First emperor of the human race

Chapter 3 I will not die for a day, but you will always be my ministers!

Chapter 3 I will not die for a day, but you will always be my ministers!

"whats the matter?"

Su Chen looked at Li Nianzi and said, "Say!"

Li Nianzi was awakened by Su Chen's voice. He lowered his voice and said in a trembling voice: "There are three urgent reports from the military! It is related to the domestic rebels and the orc empire! The envoy is already waiting in front of the imperial study, please make a decision, Your Majesty! "

This is a big deal!

The situation in the Great Xia Empire was in turmoil. The former emperor passed away, and the eight princes refused to accept Su Chen's rule.

But now, bad news has also come from the Beastman Empire bordering the Great Xia Empire, and the frontier is shrouded in dense clouds of war.

"What are you panicking about!"

Su Chen reprimanded lightly, his expression was calm, making it hard to see his emotions.

Even Li Nianzi, the old eunuch who had been with His Highness Ninth for 20 years, suddenly felt that His Highness Ninth was a little strange at this moment.

The eight princes rebelled!Self-respect!
The orc empire is eyeing up, leading the army to attack!
No matter what it is, it is a huge turmoil!
Now the Great Xia Dynasty is facing a catastrophe, but His Majesty doesn't know why, when Li Nianzi saw Su Chen's deep eyes, he felt relieved.

What happened to His Majesty today can give people an unprecedented sense of security.

It seems that any difficulties and catastrophes are not worth mentioning in front of His Majesty!
"Your Majesty, do you want to drive to the imperial study to meet the envoy of the military newspaper?"

Li Nianzi took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked softly, bending over and kneeling.

"No need."

Su Chen shook his head, and said lightly: "Show me your car, go to the Hall of Supreme Harmony! Pass on my will, and announce to all officials to see you!"

The Great Xia Dynasty was founded by Su Chen 10 years ago in his previous life. Su Chen in this life would not just watch the great disaster of the Great Xia Dynasty and ignore it.

The Great Xia Dynasty is the strongest force in the human race! It was 10 years ago, and it is still in this life!

Today, Su Chen will make a good rectification, meet all the officials, clean up the court, and make peace with the outside world!

The Hall of Supreme Harmony, located in the center of the palace of the Daxia Dynasty, is an important palace for the emperors of the Daxia Dynasty to go to court, perform ceremonies, and amnesty the world.

The Hall of Supreme Harmony is as calm and peaceful as ever, with majestic palaces and temples standing tall, and soldiers in black armor standing on both sides of the 99-story white marble palace staircase.

This group of terrified soldiers is the Imperial Forest Army of the Great Xia Dynasty, and each of them has at least the strength of the Sanqing Realm.

As soon as Su Chen arrived, he could feel the atmosphere of chill and silence in the palace, and even the air was a bit dignified.

The golden chariot came slowly, and the maids, servants, and soldiers on both sides of the road knelt silently.

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

"Meet the Emperor!"

They respectfully kowtowed to the luxurious chariot.

After getting off the chariot, Li Nianzi stepped forward in small steps, hurriedly led the way, and led Su Chen all the way to the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Li Nianzi took a deep breath, lowered his head, bound his hands, and walked out from the inner door next to the throne of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

He opened his voice, and a hoarse and sharp voice sounded: "Your Majesty is here!!!"

The sharp voice broke the deathly silence in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. All the civil and military officials had been waiting here for a long time, their eyes staring at the empty throne.

Su Chen ordered Su Daji to wait behind the curtain in the inner hall, and he strode into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Inside the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the top bears heavy eaves on the roof of the hall, and the bottom sits on three layers of white marble steps, which are painted with golden dragons and seals.

It is the place where each generation of Great Xia emperors arranged for major events in the world.

The throne that countless people long for is here.

Su Chen was wearing a nine-dragon yellow robe, a jade bead curtain and a crown covering his face, walking like a dragon and walking like a tiger. He walked into the Hall of Supreme Harmony, looked around, and countless people looked at him.

He is the emperor!

He is the emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty!
The prime ministers of the three princes, the major families, and the ministers of civil and military affairs are all wearing official robes at this time, standing solemnly with their hands tied.

The civil and military ministers are divided into two columns, one on the left and one on the left. The three prime ministers and the current generals are in front. This group of people looked at Su Chen calmly.

No fear, no respect, more scrutiny.

Su Chen swept a group of civil and military officials lightly, and sat down in front of the dark yellow dragon head throne.

Li Nianzi hurriedly said loudly: "All officials see you!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The voices sounded one after another, not neatly nor loudly.

