First emperor of the human race

Chapter 341 The Weirdness Among the Ruins

Chapter 341 The Weirdness Among the Ruins
"Nezha, do you feel it? The flow of laws here is so weird."

Lei Zhenzi frowned, this was Su Chen's arrangement, they split into two groups, let Linglong take the two of them into the ruins first with pendants, and Su Chen himself went to meet those aliens.

But it's amazing to say that the pendant in Linglong's hand was able to teleport them in without getting close to the entrance of the ruins. This kind of power, which obviously has the law of space, even Nezha and Lei Zhenzi looked sideways at it.

"I feel it, be careful, I always feel that something is not right, Miss Linglong, just walk among us, no matter what happens, don't leave our protection."

Nezha frowned, he also felt that something was wrong here.

Surrounded by barren grasslands, except for the yellowed withered grass, there was not a single living thing left.

And this is not the weirdest thing, the weirdest thing is that above their heads, the sky is actually red, not the kind of red reflected by the sunset, but the kind of bloody scarlet.


After Su Chen passed through the light gate, what appeared in front of his eyes was a vast white snow field, with countless towering giant peaks standing in the distance of the ice field. The first feeling Su Chen felt here was desolation, endless desolation.

Grabbing a handful of white snow on the ground, after watching them melt in his hands, the corners of Su Chen's mouth also rose.

The realm of Tianzun, which is almost endlessly approaching the end of martial arts, and further up, is the ultimate existence of the Great Emperor of Proving the Dao. The strength of the Tianzun realm can be said to be above one trillion people.

The powerhouses in the Heavenly Exalted Realm are extremely strong. They have the powerful supernatural powers of moving mountains and filling seas, chasing stars and moons.

It can be said that they represented the most powerful force in the universe during the countless ages when the Great Emperor was out.

Feeling the melting ice and snow in his hands, Su Chen knew that this place must be a small world condensed by the supernatural powers of the Heavenly Venerable.

There is a saying in Buddhism, one flower is one world, one leaf is one Tathagata, and Taoism also has a saying that fallen leaves are full of empty mountains, where to find traces, empty mountains are deserted, water is flowing and flowers are blooming, the sky is forever, and the wind and moon are in the sky.

And these are the artistic conception of great freedom, which is a higher level of realm beyond ordinary people's thinking and cognition.

After reaching this state, one can condense one's own pure land. Back then, Su Chen also had his own palace. Compared with the relic of Tianzun, Su Chen's earth palace is stronger than this.

"Interesting, a powerhouse who can condense his own small world, what exactly do you want on this Eastern Desolation Continent? If you were alive, all the creatures on this Eastern Desolation Continent would not be enough Did you have one palm?"

While Su Chen was talking to himself, suddenly there was a fluctuation of spiritual power in front of Su Chen. It was someone fighting, but the strength of both sides was really unsightly for Su Chen.

The two chaotic little guys were fighting in full swing, while Su Chen stood aside and looked at them coldly.

Two people from different races, of course, there might be no human race in this ruins except for Su Chen and his party, but seeing these two people from different races fight over a snow lotus plant that is still a few years old, Su Chen is still a little bit interested.

Of course, Su Chen wasn't interested in the two of them, nor did he plan to touch the snow lotus plant. Although the snow lotus was estimated to be tens of thousands of years old, things of this level couldn't fall into Su Chen's eyes.

What makes Su Chen interested is the unique laws in the ruins. Although the monks in the chaotic state are not high-level, they can barely be regarded as the threshold to get in touch with the laws of heaven and earth.

But these two aliens have been fighting for no less than half an hour since they fought, and their attacks are still full of extremely powerful law power.

It's just a chaotic state, but they can use the power of laws to fight for so long, and seeing that they don't look tired at all, Su Chen is even more interested in the rules in this ruins.

This is a relic space of its own, with a special power of law, which can slow down the consumption of power of law in every living being?
Su Chen is not sure yet, and still needs to observe.

"Hand over the things, and then I will let you go, otherwise you will die here today."

One of the aliens looked coldly and the other said.

"The beauty of thinking, I discovered the thing first, and I also picked it up first, and you are only at the same level as me. Just because you dare to utter wild words and ask me to hand over the precious medicine?"

The foreigner holding the snow lotus said without giving an inch.

"Then don't blame me for being rude."

As the words of the foreigner who spoke first fell, the sharp claws in his hand began to emit bright light, and Su Chen could see from this light that the power of the law was merging with his spiritual power.

But this is already a method that can only be used in Nirvana, and now it will appear on a monk in Chaos?
When Su Chen was still wondering why, the foreigner holding the snow lotus also lit up with light, and his power was not weak at all.


The fierce collision caused the snow on the surrounding snow-capped mountains to collapse, and the expressions of the two changed drastically when they saw this. They were just in a chaotic state, so naturally they couldn't fly.

And when people of their level face natural disasters, they will definitely not have any resistance. If they don't reach Nirvana or Legendary Realm, they will be no different from ordinary people after all.

Seeing the two people being swallowed by the avalanche, Su Chen frowned slightly, because in his spiritual perception, the vitality of the two people disappeared instantly when they were swallowed by the avalanche.

We must know that no matter how weak the Chaos Realm is, they are still monks after all, so it is impossible for them to disappear so quietly, right?

Just when Su Chen wanted to clean up Kaixue to find out, in the avalanche that had calmed down, a snow lotus bloomed leisurely...


"What the hell is this place!"

Prince Jinwu wanted to scold his mother very much, he could tell that this place was not a treasure at all, but an extremely fierce Jedi.

Ever since Prince Jinwu entered the ruins, weird things happened one after another along the way, which made him hard to guard against.

If there is regret medicine in the world, then Prince Jinwu will definitely not enter this ghost ruin.

Looking at the extremely weak Venerable Agni Fire behind him, Prince Jinwu's eyes flickered, and he wanted to abandon this Venerable Agni Fire countless times to run for his own life.

But if you think about it carefully, it's so dangerous just entering the ruins now, and although Venerable Raging Fire was seriously injured, even one arm was broken, what if it will be useful in the future?No matter how dangerous it is, he can delay for a few minutes for himself, right?

"The prince can go if he wants to, the old man is really dying, if he doesn't adjust his breathing, the old man will probably perish."

Venerable Raging Fire also looked at the Golden Crow Prince with fear. At such a time, he was the only one he could trust. He had to prevent the Golden Crow Prince from killing him suddenly while he was weak.

But don't look at his current weak appearance, if he is really desperate, Venerable Raging Fire is sure that although he cannot die together, he will definitely injure Prince Jinwu severely.

(End of this chapter)

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