First emperor of the human race

Chapter 33 Sima Yi's Humiliation

Chapter 33 Sima Yi's Humiliation
In the royal study of the imperial palace, Li Nianzi asked to see him, and brought him the imperial decree drawn up by Junji Pavilion today.

"It seems that these ministers of military affairs are really hardworking. There are three fires when a new official takes office, and the first fire is on my decision-making."

Su Chen looked down at the content of these imperial edicts, and couldn't help laughing.

These several imperial decrees are the imperial decrees formulated by Guan Yiwu and issued to the Southern Xunchao and others. The Military Aircraft Pavilion will forgive some of the officials who have resigned and reappoint them.

This decision was jointly decided by Guan Yiwu, Chen Qun, Shang Yang and others.


Li Nianzi lowered his head, and said softly: "Your Majesty, now the imperial capital is full of wind and rain, and all the officials have already declined, but now the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion have given hope to the nobles of the imperial capital, which may affect your majesty's subsequent decision-making."

As Su Chen's confidant eunuch, Li Nianzi did not dare to intervene in court affairs, but he understood the emperor's thinking more or less.

The emperor wanted to take advantage of this domestic and international crisis to solve the problem of the power of the nobles in the imperial capital in one fell swoop. The first step was to start with the elimination of all officials in the court.

"No, you don't understand."

Su Chen shook his head and smiled meaningfully: "Just wait and see, this imperial capital will soon change; if they don't have some brilliant means and clever strategies, why do I need to form a military cabinet?"

"This old slave is stupid."

Li Nianzi was taken aback, quickly knelt down to salute, and silently exited the imperial study.

This was the first time Dijun mentioned his thoughts about the government affairs of the dynasty in front of him, but he didn't dare to continue listening.

If you want to live a long life, you should recognize your own status.

"Ha ha."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head, without any desire to explain too much, he lowered his head and continued to process the memorial in his hand.

There are a large number of memorials that are handled by the Military Machine Pavilion, but Su Chen still needs to personally review and approve important events and military information.

Su Chen is very clear that the reason why Guan Yiwu and others want to accept Nan Xunchao and others is not to destroy Su Chen's layout and decision-making.

First, because after the resignation of the hundred officials, the number of basic officials and outstanding officials in the imperial capital has a huge vacancy. Guan Yiwu and others want to use some of the connections of these old officials in the southern tour to strengthen the political influence in the court. force.

Second, accepting Nan Xunchao and others is also slowly dividing the internal gentry forces in the imperial capital, so that the imperial capital gentry forces will not jump over the wall because of the failure of Wang Sima and Chen Situ. See new hope.

The gentry need to see that the emperor is still willing to reuse the signal of the gentry disciples, which will make them less resistant to the rule of the imperial power and avoid greater chaos within the imperial capital.

Because Su Chen's previous intention to confiscate the family and crazily suppress the two grand dukes sent a political signal that was not very friendly to the nobles of the imperial capital.

Guan Yiwu did this not only to follow Su Chen's goal of maintaining the stability of the imperial capital, but also to achieve the effect of dividing the power of the nobles in the imperial capital from within.

As long as a group of old officials such as Guo Sikong and Nan Xunchao serve Su Chen, the entire imperial capital's gentry forces will not be able to hold together.

It sounds complicated, but politics is that complicated.
Perhaps, there are deeper considerations and layout goals that even Su Chen has not seen through, but Su Chen no longer cares.

Guan Yiwu and the others have already begun to show their skills, and he feels relieved to leave these trivial matters to them.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

At the same time, Wang Sima's mansion.

The courtyard was in a mess, with dead bodies lying there, and the pungent bloody smell rose into the sky, even a few streets away could smell a bloody smell.

Hundreds of servants and aides all died.

Li Yuanba alone killed two-thirds of the people. As soon as this humanoid monster entered the arena, all the servants and staff in Wang Sima's mansion lost their resistance and fled blindly.

After all, they are not a regular army, there is no strict military discipline, and there is no general to command them.

"We lost?"

Chen Situ was trembling with fear. He looked at Li Yuanba who was covered in blood in horror, his lips were trembling, and he muttered to himself.

Where did this murderer come from!
How could that little emperor have such a peerless general under his command!

