Chapter 166 Millions of soldiers, national strength restored


Sima Yi nodded, not daring to hide anything, and told all the stories.

With the strong support of the Military Machine Pavilion, the new military establishment of the Great Xia Dynasty has been basically completed.

The establishment of the new army is as follows: one division of ten people, headed by a corps commander; one division of one hundred people, headed by a senior officer; one division of one thousand people, headed by a lieutenant; one division of ten thousand people, headed by a general.

The appointment of military officials at the school lieutenant and his subordinates can be appointed after joint discussion between the Military Machine Pavilion and the military general; all military leaders above the school lieutenant are generals and will be personally appointed by the emperor. Generals of different ranks They will have different rights to lead the number of troops.

At the same time, all the original false positions in the army were cancelled, and there was no longer any channel for the military officials to claim false positions, eliminating the possibility of most of them being empty-paid.

In this way, the increasing power of the entire army of the Great Xia Dynasty and the personnel at all levels look very clear, and there will be no power disputes and management confusion, let alone the dispersion of power.

In every army, no matter in any form, as long as it has ten thousand people or more, besides lieutenants and generals, there are also the positions of inspectors and military advisers.

The prosecutor is responsible for preventing rebellion, mutiny, deduction of food and salary, high-level officers oppressing soldiers, etc. in the army. The prosecutor is equivalent to the role of a military court to supervise every move of the army.

A military division is responsible for a series of tasks such as making plans, assisting in the deployment of the army, and analyzing fighter planes during large-scale operations (thousands and above) of the army. It has the same position as the general in the army and can replace the general to issue orders to a certain extent. .

Prosecutors, military advisers, and generals constitute the highest management of the tripartite army. Although there is a certain degree of shortcoming of power division, it can greatly avoid the situation of army chaos and mutiny.

During the period of individual legion operations, the military machine cabinet will determine the combat objectives, which greatly avoids possible confusion and disagreement among the three parties in the military management.

The establishment of the army is currently limited to 5000 personnel in counties and counties, and [-] personnel in the capital city. The transfer of less than [-] personnel only requires the approval of the local supreme commander.

The transfer of more than [-] people needs to consult the Military Machine Pavilion of the Imperial Capital and the Secretary of the Ministry of War, and at the same time, it is necessary to obtain the emperor's oral order or imperial decree, and the transfer of more than [-] people requires the military talisman given by the emperor.

This move is also to avoid possible military chaos, to prevent anyone from mobilizing large-scale troops in any way, and to avoid things like the Eight Kings Rebellion from happening.

After all, although the current high-level officers of the Great Xia Dynasty army are basically Su Chen can trust
"The new formulation has been rolled out nationwide and is now fully implemented."

Sima Yi spoke respectfully, and after pondering for a while, he spoke again: "It's just that the new army establishment has not yet started to be implemented in the eastern border."

All military division reforms are not included in Eastern Xinjiang.

Considering Silong's particularity, after seeking the opinion of the emperor, the military plane considered various factors and felt that the military system of Eastern Xinjiang could not be changed now.

One is that the eastern border army has always been elite, so there is no need to worry too much; second, they are still needed to guard the eastern border, and rash actions may shake the morale of the army and affect Silong's strategic deployment of the orc empire.

"It's okay."

Su Chen nodded. He was already prepared for this. Dongjiang is currently the last point in the country that cannot be moved rashly, because the situation of the Si family army is a little special, with accumulated military achievements and hard work.

Su Chen didn't bother to care about it, so he turned a blind eye.

According to Su Chen's understanding of Si Long, when the military reform of the entire Great Xia Dynasty is a foregone conclusion, Si Long will also consciously follow the military reform of the Military Aircraft Pavilion.

"The current number of troops, approximately?"

"Reporting to the emperor, there are 30 Great Xia Iron Army, 20 Zhenwei Cavalry, 50 newly formed White Robe Army, 100 Elite New Army reserves, a total of 200 million reserve troops, and a total of [-] million guards in each county; the number of these troops According to statistics, the military strength of Eastern Xinjiang has not been included."

Sima Yi said: "The new army has not yet been established. The current reserves of reserve soldiers in each army are just not organized, but they can be filled into each army to fight at any time."

In total, it seems that the current Great Xia Dynasty has a total of 410 million troops, including 110 million elite combat soldiers and 300 million ordinary combat soldiers.

If you count the soldiers in Eastern Xinjiang, the Great Xia Dynasty at this time has nearly 500 million troops, and they can all fight on the battlefield!
"Not bad!"

Su Chen nodded in satisfaction: "You have worked hard."

"These are matters within the rank and file of ministers, and I dare not take credit for them."

Sima Yi and the others hurriedly saluted, very humble.

"The reform of the army involves the issue of military expenditure and the impact on people's livelihood. Can the Military Machine Pavilion make a decision?"

Su Chen warmed another pot of tea, and asked again.

He believed that Sima Yi must be confident about this, as expected, after the emperor asked, Sima Yi smiled and said: "It's natural."

"In order to improve the combat effectiveness of the soldiers, in addition to providing a large number of batch-manufactured spiritual weapons, swords and armors provided by the Engineering College, there are also more elite supplies to equip the entire army, and at the same time, the food and salaries of the soldiers have been greatly increased. "

"However, to avoid a large amount of military expenditure, the Military Machine Pavilion decided after discussion that all soldiers in the reserve service and soldiers from various counties should be used as a military system, serving as soldiers in wartime and farming in leisure time."

"When farming, there is no military pay, but the agricultural tax is half of the usual."

What Sima Yi said made Su Chen even more satisfied.

All kinds of taxes in the previous dynasty were basically maintained at one tax per ten, and there were even heavy taxes of one tax per five. Why don't the people and princes rebel?

Under the reform of the Military Aircraft Pavilion, the current tax in Daxia is only [-] yuan, which can be said to be a light tax, which greatly improves people's livelihood and restores national strength.

At the same time, His Excellency Junji ordered that there will be no commercial taxation for the next five years, which stimulated the economic recovery of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Now the treasury is full, enough for the army and treasury wealth of the Great Xia Dynasty, enough for Su Chen to fight for several years. This is the key reason why Su Chen dared to ask His Excellency Junji to issue a series of policies to calm the people and reduce taxes.

As long as the entire Great Xia is given a few years to recuperate, the Great Xia Dynasty will definitely have a chance to return to the terrifying national power at its peak.

Moreover, this series of low taxes allows the people to have surplus food in their hands to exchange for money, which can promote the development of the economy and other fields, and accelerate the recovery of national strength from the side.

Su Chen talked about some state affairs with Sima Yi and others, and explained some big summer policies and the direction of government affairs handling in the spring of the coming year.

"Let's all go back."

The monarchs and ministers chatted until ten o'clock in the evening, then Su Chen waved his hand and took a sip of tea.


Sima Yi and others retreated after saluting, but Jia Xu stayed behind.

"Is something wrong?"

Su Chen raised his eyebrows and looked at Jia Xu.

If this guy stays, it means that Deng Tiantai must have something he can't make a decision on, and he needs to report it to the emperor.

"I do have one thing, I hope the emperor can make a decision."

Jia Xu sighed, cupped his hands and said in a deep voice, "It's about the Beastman Empire."

(End of this chapter)

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