First emperor of the human race

Chapter 160 I have a secret to tell you

Chapter 160 I have a secret to tell you
The fundamental meaning and responsibility of the Imperial Capital Academy is to teach and educate people, and at the same time, it also assumes a role similar to that of the Great Xia Research Institute.

The College of Engineering is divided into two groups of research talents, one group is specialized in the study of civil utensils, and the other group is craftsmen specialized in military equipment.

The cultivation of talents is not only for the reserve of officials, generals and soldiers, but also requires a large number of scientific research talents, and the craftsmen of the engineering college are the best among them.

With the emergence of the [Cloud Forging Method], all the problems faced by the engineering college were easily solved.

At this moment, the engineering college resumed its busy scene.

Everyone held back their energy and worked day and night, wishing to immediately ponder and make more powerful utensils to serve the emperor.

At the same time, as Dijun left the engineering college, Li Ji also hurriedly left the engineering college.

He has already notified Deng Tiantai that Li Ji now needs to go to the Great Xia Iron Army and personally select a group of elite people to take care of the Engineering College.

Before the emperor left, he specifically asked himself: "The most important thing in the cloud-style forging method is the fate of the country!"

Li Ji had already begun to ponder in his mind. He needed to discuss with Li Yuanba, Bai Qi, Zhao Yun and others, and let several generals take turns to guard the Engineering College and guard it closely.

By the way, I heard that a man named Chen Qingzhi appeared in the new army. This man is not bad at martial arts. The emperor praised him for his ability to manage the army.

Since he was personally promoted by the emperor, there is no need to talk about his loyalty. This matter can bring this person with him, and he can also establish a good relationship with him.

While thinking about it, Li Ji rushed to the Great Xia Iron Army camp outside the city.

At the same time, Su Chen was in the imperial study, making arrangements for related matters in the engineering college.

[Cloud Forging Method] can be placed in the Engineering College, but it must be jointly managed by the three parties of Military Machine Pavilion, Dengtiantai, and Imperial Capital Taiyuan College, and supervise each other, and new methods will be given in batches as the Engineering College's research progresses for workers to use. The college carries out the next step of manufacturing and research.

This is done in order to avoid the [Cloud Forging Method] from leaking to the outside world to a great extent. After all, the level of [Cloud Forging Method] has far exceeded the current forging level of Bahuang.

Although the Imperial Capital Academy adheres to the communication principle of "all the laws of the world, exchange what is needed", the [Cloud-style Forging Method] and the high-level inheritance of the same level do not need to participate in it, which was ordered by Su Chen himself.

The purpose of the exchange of academic exchanges is to develop more powerful and advanced technologies and ideas, but it is far beyond the inheritance of too many skills, so there is no need to disclose it for the purpose of communication, which will not be worth the candle.

In addition, in order to ensure that there are no ghosts in the engineering college, Su Chen specially ordered the Military Machine Pavilion to screen the grassroots talents he summoned and placed in various places not long ago, and select grassroots talents who are proficient in hundreds of skills to enter the engineering college.

The status of the original masters and students of the Engineering College has declined, and most of the power and resources of the Engineering College are in the hands of summoned talents who can guarantee loyalty.

At the same time, Su Chen considered that the higher-level forging technology in the [Cloud Forging Method] is a combination of forging and aura, which requires strong martial arts strength as a support. He specially mobilized a group of military masters to cooperate with the craftsmen in the engineering college. Do blacksmithing and research.

In addition, the civil and military generals of the Manchu Dynasty must unconditionally cooperate with the necessary research of the Engineering College in their spare time.

Of course, it is also necessary to urge and give new advanced cultivation methods to the engineering school.

After all, a spiritual tool tempered by other people's hands is not as powerful as a craftsman's own hands, so every outstanding craftsman's cultivation strength must also be improved as soon as possible.

A new batch of spiritual weapons has been successfully refined by the Institute of Engineering, and the next step is the research and manufacture of more advanced spiritual weapons, but this is not a one-day job after all, so Su Chen is the first to consider the research and manufacture of the current stage. Spiritual weapons, swords and armors are promoted and used by the whole army.

Before the beginning of spring, the army must be completely changed!
This is the rigid condition that Su Chen issued to the Military Machine Pavilion and the Engineering College.

