First emperor of the human race

Chapter 4 I want you to be sick, and you will get sick if you are not sick!

Chapter 4 I want you to be sick, and you will get sick if you are not sick!

The civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were all shocked by the emperor's words.

Su Chen's domineering attitude made people feel at a loss.

Is this still the humble and pure Ninth Prince?

"It is my decree that Chen Situ and Wang Sima are too old to be directors. In order to show the emperor's favor, they are given to go home to recuperate and suspend their political duties."

Su Chen stood in front of the throne and spoke lightly.

In a word, the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty were shocked.

The two ministers who held great power were brought down so simply and neatly?
What kind of excuse is this? It's clearly the Emperor's decision!
If Su Chen wants to engage in Sangong, what's the point of this court if it can't be handed down from above?
Guo Sikong was also stunned. He was not like Chen Situ and Wang Sima who fought for power and disregarded the interests of the empire, but he never imagined that the new emperor would dare to do such a thing!

On the first day of the court meeting, the two ministers with the highest civil and military prestige in the Manchu Dynasty were directly knocked out!

Guo Sikong knew that the reason why Chen Situ and Wang Sima came forward to propose a peace proposal was because they joined forces to target him. As long as it was a decision made by him, they would most likely oppose it. This is a problem left over from history.

The first emperor would usually take into account the prestige of the Sangong's family and the deep-rooted influence in the court, and after careful consideration, he made a decision just now, and he was not as bold as Su Chen at all.

"Your Majesty! Absolutely not!"

Not long after Su Chen's words fell, Ministers from the Ministry of Industry appeared on the list, crying profusely, kowtowing and shouting: "Chen Situ and Wang Sima have served the country for 38 years! They are meritorious officials, veterans of the two dynasties, and auxiliary ministers! "

"If His Majesty decides to make decisions about the two lords, not to mention affecting the reputation of the two lords, His Majesty will also be greatly affected."

"If everyone in the world knows how His Majesty treats old heroes, how will the people in the world treat His Majesty?"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry babbled on, speaking with sincerity, as if Su Chen had done something disrespectful by touching Chen Situ and Wang Sima.

At this time, Chen Situ and Wang Sima cannot come forward, but the officials behind them will jointly plead for them to let His Majesty withdraw his will.

They have played this trick too many times.

"To shut up!"

Su Chen shouted violently, his voice full of murderous intentions, which stopped Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry's words abruptly, and also made other courtiers who were about to move and want to speak up to speak out stunned.

Your majesty's temperament is completely different!
Not as gentle and elegant as before, but with more inviolable majesty and courage, Baiguan faced Su Chen as if he was facing a real supreme figure, and people couldn't help but feel trembling.

"Another decree to announce to the world: Minister of the Ministry of Industry, who is not feeling well, resigns from his old age and returns to his hometown, please resign. I am heartbroken and do everything possible to persuade him to stay, but he is seriously ill and cannot be a director, so I have no choice but to agree."

Su Chen took a deep breath, and his tone was extremely cold: "Have you written it all down?"

"The old slave will write it down, and when he goes to court, he will arrange for people to draft an edict and announce it to the world."

Li Nianzi bowed softly to salute.

"Your Majesty, I, my health is very good!"

The minister of the Ministry of Industry was dumbfounded, and couldn't help shouting: "Your Majesty, you can't do this! The old minister is in good health, and you don't want to tell the old man to return home. You are deceiving the people of the world."


Su Chen's voice sounded faintly.


From behind the luxurious screen of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a beautiful figure floated by, and a scent of fragrance filled the Hall of Supreme Harmony in an instant.


There was a clear sound of a sword being unsheathed, and a cold and supreme sword intent erupted.

A cold light flickered between the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty, and then the sound of a sharp weapon entering the body sounded.


The hands of Shangshu Gongbu were broken from the shoulders, and the cross-section was extremely smooth, which shows that the sword wielder is extremely powerful!


Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry was stunned for a moment, and then there was severe pain, and blood shot out, making him roll in pain in a pool of blood, and his voice was shrill and hoarse: "My hand!"

