First emperor of the human race

Chapter 338 You have no chance

Chapter 338 You have no chance

There is no such thing as a free lunch, and there is a price to be paid for getting anything.

Seeing the four of them swallowing the Heart Pill without hesitation, the corners of Su Chen's mouth also rose slightly.

He didn't lie, after the four girls swallowed the Heart Pill, their aura and spiritual power began to increase rapidly.

"call out!"

The aura of heaven and earth is fluctuating, as if there is a vortex here, madly absorbing the aura of the surroundings.

It wasn't until the four of them reached the pinnacle of Nirvana that everything returned to calm.

Originally, Su Chen could also summon some maids for Daji and the others from the system, but he also wanted to give these four people a chance, a chance that they would no longer have to worry about being alive.

"Thank you, Dijun! Thank you, Empress!"

Seeing the joyous appearance of the four people in front of her, Daji was also happy for them.

The heart-eating pill is said to be a means to make them loyal, but it is actually a measure to protect them. After all, they will be the personal maids of Daji's daughters in the future.

It is inevitable that they will also be targeted by the enemy, and if they can always pay attention to Daji and others who are thinking in their hearts, they will naturally be able to respond quickly.

After a lot of twists and turns, Su Chen finally didn't waste all his good intentions.

Perhaps it was because of the difficult life in daily life, the four of them were extremely quick in doing things. Although there were still some minor flaws in some things, they were all minor problems.

After arranging the girls, Su Chen handed the Sumi Cleansing Bottle to Fan Wujiu, and asked him to take the Sumeru Cleansing Bottle to the gathering place of human races guided by Linglong. After all, there are still many human races in the bottle, and Su Chen also Impossible to take them all with me.

After everything was settled, two days had passed.

At dawn, under the service of Daji, Su Chen got dressed. Today is the day when the ruins will be opened, and Su Chen will naturally not miss it.

Two days ago, due to the relics, the real masters in Golden Crow City had no time to pay attention to them. Even after being killed by Su Chen in Golden Crow City, no one came back to check, which shows how much they value the relics.

Many foreigners are afraid of Su Chen and others, thinking that after returning from the ruins, the masters in the city will definitely settle accounts with Su Chen.

But today, Su Chen plans to go to the ruins in person.

But for the sake of safety, Su Chen does not intend to bring Daji and Xivir into it this time. After all, the dispute over the relics is likely to turn into a chaotic war in which the human race is targeted by foreign races.

Although Daji is already an existence at the pinnacle of the Legendary Realm, and Xivir is even more powerful in the Realm of Wonderland, Su Chen still doesn't want the two of them to take any risks.

Su Chen has not yet fallen to the point where women need to fight. The Great Xia Dynasty is getting stronger and stronger, and Su Chen has more masters and cards in his hands. There is no need to be afraid of today's trip to the ruins.

"Dijun, I don't know how many aliens have gathered at the ruins. You should be careful in everything, and don't take risks if you can't do anything. The slave family is here waiting for your safe return."

While carefully arranging Su Chen's clothes, Daji said softly, "Remember, you are not alone now. Behind you are our sisters, as well as countless people of the Great Xia Dynasty."

"Well, I understand, but you should also pay attention to safety. With Sivir here, you don't have to worry about the ordinary real fairyland, but if you encounter a powerful enemy, you must not stay here stubbornly."

"Although the world is big, there are very few who can hurt me. As for the Eastern Wilderness, no one can get into my eyes."

Su Chen knew Daji's temper. Although it is unlikely that there will be a surprise attack from the real fairyland of other races in Jinwu City this time, after all, the ruins have been opened, and they should all enter it.

But everything is just in case, and with Daji's stubborn temper, if she said to stay here, she would definitely stay here.

After all, Su Chen never forgot the scene of Daji defending the imperial city.

For this reason, Su Chen also had to take precautions in advance.


Daji was moved in her heart, and smiled sweetly: "Don't worry, my family knows how to advance and retreat, but please ask the emperor to put his own safety first, and don't put yourself in danger."