The materials used to manufacture spiritual weapon swords and armor are more expensive and more precious than the materials used to manufacture ordinary mortal weapon swords and armor.

But judging from the overall consumption, it is still more cost-effective than making ordinary mortal weapon sword armor, but the cost of a single spiritual weapon sword armor is much more expensive.

But so what?
The cost of manufacturing spiritual artifacts is expensive, not a problem at all!
After a whole year of accumulation, the Great Xia Dynasty now has enough background and resources to squander!

If I have money, I am self-willed!
What is farming for?Isn't it just for the day of squandering!

Perhaps there is a limit on the population, and the Great Xia Dynasty cannot be allowed to organize an extremely large number of troops. After all, the proportion of the army in a country cannot occupy too much of the population.

However, the improvement of the military equipment is also the improvement of the country's military strength.

It is not so easy to crush the Orc Empire in high-end combat power, because the high-end combat power of the Orc Empire has always surpassed the Great Xia Dynasty.

However, Su Chen firmly believed that in the collision and war between the armies of the two countries after the beginning of the spring, the Great Xia was definitely better than the Orc Empire.

In the next few days, the engineering college resumed its usual busyness, but there were some more elite guards and some elite forces who were on guard in the dark. At the same time, the buildings and streets near the engineering college had also been cleared by people sent by Dengtai , not allowing anyone to approach.

All the masters and students of the engineering college were also guarded, and their family members were taken to the imperial capital, and they were not allowed to communicate with outsiders.

It can be said that it is not humane and inhumane to go to the rooftops, but for the interests of a country, some people's freedom is not important.

According to Jia Xu's intention, he would prefer to directly kill these craftsmen who have seen the [Cloud Forging Method], and replace all the talents in the engineering college with those who the emperor personally mentioned to enter.

After all, the loyalty of this group of people must be unmatched by ordinary people.

It's just that Dijun is unwilling to adopt his suggestion.

"Dijun is a Mingjun, you executioner, how do you understand Dijun's generosity?"

These are the original words that Guo Jia lamented.

These craftsmen are not at fault, and the emperor will not slaughter his own people because of some unwarranted suspicions.

Although the weather is getting colder and colder, the enthusiasm and motivation of the Daxia people are indeed increasing day by day.

However, this still cannot stop some things from coming.

"The snow is about to close the mountain."

In the imperial study room, Su Chen looked out the window and muttered to himself.

The strategy should be implemented smoothly.

I hope that I will live up to my wishes and make some moves on the platform.

"Yes, tomorrow is the emperor's wedding."

Daji didn't know what the emperor said, and stood behind Su Chen with some taste, playing the piano with bare hands, but the melody was full of sorrow.

No matter how generous a woman is, she would never want to see her beloved man marry another woman.

It's not about affection and loyalty, it's about nature.

"You girl, are you jealous?"

Su Chen turned around with a smile, his eyes fell on the enchanting Daji.

Long cyan dress, bright eyes with white teeth, moths frowning green eyebrows, pretty face like blooming lotus, smooth skin like firming fat.

"Slave, I dare not be jealous of the sisters of the Yun family."

Daji's red lips are pouting, and she has a pair of water-cut eyes, looking around and looking around, she is charming and natural.

"I have a secret to tell you, would you like to listen?"

"The emperor is willing to speak, and the servant will listen."

Daji bowed her head and played the piano, her crisp voice was always full of resentment, she was still jealous.

"Tomorrow's big wedding, in fact, you are also one of the brides."

Su Chen stretched out his hand with a smile, and lifted Daji's soft and fair chin.

"Is what the emperor said really true?"

Daji's heart trembled, her two eyebrows seemed to be frowning but not frowning, her eyes were full of affection, her beautiful eyes closed shyly, and her red lips parted in a smile.


Su Chen said with a smile.

Daji smiled, her heart was both sour and sweet, as if honey was flowing, she was extremely happy.



"Are you tired, let's rest."

"Huh? It's not dark yet!"


"It's not good, we're getting married tomorrow."

"If I don't want to, I want to do it now."

"Zhen wu! Wait! Let go of me, you witch! This is the imperial study room! How dignified you are!"

In the imperial study room, Su Chen's voice filled with shock and anger came: "Demon girl, don't bite!"

(End of this chapter)

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