First emperor of the human race

Chapter 19 Your Majesty, do you still have staff?

Chapter 19 Your Majesty, do you still have staff?
What is the name of this Zhongshu Ling?

Shang Yang?

Never seen this guy before.

Above the Hall of Supreme Harmony, all the officials looked at each other, somewhat puzzled.

Can a little-known Zhongshu Ling be qualified to take the position of Situ?This is simply nonsense!

Obviously, this Shang Yang has a mysterious origin, and everyone has never seen this person before, but this person must have something extraordinary to be able to sit in the position of Zhongshu Ling.

Since ancient times, officials who can sit in the position of Zhongshuling are basically the emperor's confidantes.

"You old man, it's really absurd. You don't want to be Situ and Sima at the same time, but you still want to drag Zhen Zhongshuling into trouble!"

Su Chen scolded with a smile.

The officials also nodded one after another, agreeing with the emperor's words.

Guo Sikong really lost his head, in order to evade the imperial decree, he actually recommended the Zhongshu Ling who is next to His Majesty.

At this moment, Guo Sikong spoke, his voice was firm, and he explained the doubts in the hearts of the officials: "The old minister thought that this person was born in the Ninth Prince's residence, and he was the emperor's staff in the residence before he ascended the throne. competence!"

"The old minister thinks that this person is young and promising, and is able to write the imperial decree for His Majesty's Zhongshu Ling. His Majesty must know this person's talent."

"Looking at the court, there is no more suitable candidate than this person."

Guo Sikong spoke solemnly, with a very sincere expression.

All the officials were speechless, and everyone could tell that Guo Sikong really didn't want to concurrently serve as the third official, he could be said to be as fearful as a tiger.

This man named Shang Yang is indeed the emperor's confidant, but he is a newcomer to the court, and he doesn't have enough qualifications and prestige at all.

"Ai Qing is absurd. Although Shang Yang has some talent, he doesn't have enough qualifications and reputation."

Su Chen spoke lightly.

All the officials nodded, His Majesty's words hit the point, even if His Majesty is willing to let Shang Yang be a Situ, what if he can't convince the public?
"It's okay."

Guo Sikong shook his head, and said: "With the recommendation of a veteran and the background of being born in the Ninth Prince's Mansion, he naturally has enough qualifications; as for reputation, it is not born with birth, and needs to be accumulated slowly."

"The veteran is willing to set an example and communicate with Shang Yang what the veteran has learned all his life. He dare not talk about teaching, but he will definitely communicate with each other."

Guo Sikong kowtowed, and his attitude was very firm: "Your Majesty, please be aware that Shang Yang is recommended by the old minister. If there is a mistake in the future, I hope that I will be punished for the same crime!"

All the officials were shocked when they heard the words, Guo Sikong's words were considered serious.

What is combined punishment for one crime, that is, if Shang Yang makes a mistake in the future, the emperor will punish Shang Yang, and Guo Sikong will also be implicated!
To take such a big risk for a recommender who doesn't know his talents and virtues, is this still Guo Sikong who has always been cautious and tactful?

All the officials were surprised. They looked at Guo Sikong with deep puzzlement, as if they knew Guo Sikong for the first time.

"Are you so unwilling to concurrently serve as Situ and Sima?"

Su Chen took a deep look at Guo Sikong, the meaning only Guo Sikong could understand.

"It's not that I don't want to, but that the old minister is not strong enough to take on the concurrent role. I hope the emperor will learn from him."

Guo Sikong bowed deeply, with a sincere tone.

"Forget it, I will depend on you."

Su Chen sighed, with a helpless tone, he waved his hands and said, "Shang Yang is indeed talented. In my opinion, he can win the position of Situ; it's just that his reputation is lacking. I will trouble Guo Aiqing to teach you."

Shang Yang was made by Daliang of the Qin State in the early Warring States Period, and was the highest official position in the Qin State, similar to a prime minister, in charge of military and political power!
Such a talent, the mere position of Da Situ, is simply a piece of cake for him.

Of course, even though Su Chen knew in his heart that Shang Yang had a great talent, the officials and common people didn't know it, so he still had to show his skills.

