First emperor of the human race

Chapter 36 Redemption Clause

Chapter 36 Redemption Clause
Countless scholars poured into Sima Yi's mansion, and there was no room for people in the small room inside the side door.

Everyone looked helplessly at the figure who looked like a butler who was sitting still, and did not dare to make a sound. Outside, there were servants from various families leading carriages, crowding the street in front of the mansion.

"All right."

The butler heaved a sigh of relief. Finally, all the gentry made notes and records, and he nodded in satisfaction.

The butler took out a piece of paper from his pocket, coughed, looked down at the paper, and said loudly, "Everyone."

"My lord, please tell me."

The drowsy scholars woke up one after another, cupped their hands and listened.

It's all a cup of tea. They haven't seen the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion yet. Although they are helpless, they can only endure it.

The butler glanced at the scholars, and asked with a smile: "My lord is Sima Yi, the Minister of the Military Aircraft Pavilion and Minister of the Ministry of War. Today, the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion went out of the palace together; it is because His Majesty wants them to take care of the mansion. Have you all heard it?"

"Yes, we've all heard that."

The scholars nodded.

"Okay, my adults also know why you are here, this is a list."

The housekeeper handed the papers out of his pocket to the scholars, and said with a smile: "From today onwards, I will sit here for seven days, and within seven days, I will record the things sent by each household, as long as they meet the items on the list According to the request, the officials and prisoners of each family can redeem it.”

The scholars quickly took the list from the steward and circulated it among each other.

"The land points rules of the imperial capital: 5 points per mu of wasteland, 10 points per mu of fertile land, and 12 points per mu of house."

"Gold and silver money point rules: a box of silver is worth 1 point, and a box of gold is worth 10 points."

"Popular domestic servant points rules: 5 points for each servant (based on the servant contract, as long as the male domestic servant is 16-30); for domestic servants who have a cultivation level, 10 points for the first level - the condensed body level, and one level up The realm increases the points by 5 times (men and women are not limited, subject to the servant contract)."


"Official redemption point conditions: 1 points for officials of the seventh rank, 5 points for officials of the sixth rank, 10 points for officials of the fifth rank, 50 points for officials of the fourth rank, 100 million points for officials of the third rank and above; Equal to authentic products.”

The scholars looked at each other, a little at a loss.

What does it mean?Clearly corrupt?A redeemer with a clearly marked price?
The housekeeper looked at the scholars who were frowning, and explained with a smile: "Don't worry about this, everyone. This list was jointly drawn up by the ministers of the Military Machine Pavilion. You should be able to understand, right?"

What do you mean?
This co-author means that the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion can draft their own orders, and then go to embezzle legally!

Is the emperor crazy, he actually gave the Minister of the Military Machine Pavilion such great power?

This group of ministers of the military machine cabinet is not an important minister at the court, they are clearly a group of vampires!
They don’t want curios, they don’t want Danqing, they don’t want calligraphy, they don’t want ancient calligraphy.
Food, land, population, money, mineral veins, exercises.
Which one of these can be compared to antique curios and calligraphy treasures of the former emperor?

Not to mention anything else, there are many noble families in the entire imperial capital, and most of them are families that have been passed down for thousands of years or hundreds of years. They have profound foundations, and the land, food, money, and population are countless.

At first glance at the list, most of the scholars dismissed it, and felt that the minister of the military cabinet was short-sighted. Only a few astute scholars could not help but sweat coldly and their eyelids twitched wildly after seeing the requirements of this list.

For example, if there is a sixth-rank official prisoner who wants to redeem it, then 5 points will be required. If all 5 points are redeemed with grain enthronement points, 250 million catties of grain will be required!

This is equivalent to more than 1000 tons of grain!
Which family can produce so much food?I have emptied all the grain in the grain farm, and I can't get it out!

Then, you must use other points to redeem, such as population, land, money, and martial arts. Use everything from the family to redeem officials and prisoners!
This is equivalent to using the strength of the whole family to save a relative or cousin who has lost power.

This is a loss-making business!
Even if people can be redeemed, the entire family will be greatly weakened, without land, population, money, and food. Can a family member still be called a family member?
Is it necessary to gamble the whole family for a person who has lost power?

