Chapter 32

Not only Lei Zhenzi didn't want to compete with Li Yuanba, even Bai Qi and Zhao Yun walked around Li Yuanba.

This guy, a pure beast, didn't have such long-winded routines at all when fighting, and he opened and closed.

With his hammer down, the whole world can be quiet.

"I lost"

Ah Da was full of bitterness and muttered to himself, he couldn't accept this fact even now.

He claimed to be the second warrior of Da Xia under Si Long, but now he couldn't even defeat a warrior of the same rank, and he couldn't even take a single move from Li Yuanba, which made Ah Da feel ashamed.

After all, for Ah Da, Li Yuanba was just a lucky guy who was valued by the emperor. He didn't know the strength of Captain Da Xia Tiejun at all, it was so terrifying!
What the hell, you have a sledgehammer of three thousand catties, you should have said it earlier!
If I had said earlier, I wouldn't fight with you, it's impossible to win at all!
My broken sword only weighed thirty catties
The staff and servants of Wang Sima's mansion all looked stiff, their morale was low, and they had no intention of fighting again.

Even the most powerful Ah Da is no match for Lieutenant Li, and they probably won't be able to kill him with a single blow if they are tied together.

Although Nirvana warriors are not as terrifying as legendary warriors, it is still very easy to kill hundreds of warriors whose strength is below Nirvana realm.

"Seize yourself."

Sima Yi said lightly: "I can make the decision and give you a decent way to die."


Ah Da's face was full of ferocity, and he turned to look at Wang Sima.

Wang Sima looked gloomy and gave him a wink.


Ah Da drew out the swords of the staff beside him, and shouted: "Follow me to fight a bloody road and escort Wang Sima out of the city!"


The servants and aides raised their spirits, and the sound of shouting and killing resounded.


Li Yuanba sneered: "The defeated general dares to be rampant! Since you don't want the honorable death that Master Sima Yi will give you, then you will be punished by someone else!"


Li Yuanba held up the sledgehammer in his hand and shouted violently: "Die!"

This guy has such a loud voice that it can deafen people's ears.

With this pair of sledgehammers, a spiritual light emerged from the body of the hammers, and the thunder was unparalleled, and they smashed down fiercely with great force!

Ah Da's face froze. He wanted to turn around to avoid it, but found that his body could not move. He was captured by Li Yuanba's aura, as if a mountain was pressing on his head, and his legs were weak at this moment!


A huge muffled sound echoed, and void ripples appeared in the turbulent air.

Li Yuanba's sledgehammer slammed on Ah Da's body fiercely, smashing the number one expert in Wang Sima's mansion into a ball of blood foam on the spot.

The ground in the courtyard of the mansion was trembling, and a large pit appeared.

The pit was full of pungent, foul-smelling blood, and only the fragments of the tight-fitting cloth of the warrior lay pitifully in the big pit, introducing the former identity of this ball of blood to the world.

This was Li Yuanba's all-out blow, a master in the Nirvana realm, was smashed into a ball of blood foam on the spot!
"Kill! Not one left!"

Li Yuanba stuck out his tongue and licked off the visceral blood froth on his lips. His eyes were extraordinarily cold, like a peerless killer, and his body was full of violent murderous aura.




The army soldiers behind Li Yuanba shouted in unison, and everyone stepped forward in unison, forming an army to defend against the enemy.

As a brave general, Li Yuanba's strength is so powerful, the soldiers under his command are naturally imposing.

The two sides fought into a group, and the servants were powerless to resist. Without the commander of Ah Da, their personal combat effectiveness was not as good as that of the regular army, and they naturally retreated steadily.

This is a one-sided slaughter.

Sima Yi always had a faint smile on his face, his deep and calm eyes pierced through the courtyard and battlefield, and fell on the ashen-faced Wang Sima.

When this chess game falls, the overall situation of the imperial capital has been decided.

At the same time, the Minister of Rites visited the home of the Southern Dynasty.