Outside the house, it was as if God felt that a war was about to start.

Since last night, it has been raining non-stop, and the dense clouds cover the sky airtightly, giving people an extremely depressing feeling.

"Let's go, I want to see how high the level of this strong man in the Eastern Wasteland is, and my human race, which is contained, doesn't even have a monk at the peak of the legendary realm."

After Su Chen enveloped Linglong with the strong wind, everyone instantly turned into a stream of light, rising from the courtyard and flashing away in the direction of the red sky.


The place where the ruins are located is a land of outstanding talents with beautiful mountains and green waters. The huge waterfall hangs down like mercury from the sky, and because of the erosion of the waterfall, a huge pool of water is making a loud noise at this time, which makes people It can be heard clearly from far away.

And in the pond, a ray of red clouds pierced into the sky like a giant pillar supporting the sky. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would have thought that there was an ancient relic in this pond?
Beside the waterfall, a man wearing a red gold robe stared at Hongxia in the pool with his eyes like an eagle's.

Two days ago, there was a powerful man who forcibly broke the seal with supreme means, but he still underestimated the strength of the seal after all. After using all means, the seal still persisted for two days.

But at this moment, the seal couldn't hold on any longer. Seeing the seal getting weaker and weaker, the corners of the man's mouth also rose.

"My lord, the seal will be completely broken today. According to the agreement, you can enter and choose one of the treasures first, but I will talk about the ugliness first."

The man in the golden robe looked at an old man beside him and said, "If there is still a ban on entering, then the Lord of Fire can't stand by and watch."

"What did Prince Jinwu say? Although the old man was lucky enough to break the seal, it was because he killed 1 people here. Without the blood and resentment of these 1 people, even the old man would not be able to deal with this seal." half point."

A foreign old man with red hair and various strange runes tattooed on his body smiled and said: "If there are still prohibitions, it is no problem for the old man to make a move, but when the time comes, you have to capture these human races for the old man. Otherwise, I am afraid that I will be powerless at that time."

"Hmph, so Venerable Raging Fire doesn't intend to make a move? This place is barren, and it's close to the Sun City of Prince Jinwu. Even if they are human races, I waited thousands of miles to catch them everywhere."

"At this time, the ruins are about to be opened. Does Venerable Agnifire plan to ask me to catch tens of thousands of people first before entering?"

The person who spoke was a stone man, and the aura and horror emanating from him were actually powerful cultivation bases of the real fairyland.

"That can't be helped. You were all there when I broke the seal. I don't think you don't know what kind of important role those 1 people played in it. Without their blood and resentment, you would be old , that is impotent.”

Just as the old man named Raging Fire finished speaking, another foreigner with a bird's head and a lion's body asked hoarsely, "Is it all right as long as blood and resentment?"

"Of course."

The old man smiled, nodded and said.

"As long as you don't specify the human race, it's easy to say. There are a lot of creatures around here. It's easy to catch [-] monks of various races."

The alien with the head of a bird and the body of a lion said.

"In principle, this is the case, but you also know that among all the races in the world, who doesn't have one or two strong people? Except for these lowly and useless human races, if you capture other clansmen, are you not afraid of retaliation?"

Venerable Raging Fire still said that the old god was still there.

"That's impossible. Let us catch all the nearby human races. When this matter is over, I will capture tens of thousands of human races for backup. I don't usually think that these human races are still quite useful at this critical moment."

The alien with the head of a bird and the body of a lion said loudly, his tone full of murderous intent and contempt.

And just when the foreigner with the bird head and lion body finished speaking, a voice like thunder suddenly sounded from beside him: "You don't have that chance anymore, don't worry, I won't let you die so easily , your soul, I will throw it into Shiranui and burn for thousands of years..."

 Seventh more
  Let's update so much first, and update again during the day tomorrow.

  I hope everyone remembers to vote before going to bed!

(End of this chapter)

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