First emperor of the human race

Chapter 340 Entering the Ruins

Chapter 340 Entering the Ruins
Prince Jinwu and the others didn't know what the stone man's ultimate move was. After all these years, there were not many people who dared to provoke him, and those people didn't even know how tall the grass was on their graves.

So for the stone man's hole card, Prince Jinwu and the others still had some expectations, their eyes flickering at the stone man.

However, when the spiritual power on the stone man became stronger and stronger, the red-like relic seal on the side suddenly shattered at this moment.


Just like that mirror, the red clouds soaring into the sky were instantly shattered, and the scene became somewhat calm, and following it, a wild aura emanated from the pool in an instant.

Seeing this series of changes, Prince Jinwu and the others immediately rejoiced. After waiting for so long, the ruins were finally opened.


Prince Jinwu let out a loud drink, and then his figure turned into a stream of light, and disappeared into the pool in the blink of an eye.

"Hmph, you're lucky today, if you have the guts to enter the ruins, I'll kill you."

The stone man glanced at Prince Jinwu who had disappeared without a trace, and then he didn't care about fighting Su Chen, but turned around and jumped into the pool.

Following the actions of the Golden Crow Prince, the Stone Man, and other real fairylanders, the surrounding aliens rushed into the pool one after another. There were so many of them, the number might not be less than [-], and even low-level monks from the Sanqing Realm came. up.

It looks like they want to take advantage of it. Of course, they don't dare to compete with Prince Jinwu and others, they just want to drink soup behind the strong.

The ruins are so big, as long as they avoid Prince Jinwu and others, even if they don't go to the core area, it is enough for them to explore.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area was empty. Su Chen stood quietly on the surface of the water with his hands behind his back. He didn't try to stop these aliens from entering the ruins. Instead, he looked at the entrance thoughtfully.

"Dijun, they have all gone in, should we go in too?"

Beside Su Chen, Jamieba suddenly appeared there. He didn't follow the alien just now, because Su Chen didn't open his mouth, and he didn't dare to cross.

"There is something wrong here, I always feel that this ruin is very dangerous."

The reason why Su Chen didn't stop these aliens was because he found some clues when he got to the edge of the pool.

The ruins are indeed something from the ancient times, but no matter how you look at it, there is something wrong with this seal. Rather than preventing others from entering, this seal is more like sending a signal outside.

Just now Su Chen found out that even if Prince Jinwu and others don't break the seal, the seal will disappear automatically in half a month at most, but by that time, all the strong people on the Eastern Wasteland Road will rush here.

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately reacted.

Conspiracy, this is a conspiracy!
If Su Chen guessed correctly, it was the owner of the ruins who was luring people in.

"I can be sure that this place is absolutely extremely dangerous. You have to think about whether you want to enter, because this is likely to be a trap, a trap set by at least the power of the Heavenly Venerable Realm."

Su Chen said with interest.

Hearing what Su Chen said, Jamieba was also taken aback. If someone else said that, Jamieba would not believe it, but Su Chen said it, so Jamieba had to be careful. Think carefully.

"Dijun, you said this is a trap, but what is he trying to do? You can't be idle and set up a trap to deceive people, right?"

Regarding Su Chen's words, Jamieba did not have the slightest doubt. He had seen Su Chen's ability before. For an existence who could even take out the blood of a high-ranking dragon casually, his knowledge was naturally beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"I don't know what the intention of the owner of the ruins is. This matter is getting more and more interesting. This is a place where chance and danger coexist. I won't stop you from entering it, but if you think about it, from my point of view, Ninety percent of you will die if you go in, so make your own decision."

After Su Chen finished speaking, he went directly into the pool, leaving Jamieba tangled in place alone.


The pool was very deep, and Su Chen had already dived at least a hundred meters, but even so, there was no sign of reaching the bottom.

The water under the pool was very turbid, and even with Su Chen's eyesight, he couldn't see a few meters, but when Su Chen let go of his spiritual perception, he was a little surprised to find that the water had the effect of isolating spiritual consciousness.

At this time, Su Chen had already dived more than 100 meters.


Just when Su Chen was still diving down, an untimely voice rang out.

It stands to reason that he was more than 300 meters underwater at this time, but the voice was so clear that it sounded like it was ringing in his ears.

After hearing this sound, the spiritual power on Su Chen's body also became active at a high speed. He knew very well that this was not a sound that a foreigner could make, and there might be some terrifying creature here.


The weird voice became louder and louder, just as Su Chen continued to dive while keeping an eye on his surroundings.

Around Su Chen, the turbid pool water suddenly became clear, like two heavens and an earth. Here, it's like a plain on land, and you can see far away at a glance.

But when Su Chen opened his eyes and looked around, what caught Su Chen's eyes were corpses, countless corpses of aliens.

Most of the corpses were warm and bloody, their eyes widened in horror, and they all died with regret.

These are the group of aliens who swarmed in just now, and the number may not be less than [-].

And at this moment, a strange "gurgling" sound came from Su Chen's head.

Su Chen raised his head and looked up, his pupils also shrank sharply.

On Su Chen's head, the muddy pool water and the pool water where he was sitting were like two dividing lines, and it was on the other side of the muddy pool water.

As if through the curtain, I saw a huge python-like creature swimming in the turbid pool. Su Chen could vaguely see a few more under its body. It looks like something like a claw.

And every time it twists its body, there will be this weird "gurgling" sound.

"Is that interesting, Jiaolong? Under such a suppression of heaven, there is still such a powerful existence in the Eastern Desolation Continent."

Su Chen didn't do anything extra, but turned around and rushed towards Qi front. Because the water became clear, he also saw the glowing door not far ahead.

And that door is the entrance to the ruins.

On the other side, Nezha, Lei Zhenzi, Linglong and others were walking on a barren grassland, their bodies were wrapped in a ball of golden light, and this golden light was actually emanating from Linglong's hands.

If you look carefully, you can see that it is the pendant in Linglong's hand, and they used the pendant to enter the ruins ahead of time...

 Ninth more.

  Well, please recommend a ticket, let's send it!


(End of this chapter)

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