First emperor of the human race

Chapter 352 Daji's Creation

Chapter 352 Daji's Creation
Daji was one of the first people summoned by Su Chen, but because she had always been close to Su Chen, except for the battle of defending the imperial capital, Daji had almost never made a move.

The combat power of Su Chen's talents has gradually improved steadily, and the concubine Daji is no longer needed to do it herself.

Now, no matter whether it is Nezha or Lei Zhenzi, they have all successfully broken into the Realm of Immortals, and even the later Sivir broke into the Realm of True Immortals before her.

Although Daji didn't show it on the surface, in her heart, she was still quite anxious.

Now that the Eight Desolation and Heaven are suppressed to be broken, the Legendary Realm is no longer a monk's dome. With people constantly promoted to the Real Fairyland, Daji doesn't want to hold back the emperor, she wants to break into the True Fairyland.

These aliens did come for the ruins, but they were targeted by Daji when they passed Sun City. In addition to the usual perception and practice of martial arts, actual combat is even more important.

The moment of separation between life and death can make it easier for people to break through themselves.

And Daji is taking such a path now, she took the initiative to show up in front of these aliens, and even more actively launched an attack on them, all in order to force herself to stimulate her potential through actual combat.

In fact, none of Su Chen's demon god talents is simple, and Daji has great potential.

Although there were many people in the legendary realm of the foreign race, they were suppressed to death under the flying red clothes.



Following Daji's palm strike, spiritual energy surged wildly, and after a weaker alien legendary realm let out a scream, it was blasted heavily to the side of the city wall.


With the muffled sound of bone cracking, this alien legend died just then.

"what 's wrong?"

Su Chen walked to Sivir's side, looked at her and asked.

Seeing Su Chen's arrival, Sivir was startled at first, because she didn't realize that he had come before Su Chen spoke.

But after seeing clearly that it was Su Chen, Xivir was overjoyed immediately, and then told him all of Daji's plans.

"Isn't this nonsense? After all, this is a city of aliens. No one knows if there will be aliens from the real fairyland passing by. What if the person who comes is the real fairyland?"

Su Chen said slightly angrily, it is also rare for Su Chen to be a little angry because Daji didn't listen to what he told her to put her own safety first.

"Emperor, don't blame sister Daji, there is still me here, if the person who comes is from the real fairyland, I will definitely not let the other party find us."

Seeing Su Chen was really angry, and Xivir also said in a coquettish and angry way like a little girl.


"You've learned badly from following her, and you'll be acting like a spoiled child."

Su Chen said a little speechlessly.

On the other hand, although the number of aliens is dominant, they are not Daji's opponents after all, especially on the premise that Daji has already killed one person, these aliens are defeated like a mountain.

"Damn it, where did this human woman come from? Isn't she too strong?"

A foreigner who is also of the lizard clan said loudly: "Let's retreat first, and then gather people to trouble her. Such a woman is a rare stunner. Her Yin Yuan is of great benefit to our practice."

However, just as he finished speaking, Daji killed another foreigner.

Even with this, more than half of the eight aliens were dead.

With the red dress, the long sword, and the hair fluttering in the wind, under that peerless face, Daji should be like a beautiful woman walking out of a painting.

Surrounded by a strong spiritual energy, Daji's beautiful eyes became brighter and brighter, Su Chen felt something in his heart, maybe her immortal calamity is coming!

The lotus steps are lightly moved, and every time Daji takes a step, the hearts of the remaining three alien legends will beat violently. This human woman is too strong!

And at this moment, layers of black clouds of robbery crashed over the Golden Crow City, and Daji became a true immortal in one battle...



The thunder is flying, and unlike Nezha and Lei Zhenzi's True Immortal Tribulation, which seems to be about to destroy the world, Daji's True Immortal Tribulation seems to be much "gentle".

"This demon concubine is such a great fortune."

Looking at Daji's True Immortal Tribulation, Su Chen also said with a little sigh.

"Dijun, what happened to sister Daji's True Immortal Tribulation? Why does she seem to be so much weaker than us?"

Sivir also asked with a puzzled face, she had never heard of the catastrophe to release water.

Hearing Sivir's question, Su Chen didn't know how to answer it. Although Su Chen knew the reason why Daji's True Immortal Tribulation was so weak, it was related to his system, so he couldn't explain it directly.

After all, the existence of the emperor system is closely related to his identity as the great emperor. Apart from the people summoned by the system, Su Chen would never tell anyone about this.

This is not a matter of trust or distrust. Sometimes it is not a good thing to know too much. Out of protection for them, no matter if it is Xivir or the sisters of the Yun family, he will not tell the emperor about the system. they.

However, as the demon god summoned by the system, Daji's full name should be Su Daji, the nine-tailed celestial fox.

And it seems that her future catastrophes will also be the same, isn't this a great fortune?
On the other side, after seeing Daji's Heavenly Tribulation suddenly coming, the three alien legends who were lucky enough not to die didn't understand what was going on.

"This is an opportunity! Don't let her successfully survive the tribulation. Even if she doesn't turn into flying ash afterwards, she will definitely be severely injured. At that time..."

The legendary strong man of the lizard tribe looked at Daji with a vicious look and said.

However, when the three of them wanted to attack Daji, in front of the three of them, a legendary figure from the lizard tribe suddenly appeared and stopped them. This person was none other than Jamie who had surrendered to Su Chen. bar.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Jamieba, the three alien legends were taken aback for a moment, and then the legendary lizard said, "My friend, let's talk about the rest. It's true that we should work together to stop that human woman from crossing the catastrophe."

It is almost a tacit rule for the ten thousand races in the Eastern Wasteland to join forces to suppress the human race, so instead of being vigilant after seeing Jamieba who suddenly appeared, the three of them looked at him excitedly and said.

They all thought that Jamieba was here to assist them and suppress Daji.


This was the sound of blood flying, because the three of them did not take precautions against Jamieba, so Jamieba instantly killed the two of them as soon as he made a move, leaving only the Legendary Realm who was also a lizard clan with him.

"Are you going to kill him? After all, he is of the same clan as you. If you can't do it, let me do it."

Beside Jamieba, Fan Wujiu appeared, and said with an expressionless face.

"No need, there are eighty lizardmen tribes in the Eastern Wasteland, and this guy belongs to the marsh lizard tribe, and is a deadly enemy with our forest lizard tribe. I won't show any mercy if I kill him."

As soon as Jamieba finished speaking, he made a move towards the opponent. Perhaps because he was eager to show in front of Su Chen, Jamieba's strikes were fatal.

The lizardman turned pale with shock: "Are you crazy?! The human race is ahead, why are you attacking your own people!"

Seeing that Jamieba had completely suppressed the opponent, and it was only a matter of time before he killed him, Su Chen turned his head and looked at Daji in the sky. He knew that Daji already knew that he was back.

But the reason why she didn't come over is probably because she knew that she was angry with her.

"This woman doesn't touch the spring water with her ten fingers, but she is merciless when she kills people, but it doesn't matter, whether you provoke them first or they provoke you first, since they make a move, then I will beg for you. I want some price, it's you, Chen Qingzhi."

Su Chen said calmly.

As Su Chen's words fell, spiritual energy fluctuated in the void, and Chen Qingzhi in a white robe suddenly appeared in front of Su Chen. After he arrived here, he has been hiding around, scrambling for the empress, in case of accidents.

I saw Chen Qingzhi knelt down on one knee respectfully, and said: "Chen Qingzhi, Chen Qingzhi has met the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live!"

After two months, Chen Qingzhi finally came to Su Chen's side.

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(End of this chapter)

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