First emperor of the human race

Chapter 180 Secrets of the Snow Ape Clan

Chapter 180 Secrets of the Snow Ape Clan

At the same time, in the beast palace, the beast king was furious.

"Let everyone in Youyi Palace bury my son with me!!"


An imperial decree filled with the angry will of the beast king was issued, and hundreds of servants in Youyi Hall, as well as thousands of bodyguards, all fell to the ground.

When the king was angry, dead souls were everywhere.

No one thought the Beast Lord was cruel, after all, someone had to pay the price for the death of the Seventh Prince.

Although Beast Lord is very sad and angry, he also knows that as a king, he should learn to control his emotions and not let anger and sadness affect his reason.

Just as the High Priest guessed, after the Beast Lord calmed down, he was already deep in thought.

He needs to figure out the situation in front of him as soon as possible and arrange a new strategy.

The death of the Seventh Prince could not be changed. In order to stabilize the domestic situation, the Beast Monarch could not tear himself apart from the First Prince anyway, at least not for now.

Because the eldest prince is still the prince on the surface, he is the heir.

Beast Lord was a little thankful that he didn't attack Li Ji too early and didn't kill her, otherwise the current situation would be very bad.

The Beastman Empire is a race that values ​​blood inheritance very much. Whether each generation of Beast Lords has a prince or not can affect most of the situation and people's hearts of the Beastman Empire.

This is a kind of thinking that cannot be understood by modern people, but it does exist. The thousands of races in the Eight Desolation Continent have their own unique inheritance and way of life.

Although the Beast Lord is glad that he did not kill Li Ji, it is obvious that the Beast Lord will not allow the eldest prince to maintain his status as the heir. After all, Li Ji is a daughter, and the Beast Lord will never allow a woman to inherit his Location.

The high priest and Li Ji must be dealt with, but not now.

The beast king frowned, he was not sure what attitude he should take towards the high priest and Li Ji, he needed a period of time to think about it.

The most important thing is that he is now facing another crucial matter.

That is the murderer who killed the Seventh Prince. Who is it?

Thinking of this, seeing the snow-white hair on Nezha's back came to the Lord Beast's mind again, and the Lord Beast couldn't help but suspect that what this guy said when he was running away was to intentionally plant the killing of the Seventh Prince on everyone. Xia's body.

This is so obvious!
If it was really done by the Daxia people, there is no need to expose your identity so eagerly, right?

This is completely superfluous.

Then, the murderer may have deliberately confused his sight by doing this.

Coupled with the fleeting snow-white hair that the Beast Lord saw with his own eyes, the Beast Lord became more and more sure in his heart that it was definitely done by the tribes in the west!
"Those backward and barbaric bastards actually have ambitions?"

The Beast Lord narrowed his eyes slightly, and his voice was extremely cold: "If you dare to attack the Beastman Empire, I will destroy your entire family!"

"Come on!"

"Beast Lord, the subject is here."

"Call all the officials to meet and hold a court meeting."

The Beast Lord resolutely made an order, he will not sit still, he feels more and more that what happened in Youyi Hall today is definitely a conspiracy, and he must catch the murderer behind it.

Moreover, the beast king already had a guess in his mind, and he needed to send someone to confirm this matter.

"For the west side, you should go there yourself."

Su Chen sat in the high priest's study, holding a booklet in his hand, looked at Zhu Ji, and said, "Tell them, if you do what I say, give them the heart of a giant with both hands. If you don't do what I say, They don't want to get the giant's heart in this life!"


Zhu Ji spoke respectfully, turned and left.

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and watched Zhu Ji leave. Now he has entered the most important part of the layout.

In the west of the Orc Empire, there is a relatively backward ethnic tribe, the tribe of the Snow Ape tribe.

The Snow Apes are a group of tribes. Their situation is somewhat similar to that of the orc tribes 10 years ago. They exist in the form of tribes, and their culture, technology, martial arts system, and social class are all relatively low.

They formed a certain rudimentary form of imperial power, but they had not yet entered the feudal society, and they still lived a way of life of distribution and joint labor by the chiefs.

The snow apes are born with snow-white and thick hair, like white jade, extremely cold-resistant, afraid of flames, winter is their home season, so they are known as the snow apes.

Every snow ape clan is very powerful. Their children are born with a height of nearly two meters, with well-developed muscles and excellent talents.

Some adult snow apes can even reach five meters or even higher!
Moreover, the adult snow apes have stronger physiques. It can be said that they are only born with Nirvana state or even higher strength in terms of physical strength!

The only difference between them and the thousands of people in the Central Desolation is that they cannot cultivate, they cannot practice any exercises, and they cannot gather spiritual energy in their bodies. They can only survive in the chaotic Central Desolation with a strong physique.

For countless years, the Snow Ape Clan has had many amazing and talented people who tried their best to make the Snow Ape Clan rise, but they all failed without exception.

Like a curse, the Snow Apes have always struggled to survive in a corner of the Central Desolation, fighting against nature, fighting against all races in the Central Desolation, and trying their best not to be wiped out.

In the eyes of the Central Desolation Ten Thousand Clans, there are many backward races like the Snow Ape Clan. Although the Snow Ape Clan is somewhat special, it is really not worth mentioning.

