First emperor of the human race

Chapter 181 The Snow Ape Clan Sends Troops!

Chapter 181 The Snow Ape Clan Sends Troops! (Thanks to the book friend "God God", and rewarded another leader!)

Nezha's pretense and showing weakness in Youyi Hall today, including the matter in Youyi Hall, is all to make the Lord Beast focus on the snow ape clan in the west.

If the Orc Empire put most of its attention on the Snow Ape Clan, then Su Chen would have a chance.

Nezha stood beside Su Chen and asked softly, "Dijun, there is one thing I don't understand."


Su Chen recovered from his contemplation, and looked at Nezha with a smile.

"Since the Emperor's purpose is for the entire Beastman Empire, why not just ask the minister to kill the Beast Lord in Youyi Hall."

Nezha looked at Su Chen suspiciously, and said, "If the Beast King and the Seventh Prince are both dead, then the entire Beastman Empire belongs to the First Prince?"

In the absence of other heirs and the fact that the eldest prince's female identity has not been revealed, as long as the Beast Lord dies, according to the tradition of the Beastman Empire, Li Ji will become the new Beast Lord of the Beastman Empire.

As long as Li Ji is on the throne, the entire orc empire will be in the emperor's pocket, without any threat, but will become the greatest support for the Great Xia Dynasty.

"not that simple."

Su Chen shook his head, waved the folder in his hand, and said lightly: "According to the information collected by Deng Tiantai, the Beast Lord has a lot of secrets hidden in the palace. Even if you kill the Beast Lord, Li Ji will not be able to easily control the Beastman." empire."

After all, the Beastman Empire is a first-class race among the thousands of races in the Central Desolation. There must be many backhands hidden by the Beast Lord in the Beast Palace Royal House. It is not as simple as Li Ji can easily ascend to the throne if the Beast Lord dies.

The control of the entire court, the control of the army and other factors must be taken into consideration.

Otherwise, even if Li Ji succeeds in ascending the throne, she will be easily ostracized, and her rule and status will even be overthrown by other orc royal descendants!

The Beast Lord is unwilling to see Li Ji inherit his position, and the high priest is the number one expert in the Beastman Empire, so the Beast Lord must have been prepared for this.

Su Chen is sure that even if the Beast Lord dies now, Li Ji and the High Priest will not be able to easily control the Beastman Empire.

If Su Chen is in the position of the beast king, he has many ways to make Li Ji not easily succeed.

It is even said that the Beast Lord only needs to secretly draw up a secret decree and send his confidants to hide it. Before Li Ji is about to ascend the throne, if someone comes forward to reveal her true identity as a woman, Li Ji can be plunged into a situation beyond redemption.

Nezha nodded half understanding.

"Moreover, the Beast Lord issued a new decree not long ago, which happens to be related to the heir."

Su Chen smiled and explained: "Although I am still unable to confirm the content of the imperial decree, I can be sure that it is to guard against Li Ji."

"Coupled with the fact that the Beast Lord has crazily attacked the high priest's popularity during this period, and suppressed the high priest by any means, it can be seen that the Beast Lord is very wary of this."

Su Chen's words have already been explained very clearly.

The high priest is Li Ji's only support. If the high priest has the strong prestige of the past, even if the beast king has countless backers, the court and the army do not support Li Ji, the high priest can still easily resolve these difficulties.

But if the high priest no longer had the terrifying prestige and support he used to have, Li Ji would have no hope of ascending the throne at all, and forcing herself to ascend the throne would only put her in a desperate situation.

On this point, Nezha knew very well, because he had listened to the emperor analyze the situation of the beastman empire more than once and why the beast king spared no effort to suppress the high priest.

"My lord, what should we do now?"



"Wait for the news from Zhu Ji, and wait for the Beast Lord to take the initiative to step down the steps for Li Ji."

The smile on the corner of Su Chen's mouth was very sunny and hearty, like the brightest sun in the world.

He has already calculated everything.

The snow ape clan will definitely attack the orc empire no matter what the cost!
The Beast Lord will also bow his head!
The orc empire is about to usher in an exchange of political interests, and this exchange of interests determines whether Su Chen's layout can end perfectly.

Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

The weather is getting colder and colder, and the snow keeps falling. It seems that several houses collapsed yesterday.

The buildings of the orcs are relatively thick, and even such buildings will be crushed by the heavy snow. Su Chen couldn't help but worry a little about the people's livelihood of the Great Xia Dynasty.

