sound of thunder, shaking the court.

All the officials were shocked and looked at each other, many of them looked at each other.

Above the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there was a small commotion.

"The position of the three princes is actually gathered together!"

"Based on this calculation, Guo Sikong is His Majesty's No.1?"

"It's incredible."

"Your Majesty Ron, this is a great grace!"

Even though these officials are in a good state of mind, they can't help but look shocked. From ancient times to the present, there has never been a case where the three officials gathered in one person.

For 10 years, even the most stupid Great Xia Emperor knew the most basic way of checks and balances. The three males basically restrain each other.

Today, the emperor actually let Guo Sikong control the positions of the three princes alone.

Even if it's only temporary, who knows when this temporary management will not become official?
After all, the emperor's mind is unpredictable.

Could this be the gift of Guo Sikong after joining the team?
What a holy grace!
"What? Lovers think it's wrong?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and smiled lightly.

"No no no."

An official hurriedly came out, bowed his hands and knelt down, and said respectfully: "Your Majesty has a clear vision, a discerning eye to know people, and looks at the Great Xia Dynasty. Now only Guo Sikong has such contacts, qualifications, and talents to lead the position of the Sangong."

"Your servant, I have no objection!"

The ministers knelt down one after another, their voices were neat and full of excitement.

Yes, they are excited.

The ones left in the court are people from Guo Sikong's faction, and now Guo Sikong is deeply favored; in this way, if one person attains enlightenment and ascends to heaven, they can drink some soup no matter what!

Compared to the excitement of these officials, Guo Sikong was indeed startled, and shook his head with a wry smile.

Your Majesty was not joking last night, he really wanted me to take charge of the duties of the three officials.

Is this flattery?Or reuse?
The three factions of the Great Xia Dynasty have been fighting each other for decades, and even the distant orc empire has heard of it. How could His Majesty not know about it?
Now that only officials of my faction are left in the entire court, won’t His Majesty be afraid of me being the regent if you do this?
It's impossible for His Majesty to be so stupid, can he not see such a big hidden danger?
Thinking of this, Guo Sikong suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He always felt that there was a hole in it, so he hurriedly came out and knelt down: "I know very well that my talents are not good enough, and I am afraid that I will disappoint His Majesty's kindness. Choose someone else."

"What? Now the treacherous officials are in power! The Eight Kings are in chaos! The Great Xia is in trouble, and Aiqing won't help me?"

Su Chen's voice sank, his tone became extremely displeased, and he said lightly: "If you are no longer qualified, who else can I turn to!"

Su Chen's tone was particularly dissatisfied. From the ears of the officials, the emperor really relied on Guo Sikong a lot!

what is this?
This is Jane in the heart of the emperor!

During the time of national calamity, the emperor relied so heavily on Guo Sikong. As long as the national calamity was over, Guo Sikong would be powerful and powerful, and he would be the real second person of the Great Xia Dynasty!
"No! Your Majesty is speaking too seriously."

Guo Sikong sighed, knelt down, did not dare to raise his head, and quickly explained: "The more critical the national crisis is, the more talented people will come out, and the 10-year heritage of our Great Xia Dynasty will be revealed!"

"The Great Xia Dynasty has a long history. Over the past 10 years, many outstanding heroes have emerged one after another, and the dynasty will be overthrown!"

"The old minister is old. Although he has the heart to help the king, he is powerless. The minister dare not use his own crimes to miss the important affairs of the family and the country!"

"The old minister begs Your Majesty to choose good talents again. I am willing to join hands with the two new princes to govern the country and do my best to help the emperor to clean up the country's crisis!"

Guo Sikong was determined to the extreme, this old fox would never fall into Su Chen's trap.

The old man will be Sikong, and the other two big duke positions, whoever wants to take it, anyway, the old man doesn't want it!

If you want to take it, you must first give it.

His Majesty did not intend to reuse me, but definitely had other plans!
Guo Sikong now understands that anyone who underestimates Su Chen will end badly. He doesn't want to follow in the footsteps of Chen Situ and Wang Sima.

"You bastard!"

Su Chen got up in a "babble", stood up from the dragon chair, strode forward, and walked to the front of the white marble steps, his voice was particularly gloomy: "Believe it or not, I won't let you even be Sikong!"

"The old minister believes that if His Majesty wants to punish you, as a courtier, you should thank you."