Guo Sikong nodded: "Naturally, I am willing to join hands with Shang Yang to die for His Majesty! To die for Great Xia!"

All the officials sighed in their hearts, Guo Sikong missed the best chance to be a great minister, which is really regrettable.

Only a few intelligent and astute officials could smell some potential meaning and arrangement from the dialogue between Su Chen and Guo Sikong's monarch and ministers.

"Be flat."

Su Chen waved his hand.

He didn't bother to explain to the officials, as long as Guo Sikong understood what he meant. The reason why Su Chen wanted to test Guo Sikong was just to be on the safe side.

As long as Guo Sikong knew what he was thinking and made concessions in terms of rights, it meant that he could be kept.

After Guo Sikong returned to the ranks, he glanced at the officials behind him, taking their expressions into his eyes.

A group of foolish officials, do you really think that His Majesty wants the old officials to concurrently serve as the three princes?
What the emperor wants is absolute control over the power of the court, not the simple arrangement of the positions of the three princes.

When it comes to trying to figure out the emperor's mind, Guo Sikong does have some experience.

He looked at Baiguan's expression and sneered in his heart.

If I really agreed without knowing what to do, I am afraid that within a month, I will end up like Chen Situ and Wang Sima!

I don't know if Shang Yang has the ability to serve as the third prince, but it is obvious that the emperor trusts Shang Yang more than me.Then I will help Shang Yang and let him ascend to the position of Situ, so that the emperor will not trouble me in the future.

"Draft the decree, Shang Yang, this is the last imperial decree drawn up by you as Zhongshuling. Tomorrow you will be Da Situ."

Su Chen turned around and sat on the dragon chair, his tone remained unchanged.

But Guo Sikong is sure that the emperor is absolutely satisfied at this moment!

"Thank you Your Majesty for your great love. I will do my best to never disappoint Your Majesty and Guo Sikong."

Shang Yang quickly got up from the stool, swept his sleeves and knelt down to Su Chen, and then saluted Guo Sikong from afar.

"Get up, it's not so much polite."

The emperor did not hide his preference for Shang Yang at all. After waving Shang Yang to get up, Su Chen turned to Guo Sikong and asked, "Since the position of Situ has already been selected, Guo Aiqing should also recommend someone for the position of Sima."

This time, Su Chen had no other intentions, he really felt that Guo Sikong was sensible.

In addition, he currently has no other trusted talents to call, even if he gives up the position of Da Sima to Guo Sikong, Su Chen doesn't care.

In the morning court today, the two most important things he needs to do are to push Shang Yang out. Even if he can't get the position of one of the three princes, he must at least get one of the six ministers!
What's more, it is to inform all officials of the purpose of forming a new army, so that the grassroots officials in the imperial capital can clearly understand the situation, and don't obstruct the formation of the new army secretly.

These two things have been perfectly resolved, Shang Yang has become the chief situ, and no one can interfere with the formation of the new army.

As for the position of the Great Sima, with General Si Long around, the position of the Great Sima who controls the military and horse power in the country is simply a decoration, and it doesn't matter who it is.

"The old minister can no longer find a suitable candidate."

Guo Sikong was taken aback for a moment, and shook his head with a wry smile. Why is the emperor still going on forever? Isn't this already according to your intention, cooperating with you to get your confidant to succeed?

Is it
Guo Sikong changed his mind, suddenly stepped out, and said with a smile, "Is there any other aides in His Majesty's former Ninth Prince's Mansion? If so, I would like to recommend him to be the Chief Sima!"

Baiguan: "."

Su Chen: "."

Come on, the old man is still addicted.

It's such an easy job.

Guo Sikong sighed in his heart, and he made up his mind in his heart.

In the future, no matter what, as long as Su Chen speaks, he will support it, and as long as Su Chen hints, he will recommend it!

He doesn't believe it anymore, he can't protect himself by doing this?

Dijun, no matter how powerful you are, you can't kill your subjects for no reason, right?The old minister insists that Qingshan will not relax, and firmly supports all your decisions!
(End of this chapter)

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