"Master Nan, the emperor ordered Yun to lead his team to raid the house, and I hope Master Nan will not make things difficult for Yun."

"It's natural. Captain Zhao please, everything in the mansion, but it's up to everyone to count."

Southern Xun was smiling, although he had been defeated, he still did not lose his demeanor, with his hands behind his back and a clean green robe, he let the soldiers keep filing in and entering the mansion.


Mrs. Nan's pretty face was full of sadness, and she tightly grasped the cuffs of Nan Xunchao. Beside her were a group of young children, the oldest of which was only a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

The children were watching in panic as this group of murderous soldiers broke into their homes and kept carrying things away.

From this moment on, the Ministry of Rites Shangshu Mansion is no longer their home.

The cruelty of politics is not limited to this, the Southern Xun Dynasty was able to save the lives of his wife, children and himself, it was the emperor's kindness, the Southern Xun Dynasty knew this truth well, and he did not dare to ask for more.

But, in this heart, I don't know why it is extra bitter.

I have been an official for decades. During the period of the first emperor, the three princes controlled the court. In order to protect my future and my life, I was forced to stand in line.

In the end I still lost.

It's not that I am willing to fight against the emperor, but in this officialdom, as long as there are traces of a certain faction on my body, can I get out easily?
Even if you have a good journey all the way, you have to face the ending of failure in the end.

Except for the high-ranking king of a country, who is a courtier, how can there be someone who has always been in power?
Nan Xunchao sighed slightly, feeling very complicated in his heart.

It's a pity that Wang Sima can't see through this point, and the power has already deceived him.

Mrs. Nan's voice was trembling, and her tears were rippling: "Husband, where are we going?"

Home is gone, where else can I go?

They are all pampered people who can't even farm, so what else can they do?

Moreover, the ambition of the husband in his life has already become a victim in this political struggle in the imperial capital.

"I'm sorry, ma'am."

Nan Xunchao sighed, with a look of guilt on his face: "It's my husband's poor eyesight, who misread the situation and hurt my wife and children."

"If there is an afterlife, I will make cattle and horses for my husband, and repay the love of today's wife."

"Husband, don't do this. The worst thing is not to be an official. Regardless of whether the husband is rich or poor, the concubine and the children will never leave."

Soon, in less than a stick of incense, the soldiers filed out.

This is inseparable from the efficiency of the soldiers under Zhao Yun's command. Of course, the Minister of Rites' Mansion is surprisingly simple, and there are not many things that can be raided.

"Master Xie Nan cooperates."

Zhao Yun smiled, cupped his fists and saluted.

"You go."

Nan Xunchao smiled miserably, swept his sleeves, and looked up in the direction of the palace with complicated eyes.

He sighed, held the hands of his wife and children, took a nostalgic look at the place where he had lived for decades, looked up and was about to leave.

"Master Nan, please stay."

Seeing this scene, Zhao Yun quickly shouted and ordered the adjutant to deal with the next thing.

"Captain Zhao, what else is there?"

Nan Xunchao turned around, and said calmly: "Could it be that the emperor has confiscated the house, and still won't let me live?"

"Master Nan is serious, the emperor has no intention of killing you."

Zhao Yun smiled. He took out a golden scroll from his pocket and handed it out.

"This is?"

Nan Xun jumped at his eyelids and quickly looked over.

"This is the secret decree of the Junji Pavilion. The new Minister of the Junji Pavilion and the Minister of Rites, Guan Yiwu, has heard that Mr. Nan has been the Minister of Rites for decades and has a lot of experience; he specially sent Yun to come here to secretly announce that Master Nan will enter the Junji Pavilion. "

Zhao Yun smiled slightly, leaned in front of Nan Xunchao, and said softly: "Master Guan Yiwu said: I also hope that Master Nan can calm down. As long as this matter is over, he is willing to accept Master Nan and hopes that Master Nan will help him. Don't despise him." Officials are light and people are small."

