First emperor of the human race

Chapter 353 Siege and Rejuvenation 1 The New Great Xia Cavalry Army

Chapter 353 Siege and the Brand New Great Xia Cavalry Army
"Aiqing is free of courtesy, is there any trouble along the way?"

Chen Qingzhi's arrival means that Yunzhuxin and Yunzhuyu have also arrived. I haven't seen them for a few months, and Su Chen really misses them a little. I don't know if they are eating well or if they are thinner.

"If you go back to the emperor, the journey will be considered peaceful, and the occasional small thief will be dismissed by the minister."

Chen Qingzhi said lightly, although he said lightly, but Su Chen understood that their journey would not be easy in the environment where the human race was suppressed like Donghuang.

Don't forget, they are not just a few people, but an elite army of [-].

Even if the [-] elite troops act cautiously, they will probably attract the attention of some foreigners.

Such a powerful human army suddenly appeared in the Eastern Wilderness, and those aliens would be damned if they didn't go crazy and attack them.

Su Chen comforted Chen Qingzhi a little, and then asked, "Where are my concubines?"

"Going back to the emperor, my lady and the others are less than a hundred miles away from here. Because I sensed that there are strong men fighting here, I came here to inquire first. I have already ordered people to go back. It will not take three minutes for my lady and the others to arrive. .”

Facts have proved that the two sisters Yunzhuxin and Yunzhuyu couldn't help but want to see Su Chen. In just two quarters of an hour, the two of them, under the protection of the white-robed cavalry, came to Su Chen's side first with Qingqi.


Looking at Su Chen who was already crying into tears in his arms, his heart softened immediately.

"How are you two doing these days?"

There are thousands of words in my heart, but the most common words come out. As long as people are safe, everything will be fine.

"Well, this concubine has always been fine, I just miss you so much, this time it's fine, next time no matter what, no matter where you go, you have to take me and my sister with you, otherwise, otherwise..."

The first one to speak was Yun Zhuyu, otherwise she couldn't find anything to "threat" Su Chen after a long time. After some embarrassment, she got into Su Chen's arms shyly and nostalgicly.

"Zhu Yu, don't do this."

"Dijun, please don't blame Zhu Yu, this girl has been counting the days for the past two months, and she misses you almost to the point of sickness."

Yun Zhuxin said with a smile, although she didn't say a word of yearning, but in her glances, Su Chen could see the passion from the heart.

"What about you? Don't you miss me?"

Su Chen said jokingly.

"Dijun, you!"

Seeing Su Chen's rare narrow look, Yun Zhuxin also smiled slightly, but she still said seriously: "I think, I really want, I think about it day and night, during the time when you are not by my side, the concubine's full life You're all on my mind."

A generous woman is the most admired.

If it was normal, Yun Zhuxin, who has always been calm and cold, would definitely not say these words in front of so many people. Now it seems that she really misses Su Chen very much.

"Haha, I didn't think carefully this time, and there will be no next time."

Su Chen laughed and said.

"Dijun, are you serious? Are you really not going to leave me and my sister out?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Yun Zhuyu in his arms also said excitedly.

"Well, you are not joking."

"But before that, I have one more thing to do."

"Where is Chen Qingzhi?"

Su Chen shouted loudly.

"Chen is here!"

Chen Qingzhi knelt on one knee and said respectfully.

"I order your white-robed army to capture this city, and all alien races in the city who resist will be shot to death."

Su Chen's words had a murderous intent, like a steel knife scraping bones in the cold winter. After he finished speaking, even the air around him seemed to freeze.

"Sir, take orders."

Chen Qingzhi's eyes flickered with fighting intent, and he said loudly.

"Wh... bang!"

As a flare exploded in the air.


The earth was trembling, and this was the sound of thousands of horses galloping. After being bred by the Daxi people and horses, the already handsome Great Xia war horses were extremely powerful.

With the Great Xia's unification of the Central Desert, the strength of the Great Xia army, which has been resting and recuperating, has more than doubled. Originally, the elite troops of the Great Xia only consisted of only three clears, and now the overall strength of most of them has risen to a higher level.

Although it has not reached the chaotic state, it is not far behind, and it is equipped with a war horse that is astonishingly bred by the Daxi people and horses, which is comparable to the strength of the Sanqing state.