Chen Situ still can't figure out why the emperor has such great determination, and dares to send troops to sweep the entire palace of hundreds of officials in the imperial capital in a flash!
He... isn't he afraid that the political system of the Great Xia Dynasty will collapse overnight? !

Wang Sima's face was gloomy. Although he was facing a dead end, he still didn't act as miserable as Chen Situ.

Sima Yi was too lazy to talk to these two, waved his hands, and said flatly: "Come here, tie me up and go to jail!"

Shang Yang, Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion, had already requisitioned the prison in the imperial capital. This time when all the officials resigned, many people would definitely resist. These officials may not be killed, but they will be locked up.


A group of wolves like tigers rushed up, tied up Chen Situ and Wang Sima without saying a word, and dragged them away from Wang Sima's mansion.

"You villain, stealing the old man's position, you will regret it sooner or later!"

Wang Sima stared at Sima Yi, his voice was low and extremely stern.


Sima Yi suddenly laughed. With his hands behind his back, he walked into the bloody courtyard, took a deep breath, and sighed, "This place is good. I want it. This is my mansion!"

Sima Yi knew that he was Su Chen's confidant, a mere mansion of Sima Wang, and he could take it as he wanted, but Su Chen would never take it to heart.

"You! You damn villain! I want you to die!"

Wang Sima's eyes opened angrily, he vomited blood in anger, his beard trembled wildly, wishing he could struggle with the shackles of the soldiers to find Sima Yi desperately.

This villain actually wants to rob his family property!

Threatening my Sima Zhongda, do you have the qualifications?
Sima Yi didn't look at Wang Sima at all, he raised his hand and pointed at Wang Sima's family members, wives, children, servants and others who were tied up by the soldiers: "All these people stay here. My Da Sima Mansion lacks some servants and servants. It's the right group of people."

Wang Sima's family members and others looked at Sima Yi in horror. This man killed without batting an eyelid, and even stood in the blood pool of the horrifying corpse without changing his expression.

If we fall into the hands of such a person, how can we still get along well?Surely life would be worse than death!

damn it!
He actually let the old man's family members serve as slaves and servants, what a shame and humiliation!

When Wang Sima saw this scene, he spit out a mouthful of glaring blood, his old body trembled, his eyes fluttered, and he was so angry that he passed out.

The dignified veterans of the two dynasties, even if the political struggle failed, their family members would not be reduced to such a bleak situation.

If the family members are killed by the emperor and punished, he will admit it, but the person who will manage his family members is the new chief Sima!
The huge family property was seized and the family members were maliciously detained.

For Wang Sima, it was as if his self-esteem was thrown to the ground by Sima Yi and trampled on with his feet.

This is something no man can accept.


Li Yuanba frowned, glanced at the group of poor and frightened family members, walked to Sima Yi, and said in a low voice, "Master Sima, this is not good. You should detain the offender's family members privately. The emperor may not be able to explain it."

As a minister of the Military Machine Pavilion, it is true that you are deeply favored by the emperor, but you can't be so nonsense!
This is a sensitive period. Aren't you afraid that the emperor will blame you for doing this?
Li Yuanba didn't know why Sima Yi would do such a thankless thing since he should be a very smart person as the Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion.

Could it be that this is just to humiliate Wang Sima?

If it was Li Yuanba, he would naturally disdain to do such a thing. Killing people is nothing more than a nod. They are already finished. Why do you continue to humiliate them?
"Why, Lieutenant Li, do you need me to draw up an imperial decree before you are willing to keep someone?"

Sima Yi took a deep look at Li Yuanba, and said indifferently: "I will explain to the emperor, you leave the man behind, and ten soldiers are fine."


Li Yuanba glanced at Sima Yi, clasped his fists and said in a low voice, "The last general will leave."

After finishing speaking, Li Yuanba stayed behind, turned around and led his troops and left.

He is a general with a rough nerve, he persuaded and persuaded, and he just didn't listen. Of course, Li Yuanba didn't expect to go to the emperor to make a report, he didn't bother to do such despicable things.

"A rough man."

Sima Yi looked at Li Yuanba's back and murmured to himself: "However, this martial skill is not weak. According to Si Long's information and achievements, if he fights to the death with all his strength, he should not be weaker than Si Long."

 The plot in the next chapter will explain why Sima Yi humiliated Wang Sima.

(End of this chapter)

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