Even Su Chen could see that the assistant ministers left behind by the previous emperors who were at the forefront of civil and military affairs didn't bother to speak, and just knelt down and saluted perfunctorily.

It seems that my situation in this life is not optimistic.

Su Chen's mouth curled into a faint smile.

"Everyone loves to be flat."

Su Chen spoke lightly, then smiled and said: "I have been enthroned for three days, this is the first court meeting."

"It was supposed to go to court tomorrow morning, but there was an urgent military report, so I specially summoned all my lovers to discuss this matter."

Su Chen's voice was soft, as if he was a good old man.

When the new emperor ascends the throne, most of them need to rely on the support of the original courtiers.

Especially the current situation of the Great Xia Empire is worrisome. In the minds of the civil and military ministers, Su Chen will not do something that will disturb the court at this time. When the new emperor ascends the throne, he must first stabilize people's hearts.

The civil and military ministers stood up and listened to Su Chen's words in silence, but no one spoke.

Su Chen waved his hand.

The old eunuch Li Nianzi who stood at the side understood, and hurriedly shouted: "Xuan, the envoy of the military report is here!"

The gate of the Hall of Supreme Harmony opened, and a sergeant in black armor hurried in, exuding a pungent bloody smell, as if he had just come off the battlefield.

The armor is full of battle marks, the battle robe is stained with blood, the hair is disheveled, and the eyes are full of anxiety.

The civil and military officials frowned one after another, and many of them held their noses and hurriedly backed away, fearing that they would not be able to avoid it.

The armored man took two steps in three steps, knelt down in front of the white marble steps, and said in a hoarse voice, "Si Yi, Lieutenant of the Si Family Military Academy, pay homage to the Emperor!"

The Si Family Army, the most important combat army of the Great Xia Dynasty.

The Si family army rose up at the beginning of the founding of the Great Xia Dynasty, and made great contributions to the Great Xia Dynasty for 10 years. Generations of generals have emerged in large numbers, resisting the enemy for thousands of miles, quelling civil strife, and majestic.

The current general of the Si family army, the head of the Si family, Si Long, is also Su Chen's imperial teacher.

From a certain point of view, it can be said that Su Chen's ascension to the throne as the new emperor as the Ninth Prince is inseparable from Si Long's full support.

"Pingshen, don't need to stick to the etiquette, just talk about the business."

Su Chen said in a deep voice.

"Thank you, Emperor!"

Si Yi's voice was trembling, and instead of standing up, he kowtowed heavily in front of the hall, his voice trembling with sorrow, and said loudly: "Emperor. Seven days ago, the Orc Empire changed, and led an army to raid the border of Great Xia. They fought bloody battles with our army for three days and died in battle. Dozens of generals! 10 soldiers!"

"The frontier war situation is endangered, General Silong came to the frontier to sit in person, and the commander of the Orc Empire sent someone to submit a military report, intending, intending"

Si Yi's voice was half-spoken, choked up, tears streaming down his face, and he didn't know how to speak.

"Speaking of which, what does the Orc Empire want to do?"

Su Chen's voice was calm, and a pair of deep eyes under the jade curtain crown looked directly at Si Yi.

Si Yi took a deep breath and said tremblingly, "The Orc Empire intends to force Daxia to cede Taihe County, Chenbei County, and Sanyi County! Otherwise, they will never retreat!"

The land of the Great Xia Dynasty is vast and boundless, with a total score of ten counties. This orc empire is ambitious and wins the first battle. It will threaten the Great Xia Dynasty to cede three counties unconditionally!

"What a big breath!"

Su Chen sneered, his face gloomy.

The Beastman Empire is the old enemy of the Great Xia Dynasty. The two sides have conquered each other for tens of thousands of years. Even in Su Chen's previous life 10 years ago, the Beastman Empire was always ready to move. It's just that at that time, Su Chen suppressed all races, so they didn't dare to act presumptuously.

Today, Emperor Su from 10 years ago is absent and mysteriously disappeared; the Orc Empire frequently harassed the Great Xia Dynasty, and even sent troops at the most turbulent moment in the Great Xia Dynasty to pinpoint the vital points of the Great Xia Dynasty!

"A bunch of ambitious bastards!"

A minister got angry, his white beard trembled, his face flushed with anger, and he couldn't help but scolded in front of the room: "These bastards of the orc empire really think that there is no one in my Great Xia!"

Except for a few ministers who couldn't help jumping their feet in anger, there were more silent civil and military ministers.

This group of people looked at the humerus ministers left behind by the former emperor.

There are three auxiliary ministers left by the former emperor, ranking among the three companies, Sima, Situ, and Sikong, the three major positions.