Proficient in the art of battle formation, coupled with tacit cooperation and strong strength, he will not be afraid even if he meets a powerful monk from the Eastern Wasteland. This is the confidence of the soldiers of the Great Xia!

It is no exaggeration to say that today's Great Xia cavalry is no longer invincible in the middle wasteland.

The number of the White Robe Army is small, after these days of expansion, they still only maintain the number of [-], but in line with the principle of non-elites, the strength of the current White Robe Army is the lowest and it is also in the late stage of the Sanqing Realm.

If it were in Zhonghuang, such an army would be enough to sweep away all races, because Zhonghuang was under the strongest suppression from heaven and earth. There, even the most powerful Yiren army in the past could only barely guarantee that all members would be able to survive. It's just three clear realms.

"Emperor Rong is waiting here for an hour. After an hour, this city will be the first city that I, Great Xia, took the lead in conquering in the Eastern Wilderness."

Su Chen's plan was naturally clear to Chen Qingzhi. If he wanted to conquer the Eastern Desolation and save the human race, he first needed a foothold as the starting point for the Central Desolation to conquer the Eastern Desolation.

Although the wall of the city in front of me is missing for some reason, it is still very majestic after all, meeting all the conditions for a military fortress.


On the other hand, the sudden appearance of the White Robe Army also frightened the Golden Crow Guard in the city. Although in terms of strength, they are even stronger than the White Robe Army, after all, everyone who can enter the Golden Crow Guard is from the Chaos Realm.

But how many are they?
The entire Golden Crow Guard is only 3000 people, three thousand against one hundred thousand, and it is an extremely elite army of one hundred thousand.

This is no longer a gap that can be made up by the strength of the realm.

One must know that it is not easy to raise a master, this can be known from the fact that the Golden Crow Prince puts all his strength into it, but there are only three thousand Golden Crow guards.

But what happened to those human races under the city?

Not to mention the exaggerated number that made Zhi Wushan speechless, how did he think those soldiers had the strength to fight against his Golden Crow Guard?

Well-trained soldiers in the late stage of the Sanqing Realm plus spirit horses who have a very high tacit understanding and are also in the Sanqing Realm. When did these human races become so strong?

Where did they get the resources and practice skills to form such a powerful army?
Now there are [-], so will there be millions or tens of millions of troops in the future?
What about the agreed ten thousand races to join forces to suppress the human race?

If all the human races in the Eastern Wasteland are like the people below, then our ten thousand races are still suppressing woolen yarn. Who has the guts to challenge the human race forces with a large army of elite human races?
Just when countless thoughts flashed through Zhi Wushan's mind, beside him, a few people suddenly rose from the ground, and then instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the distance, leaving behind Zhi Wushan and the Golden Crow Guards. The members looked at each other.

ran. ran away?

You cowards, run away now!
Looking at the leaders of the Golden Crow Guard who had disappeared in the distance, Zhi Wushan's complexion was complicated, and there was a swear word in his heart that he didn't know whether to say or not.

"That... Qi report to the captain of the guard, the other two captains of the guard have already run away, what should we do now?"

The Golden Crow Guard has a strict hierarchy, which is related to their usual training. As long as Zhi Wushan is still there, no matter how frightened the others are, they will definitely not dare to run away.

Because they had already sacrificed their soul imprints when they joined the Golden Crow Guard, life and death were no longer up to them. Of course, the two guard captains and leaders who escaped were no longer among them.

"Let's fight. Although we are likely to die at the hands of the human race that we usually look down on, we will definitely not be able to run away. If we fight to the death, we may still have a chance."

Zhi Wushan could see very clearly that a few people might be able to escape successfully, but after all, someone needs to stay behind to stop the enemies in the city.

Otherwise, it would be the solution of annihilation of the entire army, and there would not even be a single person who escaped to report.

"Order down, stick to the city wall, counting the days, the prince should be back soon. When the prince comes back, then we will be safe. No matter how strong these human races are, they will not be able to defeat the prince. After all, the prince is the best in the real fairyland. strong."

Zhi Wushan said loudly with a resolute expression on his face.

Hearing Zhi Wushan's words, although the subordinates around him didn't speak, they all knew it well.

Today, they are afraid that they are doomed.

Daji in the sky is still there, but the rumbling thunder calamity has dissipated. Under the protection of Su Chen and other human masters, she has successfully survived the catastrophe...

(End of this chapter)

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