However, the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion should be able to deal with these problems very well. Before the winter, the Great Xia Dynasty had made a lot of preparations.

This winter, nothing major should happen.

In the past half a month in the Beastman Empire, Su Chen has not been idle. He personally sits in the township and directs the people on the rooftops to travel around the whole country of the Beastman Empire. statement.

The members of Dengtian acted as relatives of human businessmen in several cities, and killed themselves on the street, in front of the government, etc. by means of suspended animation.

With his death, he declared that it was the bear man and the animal officer who tortured him to extract a confession, and forcibly described the innocent human businessman as the internal agent of the Great Xia Dynasty.

Although the method is rough and tragic, it does not deny that it is really useful.

After all, some people used death methods to prove the innocence of the captured human merchants. In addition, in this winter, the Great Xia Dynasty has been very quiet, without any movement.

Deng Tiantai wisely did not pour the disaster on the beast king, but chose to let the bear man and the beast official take the blame.

The whole country quickly accepted this statement.

"Too hateful!"

"How can you do this? Even if you are an enemy of Daxia, you can't kill innocent humans!"

"They're just doing business, they've done their duty, and they haven't done anything wrong!"

"The bear man beast officer is too hateful, does he have any trouble with the high priest? Why did he frame the high priest!"

Every intelligent race has a group of sympathetic people. Countless orcs have accused the bear-man and beast officials, and even the city's orc officials who are overwhelmed continue to speak out, demanding that the beast king severely punish the bear-man and beast officials.

It's not that they support the High Priest, it's that they're annoyed by the constant stream of human merchants who commit suicide to prove their innocence.

The act of ascending to the roof is crazy, they have the support of most of the human caravans in the orc empire, besides, it is not a real suicide, it is just creating momentum, which is very easy for ascending to the roof.

Originally, the high priest thought that the Beast Lord would quickly counterattack and continue to attack his reputation. How could the Beast Lord watch all his previous efforts go in vain?
But unexpectedly, the Beast Lord didn't make any statement, he was very quiet, and sat and watched the situation turn around, and the high priest's reputation gradually returned.

More and more orcs re-supported the high priest and re-understood the importance and historical background of the position of the high priest. There were also more orc officials who were successfully bought under the banner of the high priest.

The power of the high priest has risen again.

But the Beast Lord remained indifferent, and there was no news or movement from the Beast Palace.

It's not that the Beast Lord doesn't want to make a move, but that he has new worries. It can also be said that he doesn't have the energy to take care of these shitty things now.

In the past half month, he has put all his energy on the snow ape tribe in the west.

Originally, the Snow Ape Clan had been very stable these years and did not provoke the Beastman Empire. In order to concentrate on targeting the Great Xia Dynasty, the Beastman Empire did not arrange many troops in the western border cities to prevent it.

But in the past half a month, there have been news from the military newspaper, and the intelligence shows that the Snow Apes are preparing for the army assembly and are ready to move.

This made the Beast Lord both angry and helpless, this damned snow ape clan really knows how to pick the time!
They actually stood up at this time and disrupted the overall plan of the Beast Lord.

Although the Beast Lord is not afraid of the Snow Apes, what he desires most is to conquer the Great Xia, not to have unnecessary entanglements with a bullshit tribal race.

The Beast Lord was forced to be helpless, and kept sending people to communicate with the Snow Apes, hoping to appease the Snow Apes through some non-war means, and at the same time constantly supervise and pay attention to the changes in the situation in the west.

In the past half month, the Orc Empire has been exceptionally peaceful, without the undercurrents of the past, it is a bit terrifyingly quiet.

Is this the calm before the storm?

Nobody knows.

On this day, the tranquility of the orc empire was broken by an emergency military report from the west, which broke the tranquility of winter!

"Western has fallen! The Snow Ape Clan is attacking in a big way!! The total strength exceeds 200 million!!!"

The stern roar of the beast language pierced the tranquility of the morning, and the orcs on the street turned around one after another. They saw the opening of the city, and an orc cavalry riding a giant wolf was covered in wind and frost. run wildly.

His direction is the Beast Palace.

 Fourth more.

  The bosses have all shot, and it is unreasonable not to add.

  It's almost 0 o'clock, and the poor writer Jun hasn't even had dinner yet.
(End of this chapter)

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