The Great Xia Dynasty abolished the position of prime minister thousands of years ago, and the Sangong is the highest position of power under the emperor. It is not an exaggeration to say that the power is overwhelming.

Su Chen also noticed the small movements of the civil and military ministers in the court.

Su Chen couldn't help but sneered in his heart, not long after I ascended the throne, I started to have different ideas, if it goes on for a long time, will my throne be taken away by Sangong too!

"This matter is a big one. Let me think about it and ask Guo Sikong, what's the best way to teach me?"

Su Chen's voice sounded faintly, breaking the silence in the hall.

Sangong has been sitting in this position for decades, holding his own power, most of the civil and military courts have their own systems, and they work under Sangong's command.

If Su Chen wants to revive the imperial power, he must find a way to deal with these three people.

Either collect it for your own use, or go all out!
Guo Sikong is 56 years old, he is the youngest minister in Sankilometer, and he is also the most tactful minister.

Hearing the emperor's words, Guo Sikong hurried out of the line, knelt down with his hands tied, swept his sleeves and kowtowed: "Your Majesty, I think that the orc empire's thieves are not dead, and they violated our Great Xia border, and the thieves' hearts should be punished. It’s too peaceful, we still need to settle down inside, and then help outside.”

Su Chen raised his brows, a little surprised in his heart, he couldn't see that Guo Sikong was usually not very considerate and respectful to the new emperor, but he was not ambiguous in business matters.

Although Guo Sikong's words were vague and perfunctory, his attitude was very clear.

Anyone who offends Daxia shall be punished!


Su Chen nodded and said with a smile: "I also have the same intention. Pass on my decree and order General Silong to stabilize the frontiers. His eldest son Siyu leads the army to clean up and suppress domestic turmoil. If the orc empire is not dead, General Silong has the right to make decisions. You can send out a large army to attack the orc empire!"

As soon as Su Chen said this, the civil and military officials of Manchu Dynasty looked at each other, Guo Sikong raised his eyebrows in surprise, and remained silent.

Before Si Yi could thank you excitedly, Chen Situ and Wang Sima immediately turned pale with shock, and they all went out together, knelt down, and kowtowed wildly: "Your Majesty, absolutely not!"

"At this time, the country is in turmoil. If the Beast Empire is provoked at this time, the country and the country will be unstable! We suggest that Your Majesty can seek peace with the Beast Empire, and the priority is to appease the frontier!"

Sangong's voice just fell, before Su Chen could express anything.

The court was full of civil and military affairs, and two-thirds of the ministers came out and knelt down, kneeling behind Chen Situ and Wang Sima, and shouted loudly: "Your Majesty, I implore you to take back your will! Peace is the most important thing, don't make mistakes!" State affairs! Lost the hearts of the people!"

Guo Sikong didn't say anything, he was still silent, two-thirds of the people in the hall disappeared in an instant, and one-third of the people who were still standing were all from Guo Sikong's people.

Su Chen had no expression on his face, and no one could clearly see his appeasement.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the hall was a little silent.
Si Yi, who was kneeling in the crowd, couldn't help raising his bloody face, angry and distressed, and looked at the civil and military men in the court hall in disbelief.

The Si family army fought bloody battles on the frontier, how many Si family sons buried their bones in a foreign land!

What is the picture?
Or not to keep the backbone and dignity of the human race!
But this group of people who are rich and poor, in order to seize power and control the court, regardless of the dignity and interests of the empire, act recklessly!

Your Majesty, today's first court meeting was forced into the palace by the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty!

This is not at all advising His Majesty, these two people are trying to give His Majesty a blow!

The school lieutenant, Si Yi, was full of pain, so he could only kowtow deeply, waiting for His Majesty's will.

If nothing unexpected happened, His Majesty might agree with Chen Situ and Wang Sima's decision, right? !

After all, they represent two-thirds of the court, and even if the late emperor was alive, he would not dare to ignore the thoughts of these two people, no matter how absurd the decision they made!

Guo Sikong sighed silently.

The atmosphere in the hall was a little silent and a little dignified.

After a long time.
"Do you think that I, like the late emperor, can be easily controlled?"

Su Chencai spoke lightly, his voice was so calm that no one could hear his emotions or anger, but this sentence made Chen Situ and Wang Sima's hearts tremble.

"Today, I will tell you a truth!"

Su Chen stood up, standing on the white marble steps, his cold eyes swept across all the kneeling ministers, and his voice sounded like thunder beating on everyone's hearts: "Da Xia Dynasty, the surname is Su! Wait for me to remember you!" Live, I will not die for a day, and you will always be ministers!"

(End of this chapter)

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