The pampered minister, how could he bear such pain? Before he struggled a few times, he was already unconscious on the spot from the pain, and his breathing was weak.

Everyone was stunned, Manchao Wenwu's heart trembled, his heart was throbbing, and he looked at the white marble stairs in fear.

There was a woman in a long white palace dress, with a light veil on her face, standing quietly beside the emperor. She had a graceful figure and a seductive breath, and she held a long sword dripping blood in her hand.

It's her!
This is the woman who just hurt Minister of Industry!
She must be Dijun's person!

"Legendary world!"

Captain Si Yi's voice trembled, full of surprise and fear.

He has been on the battlefield for a long time. Although his strength is low, he can roughly see Daji's strength at a glance.

Manchao Wenwu suddenly felt a thump in his heart, his face was pale, and even Guo Sikong, who had been treating him calmly, couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

Dijun, when did you have such a powerful hole card!

There is actually a great master in the legendary realm who has been lurking beside the emperor!

In the entire Great Xia, General Si Long was the only one who was a master in the legendary realm. With his own strength, he resisted the invasion of foreign tribes and made great achievements in battle!He is also the pillar of the Great Xia Dynasty!
The three lords teamed up and finally tricked the first emperor to transfer Silong out of the imperial capital, just to better control the situation in the court, but now, there is a second legendary master!
"What are you still doing in a daze? Didn't you see that Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry had a serious illness? He's not called an imperial physician yet!"

Su Chen's voice sounded faintly, neither happy nor angry, no one could see through him.

Guo Sikong couldn't help but shuddered, and all civil and military officials in the court fell silent.

Everyone, at this moment, felt that Dijun was really a stranger
Is he still the Ninth Prince who was manipulated by others?

No, not anymore!
He has changed, or he has been forbearing all the time, until he became the throne, at the first court meeting, he showed the sharp minions belonging to the Su family!


Li Nianzi hurriedly answered tremblingly with his head down, he didn't dare to look up at Daji, so he ordered the little eunuch beside him to inform the imperial physician, and then arranged for someone to send the Ministry of Industry Minister back to the mansion.

I want you to be seriously ill, you will get sick even if you are not sick!

This courtroom belongs to me!Not your ministers!

Su Chen's voice was indifferent, without turning his head, he turned and left, leaving all the kneeling ministers behind and ignored him.

A group of thieves who don't respect the emperor, let's live for a long time, we can play slowly!
The civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were left alone, looking at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to do now.

"Sima, what should we do now?"

Some ministers looked at Wang Sima cautiously, waiting for their attention.


Wang Sima's mouth was full of bitterness, and his cold eyes were full of fear. He was still immersed in the power of Su Daji's previous sword.

What should we do now?
What else can I do!
You can only obey the emperor's will!
If you don't obey the emperor's will, the minister of the Ministry of Industry will be the end!
After leaving the court, Su Chen did not drive back to the palace, but ordered Li Nianzi to secretly recruit Si Yi and wait in the imperial study.

And when Su Chen was sitting in the dragon carriage, thinking about the situation in the court and the next step, suddenly there was a sound of dragon singing in his body, and his blood was surging!


The majestic but lingering breath sounded, and the dragon's chant was clear and audible, filling the dragon chariot, and was also heard by the palace people near the dragon chariot, who quickly knelt down and kowtowed.


Su Chen frowned. He could feel a mysterious and powerful aura rising from his body. This was the power originating from the depths of his blood, and it was the imperial dragon aura that belonged exclusively to the Su family!
At this moment, the sound of the system suddenly came from Su Chen's ear.

"Drip! The master completed the first court meeting, and the evaluation was perfect. He activated the royal dragon energy in his body, replenished system energy, and perfected the system's summoning function."

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment when he heard this, and then couldn't help a smile from the corner of his mouth.

So, the system energy has been fully replenished?
Can I summon gods and demons without limit?

It seems that the layout and means originally planned can be slightly adjusted.

(End of this chapter)

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