Only Su Chen knows that the Snow Ape tribe actually has a terrifying background and great potential, but some accidents happened during the process of inheritance and reproduction over the years.

The name of the Snow Ape Clan began to rise slowly tens of thousands of years ago. According to Su Chen's memory and historical data, there was no such race as the Snow Ape Clan in Central Wilderness back then.

If Su Chen guessed correctly, the Snow Ape Clan should be closely related to the Snow Giant Clan that lived in the Central Desolation 10 years ago.

The snow giant race was one of the top races in the middle of the wilderness back then, and it was many times stronger than the orcs.

Adult snow giants are about 20 to [-] meters tall. Their physical defenses are strong enough to resist any attack by the masters of the real fairyland. Collapse the huge mountain!
This is a special race that relies on physical strength and is different from other races.

When Su Chen became emperor, there was a genius in the snow giant race, and he was the only one in the snow giant race who could cultivate aura!Breaking the precedent that has never been seen in the ages!

This person traveled all over the world, visited countless sects, and once sat down with Su Chen to discuss the Tao. He created the cultivation inheritance of the Snow Giant Clan, so that excellent Snow Giants can also practice spiritual energy, making Snow Giants become the top race in the entire Eight Desolation in one fell swoop!

A race that is born with an incomparably strong physical body and is also proficient in martial arts, shouldn't be too strong!

In other words, the entire Snow Giant clan of that era can be said to be the children of luck, the existence of the protagonist template.

If it weren't for Su Chen becoming emperor and suppressing the fate of the human race, the entire Eight Wilderness Continent would have acted according to the winks of the Snow Giants.

It's just a pity that after Su Chen was reborn, he didn't hear any records or news about the Snow Giants.

Some are just the Snow Ape Clan, which is a relatively weak and backward tribal group located near Daxia and the Beastman Empire.

Su Chen had already sent people to have contact with the Snow Ape Clan many times, and the information about the Snow Ape Clan that was constantly coming from the rooftop gave Su Chen sufficient reasons and evidence to prove that the Snow Ape Clan should be with the Snow Ape Clan. The snow giant clan back then must have had an inseparable relationship.

Is it the degeneration of the race, or has the snow giant family been wiped out over the years?
Su Chen didn't know, he couldn't find any evidence or clues, this matter troubled Su Chen for a while, but he didn't go into it deeply, after all, the situation at home and abroad of the Great Xia Dynasty didn't allow Su Chen to focus on Xue On the apes.

Regarding the Giant's Heart, it was a genius exchange between Su Chen and the Snow Giant. Strictly speaking, he gave it to Su Chen.

In exchange for Su Chen's promise, he used the entire Snow Giant clan to support Emperor Su in forming the Great Xia Dynasty, and to recognize and help improve the status of the human race in the Eight Wildernesses.

Su Chen promised that when the snow giants encountered difficulties, he would do his best to help, and the giant's heart would serve as a witness of friendship.

After all, the lifespan of a great emperor is far longer than that of everyone in that era.

Only with the protection of the Great Emperor can the snow giant race inherit and multiply better.

The giant's heart didn't have much effect, at least for Su Chen, so he threw it in the corner of the first layer of restriction.

But for the Snow Giants, the Giant's Heart plays an important role in stimulating the physique of the tribe and activating the cultivation of the tribe. The Giant's Heart records the unique cultivation techniques of the Snow Giants, which cannot be learned by other races. body structure is different.

In the snow giant clan back then, there were many giant hearts, so the giant hearts were not precious treasures.

But in today's Snow Ape Clan, there are only legends and records about the Giant's Heart, but there is no Giant's Heart.

This is why Su Chen believes that the Snow Ape Clan and the Snow Giant Clan are closely related, and the Giant's Heart is a clue and evidence.

This time during Su Chen's trip to the Beastman Empire, Su Chen offered the Giant's Heart as a deal with the Snow Apes, demanding that the Snow Apes obey his command and orders unconditionally, and cooperate with the Great Xia Dynasty to contain the Beastman Empire.

As long as the Snow Ape Clan can obey Daxia's orders unconditionally this winter, Su Chen will give them a real giant heart and tell them some secrets about their ancestors.

Before the heavy snow closed the mountain, Deng Tiantai kept in contact with the Snow Ape Clan, and finally the two parties reached a condition for cooperation.

The snow ape clan is the most important link in Su Chen's layout of the orc empire.

It can be said that the Snow Ape Clan is a race that is ignored or even despised by the Central Desolation Ten Thousand Clans, but Su Chen has discovered their potential, and Su Chen intends to make full use of it.

After all, in the season when the mountains are blocked by heavy snow, the fighting power of the Snow Ape Clan is terrifying!
 The third one!

  Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! !
  It is about the characteristics, introduction, name, background, and history of some races. I hope everyone can help the author think about it.

  After all, it is a system of ten thousand races. The whole system and the relationship between each other are quite complicated.

  Forgive me for having relatively few brain cells. There are few complete racial systems that have been thought up so far. If you have good ideas, please be sure to let me know! ! !


(End of this chapter)

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