Chapter 337 The Maid
"This is……"

"Dijun, looking at this movement, it should be that the ruins are about to be opened."

Jamieba said excitedly that he came here for the ruins, but met Su Chen and the others on the way. Speaking of which, this can be regarded as his fortune, a fortune even greater than the ruins.

"Well, it's not today, but three days later. This is the breath from the ruins when the seal was broken. It looks like this, and the seal will disappear completely in three days, but..."

Su Chen didn't finish his sentence, how wide his vision is, from the soaring glow, Su Chen has already seen that this seal was broken by people with great means, not naturally.

It's just that the other party must have found another way, and must have used some special means to break the seal.

"Then Dijun, let me use this pendant to enter it now, so three days is enough for us to get a lot of benefits."

Jamie said excitedly.

"Hehe, what do I need those things for?"

Su Chen shook his head and smiled lightly.

Is there anything in the world that is more precious than the treasures of the Great Emperor in the Great Emperor's Treasure?
The so-called relics may be treasures in the eyes of many monks from all races in the Eight Desolation, but Su Chen may not be able to see them.

And just when Jamieba was puzzled and planned to ask Su Chen what he meant, Su Chen said again: "Those things are useless, but I won't give them to the foreigners in the Eastern Wilderness."

"I am only going for these aliens this time. The blood debt must be paid in blood. I have enslaved the human race for such a long time, and now it is time for them to pay the price."

"And this ruin was originally left by the monks of the human race. They want what's in it? Then you have to ask me whether I agree or not."

Su Chen's words had a murderous intent, like the wind blowing in the cold winter, chilling Jamieba beside him from his bones to the depths of his soul.

On the other side, hearing Su Chen's words, Linglong's eyes also shot brightly. She had never heard such bold and ambitious words.

In the past, even the arrogance of the human race would never dare to say such things in Donghuang, let alone do such things.

"My lord, I want to go with you, okay? I'm not afraid of your jokes, that relic was left by my ancestors, otherwise I wouldn't be able to enter it with the Essence and Blood Pendant."

Linglong looked at Su Chen with a begging face and said, she knew that her strength was low, and she might drag Su Chen and others down inside, but the relic was left by her ancestors after all, and she wanted to go in anyway to have a look.

"elder sister……"

Hearing Linglong's words, the other four girls who had never spoken before also spoke at the same time, with worried expressions on their faces.

"It's okay, you guys will find a way to go back to the tribe later. The ruins here are about to be opened. It must be safe to go back to the tribe at this time. Let's go, and I will find you when I come back from the ruins."

Linglong glanced at the four girls and said.

Hearing Linglong's words and seeing their appearance, Daji walked to Su Chen's side and whispered: "Emperor, I think these girls are pretty talented, and I seem to accept them, do you think it's okay? "

For a long time, Daji and Yunzhuxin and Yunzhuyu have been self-sufficient. It is okay if they are in the Great Xia Palace, and there are maids to serve them.

But as long as they go out with Su Chen, there is not even a waiter by their side. After all, walking outside, if the maid has no strength, it is very dangerous.

Daji didn't want to turn around and take care of the maid when she was in danger.

But now, after seeing these four young girls with fragrant physiques, Daji also has a heart of cherishing talents. I think Su Chen will not refuse this matter. At that time, under her guidance, the four of them should be able to get along soon. Can become a good accompanying maid.

Hearing Daji's words, Su Chen was also taken aback. He really didn't pay attention to this issue for a long time.

But now that I think about it carefully, it seems that Daji and the others are indeed few caring maids who can take them with them when they go out, which is indeed a bit inappropriate.

Thinking of this, Su Chen also took a look at these four girls. They are only in their twenties or eight years. Although they have missed the best time for practice, he doesn't intend to train them all to be peerless masters.

They just need to be able to protect themselves in the face of danger, provide some help when necessary, and serve Daji and others in normal times.For this point, Su Chen felt that there was no difficulty at all.

"Ask them what they mean. If they agree, I will approve the matter."

The maid is a servant after all, Su Chen thinks about this kind of thing very open-minded, if the four of them disagree, then Su Chen will not force it.

After all, so what if they are of Youxiang physique?

