First emperor of the human race

Chapter 161 The Emperor's Great Wedding!The whole country celebrates!

Chapter 161 The Emperor's Great Wedding!The whole country celebrates!
The second day arrived.

Although Su Chen ordered the Military Machine Pavilion to control the influence, the emperor's wedding was still full of joy throughout the country.

This is not a mandatory requirement of the Military Aircraft Pavilion for the top ten counties, but the people of each counties felt the kindness of the emperor and spontaneously organized celebrations.

The emperor accepts that Yun Zhuxin and Yun Zhuyu are the concubines of the Nine Concubines!
The king has no family affairs, and the emperor accepts his concubine, which means that the Great Xia Dynasty has completed a major event related to the country's destiny.

The whole country is boiling!People cheer!
The emperor was moved by the actions of the people, and the imperial palace issued a decree that the ten major counties in the country will reduce and exempt the agricultural tax and a certain amount of commercial tax for the next year!
This was originally a policy to appease the people that the Military Aircraft Pavilion planned to implement in the beginning of spring. In order to restore the country's strength better and faster, it was implemented by the emperor in advance at this time.

"Long live the emperor!"

"The emperor is really a bright emperor who is not born in the world!"

"I have an emperor in the Great Xia, who rests and supports the people, calms the inside and outside, is wise and prudent, and the family and country are peaceful!"

Immediately, the entire Great Xia Dynasty fell into an atmosphere of celebration, and countless cheers erupted from all over the place.

There are great scholars who write lyrics, and scholars who sing praises
Su Chen took advantage of the big marriage to push the imperial power to a new height, earning a lot of popular support and prestige.

Under a series of appeasement policies and the wide-ranging kindness of the emperor, the people of the ten major counties in various places now have not only respect for the emperor, but most of them have risen to the point of fanatical worship and blind trust.

Only some aristocratic families feel bitter in their hearts. It takes a lot of resources and money to appease the people, and it will definitely sacrifice the interests of the royal family, but will the interests of the royal family be lost?


Of course, the aristocratic families know why the emperor has the confidence to impose kindness on the people of the country and the top ten counties for a whole year, and even plans to continue to do so next year.

It was nothing more than the fact that during the Eight Kings Rebellion, the emperor took the opportunity to search for the family heritage of many powerful families in the ten counties, and the treasury was full and rich.

Although the emperor accepts concubines this time, the sisters of the Yun family are only nine concubines for the time being, not noble concubines, nor empresses.

However, considering the background of the Yun family and the importance attached by the emperor, according to the etiquette stated by Chen Qun, the canonization, auspiciousness, procurement, preparation, and other complicated affairs are all carried out according to the imperial concubine's standard.

This morning.

All the [-] imperial forest troops were dispatched as a guard of honor, with tall horses, solemn black armor, and flying banners, majestic and majestic.

Holding dragon and phoenix flags, imperial umbrellas, gourds, axes, battle-axes, sticks, and cards, they came to the gate of Yunfu neatly.

The three luxurious wedding phoenixes have already parked in front of Yunfu.

There are colorful phoenixes embroidered on the Luanjia, and there are square windows on the left and right sides. The light yellow curtains swing with the wind and are decorated with golden double happiness characters.

In front of the sedan chair, purple bead curtains flow down from the roof. The inside and seat covers of the sedan chair are all embroidered with blue phoenixes, golden happy characters, colorful clouds, bats and auspicious flowers in red satin.

"Welcome your lady!"

Li Nianzi stood in front of the door, and a sharp and hoarse voice sounded.

inside the cloud.

"One comb, to the end; two combs, the white hair is even to the eyebrows; three combs, the children and grandchildren are all over the ground."

Mrs. Yun was carefully combing the hair of her two daughters when she heard the voice of a servant outside the door.

"Oh, it's too late!"

Yun Zhuyu's beautiful eyes lit up, and she quickly whispered: "Mother, stop combing, don't miss the auspicious time!"

"Can't you wait?"

Mrs. Yun glared at Yun Zhuyu, feeling sour in her heart: "It's really hard for a girl to help her."

Yun Zhu Xin pursed her lips and smiled, wearing a bright red phoenix robe, her beauty was soul-stirring.

It is a great honor to be married into the door openly and aboveboard by the emperor and become a concubine in the harem.

"Sister, don't laugh at me too, I ignore you."

Yun Zhuyu's pretty face was red, and she was coquettish and angry.

Although Daji on the side was silent, she also had a pretty face and was also dressed in a bright red robe.

She had no father or mother, so she left the court from Yunfu and married into the palace.

Chen Qun and Li Nianzi stood outside the gate of Yunfu with their hands tied, with serious expressions on their faces. They represented the emperor to welcome the bride and they were responsible for the whole process of the wedding.

"Hurry up! Your lady is coming!"

"Open the door!"