The scholars couldn't help thinking deeply.

Moreover, even if their families are willing to save their relatives, they may not be able to get so many points. If any family produces a third-rank official, it will be completely finished!
This is 100 million points, even if you die, you won't be able to save anyone!

Even some scholars who were slow to react could see the mystery in this list. This is not corruption by the ministers of the Military Aircraft Pavilion at all!
This is because they are using the emperor to drive them out of the palace, taking advantage of the situation, relying on the fact that they have officials and criminals in their hands, they want to completely wipe out the entire imperial family!

They want the entire elite of the noble family in the imperial capital to never recover, and to drain all the foundations that everyone has inherited and accumulated over the years!

This... this is too cruel.

The eyes of the scholars flickered, and most of them were ready to quit. Everyone knew that as long as the contents of this list were brought back, most of the families behind them would give up their officials and prisoners.

As long as the family is still there and manages it carefully, it will not be difficult to find another high-ranking official. Why bother with the whole family for a failed person?

It's not worth it!
At this moment, the housekeeper seemed to see the hesitation of the scholars, he sighed, and it was as expected by Master Sima.

At this time, the housekeeper said softly, "I would like to remind everyone that this is the only chance to redeem someone, or to protect yourself."

A scholar was stunned for a moment, and asked suspiciously: "My lord, what do you say?"

"The entire city of the imperial capital has been sealed off. In the next seven days, only entry and no exit are allowed. All 12 iron troops have entered the city."

"After seven days, if there are still officials and criminals in the prison, my lord will join hands with other ministers of the military cabinet to draw up an order and advise the emperor to implicate all the officials and criminals!"

The butler's voice was faint.

Although his voice was soft, when it fell on the ears of the scholars, it was like a thunderclap, shaking people's spirits.

What is Zhulian Nine Clans, that is, all the family members of the official prisoner's seven aunts, eight aunts and nine generations, all of them will be executed!

This is a dead end, it forces them to redeem people!

Otherwise, once the seven days are over, the Military Machine Pavilion will advise that the emperor will decree that the entire family will be buried with the nine clans!
At that time, it will not be a question of whether the background is not. The whole family is dead, and there will be nothing left.

Are you saying that you should just rebel?
Come on, 12 iron troops have already entered the city. There was such a big battle last night. Can you see any rebels?

Nowadays, everyone knows that among the 12 Iron Army, there is at least one Nirvana-level master, and Dijun also has a mysterious Legendary-level master.

With such an absolute disparity in strength, even if the entire imperial capital joins forces, with more than 20 servants and staff, it is still not enough for a legendary master to kill him alone!
In the legendary realm, one person can slaughter a city, this is no joke.

Otherwise, how could General Si Long stand on the frontier alone, making the entire orc empire dare not lead an army to invade on a large scale?
Because the Orc Empire dare not!Even if they also have a legendary realm, they dare not say that they can win against General Silong. Every legendary realm is an important weapon of the country, equivalent to a nuclear bomb.

When the moment of life and death of a country and race is reached, legendary masters will not be easily dispatched.

Because the battle between the two legendary realms is most likely to lose both sides. Once the legendary realm master loses, even if the Orc Empire can conquer the Great Xia Dynasty, the other races and countries in the Eight Desolation Continent will take advantage of the trend. Orc Empire.

The topic is getting a little far.

At this time, in the side room by the side door, the scholars came out in despondency with eyes silent.

"Scholar, what's the matter?"

"Have you met the Minister of the Military Aircraft Pavilion?"

The servants brought back their scholars one after another. The scholars sighed and refused to say more. They just turned their heads and took a deep look at Sima Yi's mansion, and said in a low voice, "Let's go home first, and we'll talk when we get home."

This matter is of great importance, and they dare not make decisions alone, nor can they.

All the carriages will go back wherever they come from.

As for the gift on the carriage?

These gifts are no longer useful, so take them back.

What the Military Machine Pavilion wants is to coordinate the population and resources of the entire imperial capital!
They tried their best to find a relationship, but in the end they didn't even see the minister of the Military Machine Pavilion, and they all returned lonely.

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(End of this chapter)

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