As soon as Zhao Yun's words fell, Nan Xunchao's whole body trembled, and his heart beat faster.

Is this back to life?

Is this the second chance God gave me?

Where is the Military Machine Pavilion?
That is the newly established power organization of the emperor, and the power of the Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion is so great that it even surpasses the ministers of the Three Dukes!They rule the country's military and political power!I can make an order on behalf of you!Deal with national affairs!

The newly appointed minister of the Ministry of Rites, as the Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion, is also known as the official and the insignificant?
Nan Xunchao smiled wryly and shook his head. He took a deep breath and looked at Zhao Yun: "Is this true?"

The Southern Xun Dynasty couldn't figure it out, Guan Yiwu, as a minister of the Military Machine Pavilion who was in the limelight, had any reason to put down his figure and win him over?
"Yun dare not falsely preach the imperial decree."

Zhao Yun clasped his fists and said in a deep voice: "Emperors love talents, I must have heard of Master Nan, even Guo Sikong can be taken under his command, why doesn't Master Nan abandon his secrets and turn to the bright?"

"Master Guan said that one day you will be a minister of the Great Xia, and you will be a minister of the Great Xia in this life."

"The imperial decree has been delivered. I hope Master Nan will take care of where he is going. Yun needs to go to the next family."

Zhao Yun cupped his hands, turned around and whistled, "Boys, let's go!"


The soldiers responded loudly, retreated with chariots and horses, and disappeared at the end of the street.


Mrs. Nan's voice was soft, she looked at her husband with some expectation in her eyes.

"That's it."

Nan Xunchao's voice was bitter, he raised his head to look in the direction of the palace, and murmured softly: "This is not Guan Yiwu's order, this is the king's heart, the king's heart is unpredictable, the king's heart is unpredictable!"

Nan Xunchao laughed loudly and said loudly, "Housekeeper!"

"The old slave is here."

"Find an inn and settle in the madam, master, and ladies."

"Master, what about you?"

"Old man, I want to enter the palace and have a long talk with the new Minister of Rites!"

At the same time, the outer hall of the imperial palace, the military aircraft hall.

"Brother Zhong, these imperial decrees of the Southern Tour have been sent out, do you want to inform the emperor?"

"Of course it must be announced. Any imperial decree issued from the Military Aircraft Pavilion must be informed to the emperor."

"No, I mean, do you want to explain it to Dijun, otherwise we simply accepted Nan Xunchao and others, I'm afraid it will make Dijun feel bad."

Chen Qun looked at Guan Yiwu who was smiling all over his face, and he said quietly: "You have a big heart, you know, what is the most taboo thing for a king?"

"Do you think His Majesty has seen the content of the imperial decree, and you still need us to explain the reason?"

Guan Yiwu raised his eyebrows and laughed: "Chen Wenchang, you underestimate Your Majesty."

Chen Qun is very smart, but he is not good at changing his mind and being cunning. He thought for a moment, and smiled awkwardly: "That's right. It seems that I think too much."

"Okay, it's all done."

Guan Yiwu put down the pen in his hand and sent the last imperial decree to Zhao Yun. He sighed with relief, picked up the tea and squinted his eyes to taste it.

"Our work has been done, now, it's up to Sima Zhongda."

Guan Yiwu smiled lightly: "I'd like to see if he is really as cunning and scheming as the emperor said."

Like military officials, outstanding and outstanding civil servants also have the mind to test and compete with each other.

Wolves are with wolves, sheep are with sheep.

Only those who are equally outstanding can stay in the Military Machine Pavilion for a long time.

 A [-]-word chapter, please recommend!Ask for a reward!
  The plot of the situation in the imperial capital is almost coming to an end, and the following is the aspect of the entire Great Xia Dynasty!Thousands of races are fighting openly and secretly, let's see how Emperor Su can cover the sky with one hand and build the unyielding and proud human race!
(End of this chapter)

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