Under the command of Li Nianzi, the maidservants opened the gate, and under the expectant eyes of many people standing on tiptoe on the street, three angel-like figures slowly walked inside the gate.

Yellow Bixialuo embroidered with a phoenix, a pink smoked gauze skirt that drags the floor, and a Qiluocui soft gauze in the arm, and the jasper-chan phoenix hairpin is inserted obliquely on the sideburns.

These three are really outstanding black silk, jade belt and beaded flowers, graceful and graceful like flowers, slim and beautiful, and beautiful fairy family!

The bright red jade crown gauze covers the beautiful faces of the beauties, making it impossible for people to see their true faces.

With the support of the palace maids, the three women slowly walked into Fengluan.

Yun Zhuyu, who is not weak in martial arts, is extremely shy at this time, like a little lady who has lost her cultivation strength, weak and weak.

Ten thousand Imperial Forest Army stepped forward and surrounded Fengluan in a group, with tight protection.

Lei Zhenzi and Nezha took the deputy generals to change their clothes, and ordered the guards to step forward to carry the sedan chair!
The guards of the imperial forest army carried the sedan chair, and two legendary masters personally guarded the left and right sides. This is really a great honor!

Just from this ostentation, it can be seen how much the emperor dotes on these three women. Many men, women and children along the street cast envious eyes.

This is a blessing that cannot be cultivated in eight lifetimes!

"Get up!"

Chen Qun took a deep breath, and shouted in full spirit: "Play the music! Spread joy!"

The gongs and drums sounded together, and the atmosphere was warm.

Sima Yi, Guo Jia and the others hurriedly led the students in the scholar's mansion, took out gold and silver, wedding candies, and flowers, and followed Fengluan to sprinkle them all over the sky!

The three Fengluan drivers traveled unimpeded all the way to the main entrance of the imperial palace, stepped over the brazier and pressed the saddle, and under the sedan chairs carried by the guards of the Imperial Forest Army, Fengluan never shook or fell to the ground, and entered the main entrance steadily all the way.

Inside the main entrance are the Nine-Nine Steps of the Palace and the Wangtian Pavilion. Under the watchful eyes of all the officials, the emperor came out to welcome the noble ladies, and then worshiped the heaven and the earth with the three noble ladies and performed the national ceremony.

Afterwards, the three noble ladies and concubines were sent straight to the harem.

Next, Su Chen entertained all the officials and set up a banquet in the imperial capital to celebrate.

According to the king's specifications, this wedding is actually not grand, and it can even be said to be a little conservative. Su Chen did not invite nobles from other countries and races of the Central Desolation Ten Thousand Races to come to watch the ceremony, nor did he inform the people around Daxia about the ceremony. Friendly race.

The emperor's marriage is a happy event within the scope of Daxia, and it has not been publicized too much.

The tedious process of the emperor's wedding was over, the day passed without knowing it, and the night fell, and the officials who had stood for a whole day were able to take their seats.

In front of Wangtian Pavilion of the Imperial Palace, an open-air dinner party was held.

The emperor got married and entertained hundreds of officials and outstanding students from the Taiyuan Academy.

All the officials were seated, and a table full of delicacies was placed in front of the nine or nine steps. All the officials exchanged glasses and exchanged cups, chatting happily, and there was a lot of voices.

At the top of the ninety-nine stairs is where the emperor is.

Su Chen looked indifferently, sitting on the throne.

Only Lei Zhenzi and Nezha led the army to guard him, and thousands of Imperial Forest Army regiments surrounded the throne.

People can only look at the emperor from a distance, but they cannot approach him.Even if the emperor was kind enough to have a feast with everyone today, no one dared to raise his head and look directly at the emperor's position.

Lonely facing the heights, overlooking all living beings, thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king.

This is power, this is majesty!
Soon, the banquet lasted for half an hour, and many people were full of wine and food.

Chen Qun got up, walked up the stairs in a low voice, reported to Su Chen, and then informed Li Nianzi to proceed to the next procedure.

After a while, the sound of playing music sounded, and Li Nianzi's sharp voice came: "Play music! Sing the ceremony!"

The people who were still whispering to each other stopped one after another.

The singing ceremony of the officials is also a part of everyone's secret contest. If the emperor is happy with the gift, there will be a good reward.

Every time Li Nianzi sang, all the officials stood up and offered congratulatory gifts, Su Chen nodded lightly, and handed out the rewards.

There are many officials, civil and military, and as important gifts continue to be sent out, the night gradually deepens.

They were full of food and drink, and the singing ceremony came to an end. It stands to reason that the emperor would also leave the banquet, and then everyone would celebrate and then disperse on their own.

However, the emperor has not left for a long time, and has been sitting on the throne, not knowing what he is waiting for.

Those with sharp eyes noticed that the emperor's eyes had been looking at the east.

It seems that someone is waiting.

(End of this chapter)

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