Chapter 167 Seventy percent sure
The thing about the orc empire?Could it be Li Ji's business?
Su Chen frowned and asked, "What happened to Li Ji?"

Li Ji didn't want to go back to China, she insisted on staying in the Beastman Empire, and wanted to fight the Beast Lord for power.

Because of this matter, Su Chen has had a lot of headaches these days.

You want to say that this woman is holding you back, delaying yourself?That's not enough, it's just that her personality is too obvious, and she often does some unexpected things.

At this point, Su Chen felt that he had to take good care of this woman in the future, and could not entrust her with any duties or tasks.

"Emperor Mingjian."

Jia Xu nodded, and said in a deep voice: "Miss Li Ji doesn't want to go back to China, we dare not neglect this matter, and sent a large number of elite members of Dengtiantai to the Beastman Empire to protect Mistress Li Ji."

People on the Tiantai know that Li Ji has a close relationship with the emperor, so they call her empress.

"However, yesterday, I received the latest information about the Beastman Empire. The information shows that the Beast Lord has fully grasped the situation in the country!"

"The negative impact caused by the public opinion layout controlled by Guo Jia has been completely suppressed by the Beast Lord. The Beast Lord has freed up his hands and is about to take action against Empress Li Ji!"

Jia Xu took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "The first heavy snow will fall in half a month at most, and the heavy snow will soon close the mountains. By then, it will be difficult for Li Ji to leave. Now we wait How to do it, please show me the emperor."

The current situation is obvious, the Beast Lord has suppressed other unfavorable factors in the country, and is about to eradicate the two restless people, Li Ji and the High Priest.

After the heavy snow blocked the mountains, no matter whether it was the army or the rooftops, it was difficult to enter the Beast Empire, and it was also difficult for the people of the Beast Empire to leave the territory.

Unless you are a legendary master, you can ignore the influence of the environment and force a small number of people to enter or leave.

"What do you think should be done on the rooftop?"

Su Chen pondered slightly, and looked at Jia Xu.

"In my opinion, there are only two options for going to the rooftop."

"One is, we must support Empress Li Ji at all costs, or if nothing can be done, before the heavy snow closes the mountain, we will try our best to destroy all the external agencies and branches of the Beastman Empire to force Li Ji to safety. Bring it out."

"Secondly, Dengtiantai will not protect Empress Li Ji, but retreat most of the outside members of Dengtiantai, retain the existing elite forces of Dengtiantai to a great extent, and ensure that Dengtiantai can survive the political turmoil in the Beast Empire this time. Keep it well, and wait for the next spring to look for opportunities.”

As for the idea of ​​assisting Li Ji and Beast Lord to the end, it's not that Jia Xu couldn't think of it, but he was unwilling to say it.

Regardless of retreat, it is very unwise to help Li Ji and stay to fight against the Beast Lord. Based on the current situation of the Beast Lord in the Beastman Empire, it is difficult for Li Ji and the High Priest to confront each other head-on. Defeat the beast king.

Su Chen also understands Jia Xu's thoughts very well. It can be seen from the trend of the Beast Lord's strong suppression of domestic public opinion that the Beast Lord has a strong control over the Beastman Empire, and the imperial power of the Beastman Royal Family is enough to completely suppress the beliefs that the High Priest has been accumulating. and prestige too.

Under such circumstances, it would be very difficult for Li Ji to seize power with the Beast Lord.

But just because something is difficult doesn't mean it can't be done.

"The plan you mentioned to me last time, I actually think it is feasible!"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly spoke, which made Jia Xu stunned.

Last time, after discussing the plan he proposed to Dijun, everyone in Junji Pavilion and Dengtiantai rejected it because it was too dangerous.

Then the Military Machine Pavilion formulated a plan for Li Ji to leave the Beastman Empire on the grounds of celebrating the Daxia Emperor's wedding, thus breaking away from the Beast Lord's control.

Jia Xu didn't expect that the emperor would bring up the old story again.

"I've been thinking about this plan ever since that day."