Guo Sikong raised his head and bowed deeply again: "Thunderstorms, rain and dew are all the favor of the king. I only want to go through fire and water for your Majesty, and for the rise of my Great Xia Dynasty! But the old minister will never force himself to seize power. I dare not be a veteran, and I can't be!"

"How dare you disobey the order!"

Su Chen was furious.

"The old minister is only thinking about Daxia, it's not disrespectful to resist the order, this is a remonstrance."

Guo Sikong's tone was very firm.

"How about this, you temporarily take the position of the Sangong for a month, and then I will select another good talent; I also know that Guo Aiqing is getting old, and her mental strength is somewhat lacking."

"Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible! In January, the situation is changing. At this moment, I dare not say that I can handle the government affairs of the three princes on my own. I implore Your Majesty to choose another good talent!"

"Aren't you even willing to help me for a month! You lazy bastard!"

Su Chen was furious and scolded at the court.

All the officials were speechless, their faces dull.

It's true that the world is full of wonders. Of the two monarchs and ministers, one insisted on giving the official position to the three princes, and the other didn't want to live or die.

This is the job of the Sangong!

Above the six books, below the emperor!
Every grand duke position is an extremely human minister. If there is a power stronger than the grand duke, it is the three dukes gathered in one!Now that a further opportunity is in front of him, Guo Sikong actually doesn't want to live or die?
This is incredible.

At least a very small number of officials came to their senses in time. Guo Sikong was afraid. He was afraid that his power would be too powerful and he would be killed!
At that time, it will not be a question of whether His Majesty wants to kill him, but must be killed!

Moreover, at that time, Guo Sikong, in order to save his life, will definitely disrupt the court, and if he does, he will set off a rebellion!
Throughout the 10-year history of Daxia, such things have not happened before.

It is a good thing to be an extremely human minister, but there must be a degree in everything.

"Hmph, want to resist the decree? That's fine, you recommend someone to me, otherwise Shang Yang!"

"The minister is here."

Shang Yang has been standing behind Li Nianzi, with a small table in front of him, writing imperial edicts at any time.

He has no official position yet, so he cannot call himself a minister, he can only call himself a slave.

"Is the edict ready?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, Guo Sikong temporarily received the imperial decree of the three princes, and it has been drawn up."

Su Chen's eyes fell on Guo Sikong.

Hundreds of officials looked at each other, speechless to each other
Take a look, what do you mean you can resist the edict if you want? !
His Majesty relies too much on Guo Sikong, maybe even Silong doesn't have such blessings!

Which minister dares to resist the order and disrespect!
But Guo Sikong dared to discuss it directly with His Majesty in the Hall of Supreme Harmony, which was very flattering.

Many officials looked enviously at the kneeling Guo Sikong, but they didn't know how nervous he was.

The more His Majesty relied on him, the more he felt a sense of crisis.

Even Conglong Zhichen, who held a heavy army and promoted him to the position of emperor with one hand, did not have this kind of favor. How could he, Sikong, who once controlled the power of the court together with Situ and Sima, be able to bear this kindness?
The old minister is terrified!
At this moment, Guo Sikong's eyes suddenly fell on Shang Yang's body. He looked at His Majesty's expression again. Although His Majesty's jade crown and pearl curtains covered his face, Guo Sikong could clearly feel His Majesty's eyes.

Very calm, His Majesty looked at him with absolutely no grace or appreciation!Only an almost indifferent calm!

Guo Sikong trembled all over, feeling blessed in his heart, quickly knelt down, and shouted: "Your Majesty, I would like to recommend someone for His Majesty! Take up the post of Situ!"

"Oh, who is so lucky to be personally recommended by Guo Aiqing? Let's hear it."

Su Chen smiled.

This old man is sensible, so I didn't waste my saliva.

It wasn't until this time that Guo Sikong noticed that the emperor looked at him with a hint of admiration.

Sure enough!

"Your Majesty, the old minister thinks he is very good! He has the talent of the Three Dukes!"

Guo Sikong kowtowed, straightened up, and pointed to the top of the white marble stairs.

Isn't that direction behind His Majesty?
All the officials were taken aback, and looked at Guo Sikong's finger one after another. Is it the old eunuch Li Nianzi?

No, it's impossible, how could a eunuch take up the post of Situ?

It's the Zhongshu Ling!

(End of this chapter)

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