As long as Su Chen is willing, he can cultivate a group of excellent and powerful maids at any time.

Hearing Su Chen's words, Linglong was also taken aback. Donghuang is different from Zhonghuang. In the Donghuang mainland, people with low strength like her four younger sisters rely more on luck to survive.

If one day one of them is unlucky, it is possible for something to happen, just like this time, they were caught by a foreign race because they were different?
As for the matter of following the strong, there is no precedent in the Eastern Desolation Continent, and those "strong" of the human race can hardly protect themselves.

The suppression of them by the alien race is relentless. Most of them live in a state of wandering without a fixed place. No one knows whether they will be surrounded by the alien race in the next moment. Naturally, it is impossible to bring a few burden around.

"You have heard what Dijun and I said, so make up your mind, we won't force this matter."

Daji said with a smile.

Hearing Daji's words, the four women all looked at Linglong at the same time, and Linglong simply said: "What are you still doing in a daze? It's your chance that the adults can see you, so hurry up and kneel down."

Linglong was very anxious. For her, these four younger sisters survived a catastrophe, and the future blessings came.

As for serving people or something, is there anything more important than being alive in the Eastern Wasteland?
Besides, Linglong could tell that these people were all strong men of the human race. Compared to what would happen if they fell into the hands of a foreign race, Linglong would be terrified of what would happen.

"Okay, since you all agree, then I won't ask you what your names used to be. From now on, you four sisters will be ranked in spring, summer, autumn and winter according to age. Do you understand what I mean?"

Daji glanced at the four daughters and said.

"I'll wait to understand."

The four girls kowtowed to Daji respectfully at the same time and said.

The matter has basically been settled, these four girls are called Xiaochun, Xiaoxia, Xiaoqiu and Xiaodong by Daji according to their age.

Although the name is simple, it is very easy to pronounce, and when Su Chen saw this, he also took out a few pills from the emperor's treasure.

These pills are not rated high, they are only holy grades. Of course, compared to Su Chen, none of the things that he can store in the emperor's treasure are ordinary grades.

Under Jamieba's extremely envious eyes, the four of them took the holy medicine called Yijinchangmai Pill one after another.

Seeing the four girls curled up on the ground in pain, Su Chen said indifferently with his eyes: "Stick to your own heart, if you can't even pass this test, then I don't want you."

Linglong looked at the four younger sisters on the ground in pain. She was heartbroken at this moment, but she didn't resent Su Chen, although she didn't know what the elixir Su Chen took out.

But when Su Chen took out the elixir, she already felt it. It was the same aura as Misty Lingxi. Although she still felt a little unbelievable, Linglong knew very well that this elixir was probably a holy product.

Would it be a simple man who could take out a few holy pills and give them to his servants to swallow?
This also strengthened Linglong's guess about Su Chen's identity. There must be a big secret behind this man, and maybe he can improve the situation of the Eastern Wilderness.

As the time passed, the four girls finally survived the pain. Seeing the dirty appearance of the four of them, Jamieba, who had witnessed all this, suddenly let out a light sigh.

At this time, the four girls were completely different from before, and now their aura was more ethereal. Jamieba didn't know how to describe them now, but this did not hinder his longing and expectation for Su Chen in the slightest.

If he is lucky enough to be given such a few pills, it will be of great benefit to his practice!

"I made it clear in advance that after taking Yijin Changsui Pill, from now on you will be the maids of several empresses. I don't ask you to have high martial arts talent in the future, but loyalty is a must."

"This is the heart-eating pill. If you eat it, everything about you will be known to the empresses in the future. If you don't obey, you will die. But it also has an advantage, that is, your martial arts realm can be instantly promoted to Nirvana environment, are you willing?"

Su Chen's words were calm and direct.

He has never been stingy with people around him, and he is willing to accept foreigners with good temperament, but his principle will never change, that is, he must ensure the loyalty of his subordinates!
The four of them had already lost their best years of practice, and Su Chen didn't have time to cultivate their loyalty slowly, so Heart Biting Pill became the best choice.

Don't look at its ugly name, but it is also a real holy medicine elixir. After all, it is produced by Su Chen, so it must be a high-quality product...

(End of this chapter)

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