"It is true that this plan must have great risks, but it is indeed a strange strategy. Even the beast king would never have thought that Daxia would do this."

Su Chen looked at Jia Xu with burning eyes: "I've changed your plan a little bit, now I'm [-]% sure."

"Seventy percent sure?"

Jia Xu was startled, frowned and thought about it, and then said in a deep voice, "Dijun, do you want Lei Zhenzi to secretly enter the Beastman Empire?"

If someone from the legendary realm intervened, the success rate aside, at least Li Ji's safety was guaranteed.

Originally, the High Priest was the most powerful legend-level expert in the Beastman Empire. This has always been the reason why the Beast Lord has been reluctant to take action to suppress it. The Beast Lord also has scruples. He is afraid that the High Priest will be killed. He needs to arrange a complete killing situation. .

If at this time one more Legendary Realm master came out as an ambush, whether it was helping Li Ji and the Beast Lord to fight for power, or protecting Li Ji from retreating, he would have great confidence.

This is still taking into account the large number of legendary masters in the orc empire, and the success rate should be [-]%.

Jia Xu thought secretly.

Unfortunately, he still guessed wrong.

The [-]% certainty in Su Chen's mouth is not to assist Li Ji in fighting for power, nor is it to protect Li Ji from retreating.

"No, Lei Zhenzi will not leave Daxia."

Su Chen shook his head, and said lightly: "The reason why the beast king hasn't done anything yet is because he cares about me."

Daxia has the Tiantai to supervise in the Beastman Empire, but the Beastman Empire also has corresponding intelligence personnel lurking in Daxia, and even these people have been within the monitoring range of the Tiantai.

In order not to startle the enemy, Deng Tiantai has not eradicated these people, but silently monitored them. At critical moments, they will actively leak some wrong information to these people to counter the orc empire.


Jia Xu looked puzzled and a little confused.

He frowned tightly, but still couldn't figure out what Dijun's next move should be.

The intrigue between the two countries, and the Great Xia Dynasty intervening in their internal affairs and political struggles under the complex domestic situation of the Orc Empire, is no less difficult than a full-scale war between the two countries!

There are various and complex factors to be considered.

Su Chen drank tea with a smile, waved his hands and said: "You go back first, there is news from Li Ji, please let me know at any time."


Jia Xu retreated after saluting helplessly. Until now, the emperor has not given a clear answer.

Should Tiantai continue to cooperate with Li Ji, or should they all retreat?
Jia Xu was a little uncertain, so he decided to discuss it with Sima Yi and Guo Jia.

"[-]% sure, hehe"

Su Chen smiled lightly and shook his head, put down the teacup, he looked out of the window where the winter wind was blowing, his eyes were particularly deep.

At present, the Beast Lord must be keeping a close eye on Daxia's changes, and beware of any changes in Daxia.

After all, if the Beast Lord wants to take action against the High Priest and Li Ji, no matter what method is used, it will definitely set off a political storm in the entire Beastman Empire and cause national turmoil.

If at this time, the Great Xia Dynasty sent legendary masters or sent a large army, it would definitely have a chance to severely damage the Orc Empire.

Therefore, before the heavy snow seals the mountain, most of the beast king's attention will be on the Great Xia Dynasty, and the Great Xia Dynasty will not be able to take advantage of the opportunity so easily.

This is also the reason why Su Chen has been waiting. After the beast king waited for the heavy snow to seal the mountain, he was also waiting.

After the heavy snow seals the mountains, the Beast King will deal with the high priest and Li Ji with peace of mind, and complete the unification of imperial power in the country.

And Su Chen will also start to collect the net and carry out his own plan after the heavy snow seals the mountain and when the Beast Lord's vigilance is lowered.

Su Chen never set his sights on Li Ji and the Beast King's individual and position. His pattern and vision have always been considered on the entire Beastman Empire.

Su Chen wants to take this opportunity to subvert the entire orc empire in one go!
This is what he wants to achieve in the end!
 Wait for another chapter!
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(End of this chapter)

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