Chapter 339

As the words fell, the aliens with a bird's head and a lion's body could no longer hear them.


This was the sound of blood splattering, and I saw Su Chen carrying the Nine Emperor Sword on his waist, wearing a black gilt fur robe, and his handsome face was full of fortitude.

He stood on the pool like this, and at the same time, he was holding a bloody bird's head in his hand.

And this bird head is none other than the alien who uttered the wild words just now that he wanted to catch the human race and raise him.

"Tick, tick..."

The incision on the bird's head was still dripping with blood.

Seeing this scene, Prince Jinwu and others were extremely shocked. They knew how strong the bird-headed man was, although compared to them, this bird-headed man was still a bit worse.

But no matter what, this bird-headed man was already regarded as the top person in the Eastern Wasteland, and it was such a strong man who died before he even had time to react?

"Who are you?"

Prince Jinwu looked at Su Chen coldly and said.

He was very afraid of Su Chen killing the bird-headed man in an instant, and the Venerable Raging Fire who was standing beside him was also the same. At this time, he had quietly approached Prince Jinwu, and it seemed that he planned to join forces to deal with Su Chen.

"Who is it? I am the Great Xia Emperor of the human race. Judging by your appearance, you are the Golden Crow Crown Prince, right?"

Su Chen looked at Prince Jinwu indifferently, and with just this look, Prince Jinwu felt that he was about to explode.

"Damn it, what's the matter with this guy? Why have I never heard of this kind of momentum, this oppressive force, this kind of powerhouse before?"

Prince Jinwu was secretly startled.

"What? You don't seem to welcome my arrival? What are you doing sneaking around! If you want to make a move, you just have to come, and I will take as many as you come."

Su Chen is unparalleled in arrogance. When he came today, he did not intend to coexist peacefully with this group of alien masters!

At this time, there were only Prince Jinwu and Venerable Raging Fire beside the water pool, but in the dense forest beside it, Su Chen could feel that there were no less than a hundred people in the legendary realm.

And there are a few auras in it that even Su Chen looked sideways at, they are actually peerless powerhouses in the real fairyland.

This is the difference between the Central Desolation and other continents. The suppression of heaven on the Central Desolation Continent is too strong, and the number of legendary-level powerhouses is far less than that of the Eastern Desolation Continent.

Hearing Su Chen's domineering words, Jamieba, who was hiding aside, smiled wryly. Just now, Su Chen ordered him to mix in with these people when he started doing it.

At first, he thought that Su Chen wanted him to be an internal response, but now it seems that he thought too much. Judging from Su Chen's current performance, he didn't intend to ask for any internal response at all.

The reason why I allow myself to be among these people is probably because I don't want them to run away, right?

This is really a domineering and confident king!
"When did the human race dare to talk to us like this? Do you really think that you are invincible if you have two points of strength? You must know that there are mountains outside the mountains, and the mere human race does not find a place to hide. How dare you be so frivolous? Then it appeared in front of our eyes, do you think I can't kill you?"

Not long after Su Chen's words fell, a foreigner whose body was made of stones came out and said.

Seeing this foreigner, Su Chen's expression became a little more serious. This person is one of the few foreign real fairyland experts here, and judging from his aura, his combat power may not be low. .

"Hmph, why, stop talking? Didn't you just be very arrogant just now? How many people come and you can take it? Come on, let me test how confident you are as a human race, dare to speak wild words."

As soon as the stone man's words fell, a soaring brilliance suddenly burst from his body, and the powerful spiritual power actually pushed down the water surface of the pool, which shows how strong this stone man is.

On the other side, seeing the appearance of this stone man, Su Chen also smiled indifferently, and saw that he threw the bird head in his hand into the water, and then his figure also shot out suddenly.

With the immovable mountain seal in his right hand and the sun and moon method in his left hand, Su Chen was shocked when he made a move.


The huge sound even overwhelmed the roar of the waterfall. Under Su Chen's blow, the stone man was blown away for an unknown distance, but he is also a strong man in the real fairyland after all.

The brilliance on the stone man's body was restrained instantly, and then he stopped abruptly in the air, the extremely powerful spiritual power was flying, and the stone man suddenly thrust his hands into the ground.


At Su Chen's feet, a stone thorn suddenly rose from the ground, stabbing towards Su Chen with an invincible force.


Su Chen's figure kept dodging flexibly in the air, as if he was teleporting, and the explosive stone thorns on the ground didn't touch him at all.

"So strong."

Prince Jinwu and Venerable Raging Fire said at the same time.

As a true fairyland, they can naturally feel Su Chen's strength, but they haven't really fought, and they don't know how strong Su Chen is.

But at this time, seeing Su Chen's ghostly movement in the air as if teleporting, even the two of them were shocked.

"If you make a move, how sure are you that you can take him down?"

Venerable Raging Fire whispered to Prince Jinwu who was beside him.

"It's hard to say, his body skills are too weird, but judging from his current performance, I'm afraid I'm not more than [-]% sure of winning him."

Prince Jinwu thought for a while, and then said it objectively: "However, it is not so easy for him to win against me."


Hearing Prince Jinwu's words, Venerable Raging Fire gasped.

Don't look at how many of them were talking about equal status here just now, but Venerable Raging Fire knew very well that if they really took action, Prince Jinwu would definitely be the strongest existence among them.

Not to mention that one equals ten, but Prince Jinwu equals one equals three, there is no problem at all.

Venerable Raging Fire looked coldly at Su Chen who was still "teleporting" in the air.

How proud is the Golden Crow Prince?Even he said that he was only [-]% sure that he could win Su Chen, which shows how powerful Su Chen is.

"In this way, it is very unwise to fight him now. After all, no one can tell whether there are dangers in the ruins. If the real thing is not done, I am afraid that no one present will be able to take down this human race."

"Hey, when did such an evildoer appear on the land of the Eastern Wasteland? It seems that the human race is going to have a share of today's ruins."

Venerable Agni said somewhat unwillingly.

This is the first time in the history of Donghuang that a human race shared their interests with them. In the past, let alone the human race participated, they didn't even have the qualifications to approach.

Just like this time, apart from being captured by them for a blood sacrifice, who else dares to approach here?

The battle between the stone man and Su Chen is still going on.

Everyone doesn't know what Su Chen is, but the stone man is definitely serious at this time. Looking at the violent spiritual power all over his body, everyone knows that he is going to make a killer move...

 eighth more
(End of this chapter)

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